Catching at least one of them alivce would probably not been an option with a "well armed militia of douche bags".
Knowing Boston, there would have been a lot of beer involved and shotguns and many neighbors woulda been shot by the douche bags.
Amwericas a great country but not too bright. We dont often wait for facts before acting.
It seems the cops got the job done in about 4 days and itll only cost a few billion in lost commerce and overtime for the force.
Theres no "Better way" in a situation like this. Its a bad situation all around and adding more guns in the mix would have escalated the body count even more. Im amazed that, with the bombs and police action, only four people died but of course many were wounded. Was all the lock down needed? Probably in order to make a case to go "balls to the wall" for all cases of terrorism, but having an additional army of drunken gun wielding idiots woulda turned Boston into a version of "BLAZING SADDLES" or "DJANGO"
I was reading how McTag thought a British Bobbie coulda delt with this better. RIGGHT'
"Here now, lets have none of that"