Second Amendment Protection Act?
You’re kidding, right? This bill they’re debating in Washington – the bill that calls for mandatory background checks – is called “The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act.” Don’t you just love the way these hacks in Washington title their bills?
The “Bank Secrecy Act.” Now that sounds like a bill that would protect the secrecy of your bank accounts, right? Hardly. It requires your bank to make a report to the IRS whenever you engage in a cash transaction in excess of $10,000. If you sell a car to a stranger for cash (the only safe way to do this) and deposit the cash into your bank account, you’re reported to the IRS. After all, you must be a drug dealer, right? Secrecy?
Then there’s the “Affordable Care Act.” We know it as 0bamaCare. Has this act made your health care any more affordable?
And now we have the “Public safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act.” The politicians got their heads together and told each other that most Americans wouldn’t get past the title. Whatever the legislation was called, the people would buy. Simple as that. So we’ll say that we’re protecting their Second Amendment rights in the title, and they’ll say “that’s cool” and go about their business. Trouble is, the politicians were right on this one.
Now this requirement for mandatory background checks sounds good to people who put forth no effort to really study the issue. What will the final bill say? Will a father have require a background check of his son before he sells him a handgun?
I don’t have a particular problem with a background check in commercial applications, as long as there exists no permanent government database of who bought what gun where. I know this 0bama though, and I know the minds of Democrats. There is not one gram out doubt in my mind that their true and eventual goal is to ban the private ownership of anything but hunting rifles in this country. While a law “professor” 0bama told a colleague at that Chicago law school that he didn’t believe Americans should be allowed to own guns. Again – and I’ve written about this before – liberals hate people owning guns because it is an ultimate expression of individualism. Never forget that the liberal mantra, as expressed at the Democrat convention, is that we – you and I – all of us – belong to the government. Since you are the property of the government it makes no sense that you would need a gun for your own protection. The government owns you. You belong to the government. It is time for you to accept that it is the government’s responsibility, not yours, to protect you.
Now get out there and go to work. You are government property, and the government needs the revenues you’ll generate today. You can get your work waiver, however, by keeping Democrats in office. So if you really don’t want to work, voting Democrat should help you fulfill your life’s dream.