Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:00 pm

There are many more middle of the road Dems than meet the eye.
They are quieter, not as in your face with their behavior. More inclined to considering compromise. They even have been known to cross over to non-democrat slates when voting.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:08 pm
I'd have never guessed that dirtbag leftists were this common — sort of makes mephitic Sanders partisans seem less like principled, if self-righteous, rebels and more like fractious trolls simply following someone else's playbook.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:10 pm
snood wrote:
Why did you vote for Sanders?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:11 pm
engineer wrote: is predicting based on current polling that Biden wins the nomination 24 out of 25 times, 1 out of 25 no one gets sufficient delegates.

If Biden wins the nomination, that is going to be quite an upset of New Hampshire primary history.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:12 pm
Things were/are due for a change.

Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:17 pm
Maybe. We'll see.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:18 pm
blatham wrote:
Most modern popular right wing media has the role of making its audience stupider. There's an example of its success

My stating of relevant facts is an example of me being far smarter and better informed than you are.

Your babbling about right wing media is an example of how a progressive acts when he is incapable of saying anything coherent.

I guess in your case it means you couldn't find someone who you could refer to and say "I think what that guy thinks".
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:21 pm
layman wrote:
As noted in the post above, a precise calculation of mortality rate is unwarranted at this point. Likewise, "expectations" are presumably premature.

It's a good idea to try to determine what we are in for so we can prepare as best we can.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:22 pm
Think back a few years, nobody (HA!) predicted Trump winning.

((actually, not true. I did predict it, even as the majority of Dems said it would never happen.
Of course many of them told me Trump would be gone in less than 100 days...)

Yep. Things change.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:33 pm
I predicted a Republican victory back in 2013.

I predicted in February 2016 that Mr. Trump would be that Republican victor.

Shortly thereafter I predicted that Mr. Trump would lead the Republicans to a 20 year period of control over the White House.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:38 pm
oralloy wrote:
I predicted a Republican victory back in 2013.

April 17, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
H2O MAN wrote:
The presser Obama just gave was shameful.
What a little cry baby. What a little bitch.
I agree. He sounded like he was going to cry. Mr. Green
And now that he's used up every bit of the political capital that he earned from winning reelection, he's all set to be a do-nothing president for the next four years. The voters will be more than ready to make a change by the time 2016 rolls around.
I hope the Republicans nominate Jeb.

April 18, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Take notes. See what else the President is able to achieve now that he has expended every last bit of his political capital in a futile war against America's gunowners.
He might get immigration reform, but only because the Republicans want it too. He certainly has nothing left to push for anything that the Republicans don't want.
Then see what mood the voters are in when 2016 rolls around, after four years of an ineffective do-nothing presidency.

April 19, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
You guys need to set up something like the NRA over there in the UK.
We've absolutely shattered Obama's presidency. He's poured 100% of his political capital into trying to defeat us, and now he has nothing left for his second term. He's going to get immigration reform only because Republicans want it too.
By the time 2016 rolls around, we'll have had four years of an ineffective do-nothing presidency, and the voters will be all set to put a pro-gun Republican in the White House. Mr. Green

April 20, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Just after a president is elected, he has a bit of political capital that he can use to pressure the other side to do as he desires.
Had Obama used his political capital wisely, he could have pushed something through, environmental legislation limiting carbon pollution for example.
He was very foolish to waste all of his political capital on a futile assault against the might of the NRA.

April 20, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
It wouldn't have to be an environmental issue though. Obama had the political capital to achieve "something". What it was, was up to him.
He chose to waste it all in a futile assault against a superior power. Now he'll achieve little with his second term, and then he'll be replaced by a Republican.

April 20, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Obama just blew all of his political capital in this futile assault against the NRA, and now he's got nothing left to do anything at all with his second term. The only reason he's even got a hope of immigration reform is because the Republicans want it more than he does.
And after four years of an ineffective do-nothing presidency, the voters are going to put a Republican in the White House in 2016.

April 21, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Our freedom is secure. Obama has not been allowed to violate the Constitution. And all the political capital that he wasted trying to violate our rights, is now not available for him to do anything else. His second term is a wreck, and a Republican will be elected president in 2016.

April 21, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Thanks for the part you played in helping Obama wreck his second term and elect a Republican as president in 2016.

April 21, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
And we've just shattered Obama's second term. All that political capital that he might have used to achieve something, has been wasted on a futile assault against our superior strength. And after four years of an ineffective do-nothing presidency, look for a Republican to be elected president in 2016.

April 27, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
It was kind of a mistake for Obama to waste all his political capital futilely attacking the NRA.
Whatever he might have used that political capital to achieve in his second term, now he will never achieve.
And after an ineffective second term with nothing to show for it, the voters will be more than ready to put the Republicans back in the White House come 2016.

April 27, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
The only reason immigration reform has a chance (it's not like Obama has any political capital left to push for anything) is because the Republicans want it too.

April 27, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Not a chance. After Obama's gun control debacle, the Republicans are going to retake the White House in 2016.
Obama just frittered away all of his political capital in a childish assault against the NRA, and now he has nothing left with which to achieve anything in his second term. If he gets immigration reform, it will only be because the Republicans want it even more than he does. By the time 2016 rolls around, the voters will be sick and tired of his do-nothing presidency, and they will be more than ready to change which party controls the White House.

April 28, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
The Democrats have already guaranteed that Obama will not achieve anything in his second term, and guaranteed that a Republican will be elected president in 2016.

April 29, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Obama wasted every bit of his political capital in this childish assault against the NRA.
He might get immigration reform, but only because the Republicans want it even more than he does. Other than that, he no longer has any ability to achieve a thing with his second term.
After four years of an ineffective do-nothing presidency, the voters are going to be more than ready to switch which party controls the White House in 2016.

April 30, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
It'll start to sink in I think when Jeb takes his first oath of office. But the Democrats might not fully realize their blunder until Jeb is reelected.
(At least, I hope the Republicans nominate Jeb. But same thing no matter which Republican it is.)

May 3, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Obama has exhausted his political capital and will now achieve nothing in his second term, leading to a Republican presidential victory in 2016.
oralloy wrote:
speaking of Obama's exhausted political capital, you should hear his press conference this week if you haven't already. He tried to explain to a room of skeptical reporters why he isn't a washed up has-been. He failed.

May 3, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Since the Republicans now have a guaranteed presidential win in 2016, I hope they nominate Jeb. I could go for another 8 years of having a Bush in the White House.

May 3, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
It isn't BS that Obama wasted every bit of his political capital in a childish assault against the NRA, and now he has no energy left to do anything with his second term.
The only thing he has even a small chance of achieving is immigration reform, and that is only because the Republicans want it even more than he does.
It isn't BS that after four years of an ineffective do-nothing presidency (see above), the voters will be more than ready to switch which party controls the White House.

May 3, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
Now that Obama has expended all of his political capital, he's going to be doing a lot more "nothing" over the coming years.
The next time we'll see a president with any ability to achieve something will be when a Republican takes office after the 2016 elections.

May 19, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
It doesn't matter much either way. The Democrats can make things worse for themselves by keeping gun control at the forefront, but even if they don't, the damage they've already done to themselves is irreparable.
Obama squandered every bit of his political capital in this futile assault against the NRA, and now he has nothing left to achieve anything with in his second term. We're in for four years of a do-nothing presidency now. The only thing that has even a small chance of getting done is immigration reform, and that is only because there are Republicans who want it even more than Obama does.
And after four years of a do-nothing presidency, the voters are going to be all set to switch which party controls the White House come 2016.

May 19, 2013:
oralloy wrote:
He will have little choice but to do nothing, as doing something takes energy, and he exhausted all his energy throwing a silly tantrum against the NRA.
He might get immigration reform since there are also a number of Republicans who really want it, but he won't be able to get anything else passed.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:40 pm
oralloy wrote:
I predicted in February 2016 that Mr. Trump would be that Republican victor.

February 9, 2016; 9:51 pm (eastern standard time)
oralloy wrote:
I like Kasich, but he is not popular enough among conservatives to defeat Trump. Rubio was the only one who could have done so.
Looks like Trump is going to be our next president.
I hope he nominates far-right justices to the Supreme Court when all those liberal justices retire.

February 9, 2016; 10:08 pm (eastern standard time)
oralloy wrote:
Might as well get used to it. It looks like Mr. Trump really is going to be our next president.

February 9, 2016; 11:32 pm (eastern standard time)
oralloy wrote:
Chris Christie will go down in history as the man who made Trump president. Rubio was the only one who had enough appeal to both conservatives and moderates to allow him to beat Trump.

February 9, 2016; 11:47 pm (eastern standard time)
oralloy wrote:
I am 100% confident that the Republican nominee (no matter who it is) will win the election. The 2013 gun control debacle essentially wrecked Mr. Obama's second term, and that wrecked second term will make an easy win for the Republicans.
But yes, I'm just getting used to the idea. I didn't realize until tonight that Trump was going to be the nominee.

February 10, 2016; 12:04 am (eastern standard time)
oralloy wrote:
I'm not saying that voters will base their votes on the gun issue. I'm saying that Mr. Obama's wrecked second term will be what gives the election to the Republicans.
Mr. Obama wasted all of his second-term political capital attacking the NRA, and as a consequence didn't manage to achieve anything in his second term beyond a few things that the Republicans wanted even more than he did.
Come election day it'll have been a long six years since Mr. Obama's last legislative victory. That's what is going to hand the election to the Republicans on a platter.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:41 pm
oralloy wrote:
Shortly thereafter I predicted that Mr. Trump would lead the Republicans to a 20 year period of control over the White House.

February 14, 2016
oralloy wrote:
Robert Gentel wrote:
I don't think even he would be stupid enough to do the things he says on trade. It would destroy the economy. That is something that would legitimately cause a revolution.
Mr. Trump is setting himself up as someone who is going to do what he says, as opposed to a typical politician who will pander and then change their minds.
I think he really does mean to do what he says.
oralloy wrote:
It's going to be worse for the Democrats than for the Republicans. Trump is going to reshape the Republican Party to fit his views, but I'm upping my electoral predictions now to say that the Republicans are guaranteed to win the next five presidential elections.

February 16, 2016
oralloy wrote:
It'll be Trump. Trump in 2020 as well.
2024, 2028, and 2032 will also see Republicans elected president.

February 16, 2016
oralloy wrote:
I'm basing it on logic, not on wishful thinking. My logic may be wrong. I don't claim infallibility. But it is more than wishful thinking.
oralloy wrote:
Let's compare notes after each of the next five elections. Maybe I'll be wrong. It's happened before. But I've also been right before. We'll see.

February 17, 2016
oralloy wrote:
I'm reminded of Asimov's Foundation trilogy, at the points when the remnant of an old order that is about to be swept away is still acting like they have a future.
Oh well. Let's get on with the future.

February 28, 2016
Oralloy wrote:
I do understand that I could be wrong. The odds are pretty good though that I'm completely right.

March 3, 2016
oralloy wrote:
Hawkeye saw Trump coming long before the first votes were cast.
I didn't see it until the New Hampshire primary results were announced, but have consistently predicted ever since that point that Mr. Trump is going to smash the Democrats so hard that they will be out of the White House for a good 20 years.

March 3, 2016
oralloy wrote:
The right are about to shut the Democrats out of the White House for 20 straight years.
There are some old school Reaganites who don't like how Mr. Trump is going to reshape the Republican Party, but once the Democrats have been electorally obliterated I suspect most conservatives will come around to liking Mr. Trump a lot more.

March 4, 2016
oralloy wrote:
My prediction is not in any way based on psychic ability. What I am doing is like saying "If you drop a baseball off a cliff, it will fall and hit the ground at the bottom." No psychic ability is involved. It's just straightforward logic and reason.

March 6, 2016
oralloy wrote:
It's too late. There was only one shot at defeating Mr. Trump, and that was getting behind Mr. Rubio from New Hampshire on.
All this panic from the establishment at this point is just closing the barn door after the horses have already escaped (is that how the saying goes?), and is just doing pointless damage to the party.
Mr. Trump is going to be our next president, and as such he will have the power to reshape the Republican Party to fit his values. The Right might want to start dealing with that, because it's going to happen whether they like it or not.
It'll be much worse for the Left. They are going to be out of power for a good 20 years.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:51 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Olivier5 wrote:
I was just explaining it to Pinky.
I hope, you succeeded at least partly with this difficult task!

Impossible n'est pas français... :-)
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:55 pm
Brian Schwartz
NEW: They're trying to get the band back together. Former Obama fundraising chief Rufus Gifford has called on over 700 bundlers to back Joe Biden’s surging campaign.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 03:56 pm
layman wrote:
Doctor Lawler estimated people with heart conditions have a one in 10 chance of dying from the disease, compared to less than one in a 100 among healthy individuals.


Here is the PowerPoint slide:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 04:02 pm
Greg Sargent
· 58m
New Quinnipiac poll:

By 56-40, Biden is seen as better than Trump in a crisis.

Among independents, that's 59-33 (!)

Among women, that's 63-32 (!!!)

The poll is simply awful for Trump. Turns out he doesn't have magical chaos-spreading powers, after all:
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 04:11 pm
Biden is seen as better than Trump in a crisis.

Biden is in a crisis all by himself.
Turns out he doesn't have magical chaos-spreading powers, after all:

No, but a senile president will.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 05:03 pm
layman wrote:

Yeah, Ollie, I misspoke. I've already corrected myself on that score. Happy?

Maybe I corrected myself too soon and too generally, eh? According to the NYT:

How dangerous is it?

It is hard to accurately assess the lethality of a new virus. It appears to be less often fatal than the coronaviruses that caused SARS or MERS, but significantly more so than the seasonal flu. The fatality rate was over 2 percent, in one study. But government scientists have estimated that the real figure could be below 1 percent, roughly the rate occurring in a severe flu season.[/b ]

So maybe we're facing the onslaught of a "severe flu season," eh? I think we've survived that before. Well, maybe not my great-grandmother, back in '53, but, still.....

But that aint none too titillating. I think I'll stick with my prior claims:

We're all gunna die!!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 05:53 pm
It won't come out during the primaries, but word is that Trump's henchmen have the goods on quid pro quo Joe.

It seems that the bank records prove that Joe got large sums of money deposited into his accounts by his corrupt son and brothers. You know, the "businesses" of theirs that he knew nothing about. A true "crime family," eh?

Voters aint gunna be down with that. Well except for about 40% of the total vote coming from die-hard Democrats, I mean.
0 Replies

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