@Region Philbis,
To some extent, that is accurate, in that to take a liberal interpretation of anything,
to take a liberal vu of anything, the liberal turns away from
whatever he is being liberal (distortive)
Qua American political discussion, it is about the Supreme Law
of the Land: the US Constitution. A citizen can take a rigid,
un-bending vu of its
limits on government power,
operating to the aggrandizement of
FREEDOM of the Individual citizen,
or a liberal (who
distorts those limits) can seek to
to use government as a weapon in the hands of the poor
to rob the Midddle Class & the Rich.
Kennedy was accurate, in that a liberal does
look "behind" to a contract by which he has bound himself (to see what it actually requires),
rather he "looks ahead" as to how he can twist it to his advantage.
He "welcomes new ideas" regarding how he can evade his duties
under that contract, and how he can dishonestly milk it for his illicit benefit.
In the world of liberalism:
HONESTY is anathema.
Liberalism (i.e., twisting n deviating) can be accomplished
ANY direction, 360 degrees of ideological arc,
not just to benefit the poor by using authoritarian collectivism
to rob everyone else.
Kennedy was arbitrary in choosing the specific kind
of distortion that he
e.g., his ethics in stealing the election of 1960
in Texas and in Chicago. Mayor Daily bragged about that
until the day he died.