As usual, you and the truth are not even remote acquaintances. Gabbard is, and has been a registered Democrat since 2013. She “announced” her intention to not seek re-election to represent Hawaii’s 2nd district in October 2019,
after she saw Kahele already whupping her ass in fund raising and polling. She was still trying to pretend she was a contender in the presidential election.
You are stupid if you believe this careerist power-grubber just conveniently, willingly “retired” from the governmental office spotlight she obviously covets.
At 38 years of age.
Stupid or willingly ignorant. But you defend Trump, so this is understandable.
She got her ass beaten from public service - both her 2nd district seat and her presidency dreams were taken from her.
And you and coldjoint and people who think Donald Trump is a good President think she just decided she didn’t want it anymore. Stupid or ignorant.
Just like when Trump loses and says he was cheated or that he didn’t really want it anyway - you’ll believe that, too.
and ignorant.