@Frank Apisa,
Quote:Stop being so afraid. If there is a GOD...it almost certainly will not be anything like that vicious, murderous, barbaric, vengeful, wrathful, quick-to-anger/slow-to-forgive God described in the Bible.
Who could be afraid of a loving and protective God, except for those who have accused him as being a vicious, murderous, barbaric, vengeful, wrathful, quick-to-anger/slow-to-forgive God, whereas, the bible describes him as being born as a perfect spiritual being, who lays down his life for the sins of those who were obedient to the animalist spirit that was evolving in the body of Mankind?
You do believe in evolution, don’t you Frankie? Ahh, but then I forgot, it could be that you actually have no beliefs at all.
But those who do believe in evolution, believe that mankind evolved within the body of our animal ancestors, and they believe also that mankind who appears to stand on the top rung of the ladder of evolution, does not close the door to the evolutionary process.
Just as man evolved within the bodies of our animal ancestors, the evolving spirit in man, which, in the beginning was still very animalistic, and was the evolving spirit that our ancient human ancestors, were obedient to.
That animalistic spirit in man eventually evolves into the perfected and sinless “SON OF MAN” who is born when the umbilical cord that binds him to the human body, is severed. when that body of mankind and all physical life forms on this planet, are incinerated by heavenly radiation just after the Great Sabbath of one thousand years.
And He, ‘THE SON OF MAN’ is my Lord God and saviour, who you have accused as being a vicious, murderous, barbaric, vengeful, wrathful, quick-to-anger/slow-to-forgive God.
All have sinned, and all must die once as the penalty for the sins of our flesh, the disembodied mind/spirit that had developed within that physical womb, then goes off into judgement.
And it is ‘THE SON OF MAN’ who descends into his dead past to take on the sins of the world, and pay the ultimate penalty for the sins of the body of Eve, who has become the great pregnant and sinful body in which her son, who is to crush the head of Satan, according to our erroneous concept of one directional linear time has already been born in our future.
This happens after he has filled the body that his heavenly Father had prepared for Him, with his spirit and chose him as his Heir and the caretaker of his heavenly throne, until he has remained in the valley of Man for three days or rather three periods of one thousand years, after which, he will take his earthly throne and dwell among mankind, after he has divided the righteous from the unrepentant wicked, and given to each group; the rewards that their actions deserve.
It was not the death of Jesus which pays for the sins of the boy of mankind, but the indwelling spirit who abandoned his heir on the cross, as Jesus cried out; "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? As He, 'The Son of Man' who can not actually die, ceased to be an individual entity as he released all the righteous spirits of the saints who had been gathered to him, the indwelling evolving spirit in man, and the graves of those saints were immediately opened and three days Later, those saints came out of their graves and entered the city and revealed themselves to many as the Risen body of our Lord, of which body, Jesus was now their Head.
But why waste my valuable time, conversing with one who accuses our Lord God and saviour, the “MOST HIGH” to develop within this creation as being a vicious, murderous, barbaric, vengeful, wrathful, quick-to-anger/slow-to-forgive God.
It is they who have spoken such hard and filthy accusations against our Lord God and saviour, who, on the day when he appears, will cower and cringe as they call to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
But you'll be okay, if you confess your great sin, and truly repent and ask for His forgiveness. Then you can stop cowering and cringing in fear of his awesome coming appearance.