This site/thread has become more of a ongoing debate for me, than anything else.
I am far from telling people to do what I say...
I mean really, in the big picture I know none of you, so why would I care what you think, do, or feel, other than on a very superficial level. Same goes for your judgements , on my thoughts, actions, and feelings.
I don't mind being in the minority, in not uninhibedly embracing with all abando n, every vice this world has to offer. Some liberals are just as bad, if not worse, that some of the worst christians... Liberals will just stubbornly tell you they are right, and you have the issue... If a over the top christian starts harping about how sinful your life is, and you ask him/her, if you have the free will to live your life your way and suffer the consquences, they have to say yes, or their a phony.
My opinion, liberals are way more judgemental of a persons choices...
Absolutely no one on this thread feels it doesn't really matter if children are being abused... Who makes such a ridiculous statement.