Racism and slavery have diminished the importance of black lives throughout history while the racist white masses go along with it like sheep. The self proclaimed fortunate live in the lap of luxury while others are treated like their beasts of burden.
When the importance of "some" lives are marginalized then the only recourse it to state the obvious! To emphasize the lesser over the greater. To exalt the brutalized few over the privileged many.
To restore dignity and pride to those afflicted by socially accepted hate and prejudice, to force open the blind eye to the inexplicable inequality and injustice!
To rip down the flags and symbols of oppression and restore racial balance and social harmony.
White hillbillies screaming for immigrants to go home? The American Indian agrees!
Ignorance only perpetuates the problem. Racists will be racists so the only solution is hunt these racists down and bring them face to face with the self evident truth and immutable law that we are all one race... THE HUMAN RACE!
The antithesis is that racist lives (and opinions) don't matter... That is the unspoken truth! Abraham Lincoln and the civil war taught us that great lesson! It is of a certainty still true today.