Sun 31 Jan, 2010 06:14 pm
I'm doing a study at the moment and need to know why people are againt homosexuality.
This is not meant to offend anyone; I am bisexual, and will not take anything you say here personally. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with the point.
No holds barred: you could bring in religion, studies or anything else. I am also focusing on the so called agendas of homosexuals-such as supposedly brainwashing people into being gay and banning heterosexuality.
I don't mind how bizarre an argument is.
Thay r against it because it grosses them out.
They are jealous and have an overwhelming urge to join in yet when they try to find someone special, they continually trip over empty fruit boxes left outside of shops, hit their chin and have to return home so their wives can stick a plaster on it. Because of the shame of that night, they make voodoo people and remain bitter for the rest of their lives.
Didn't you know that?
Quote:am also focusing on the so called agendas of homosexuals-such as supposedly brainwashing people into being gay and banning heterosexuality.
I don't think there is any agenda other then the want to be treated the same.
I don't like the in your face sexuality - from hetros, bis, or homos. Why do they have to put it in your face. Please, I really don't want to know or care.
I resent the "bitch" gays and their excessives, but then again, I resent the Housewives From . . . series, too.
Other than that, what other people do does not affect me.
Well quite a lot of people aren't "against" homosexuality.
I don't have a problem about anyone else's sexuality, so long as it doesn't hurt or harm anyone else. It's none of my business.
How is this thread going to help you with your research, exactly?
My opinion is that since it is not going on in my bedroom it is not my business.
I have no right to judge someone for who they choose to sleep with nor do i have the right to stop them from their lifestyle.
I dont like the over the top sexual behavior either but that is just because it is obnoxious and usually done by the most insecure of people who attempt to draw attention and security from making people look at them. In fact, no matter the context whether it is sexual behavior or not, I do not like that mentality what so ever. Other examples car stereos that can be heard blocks away, pants so baggy you have to hold them up to walk, the lawyer or doctor who makes a lot of money and yet can not stop bragging about themselves...
You know the mentality. It does not just stop with the homosexuals.
It has never crossed my mind to hate, judge or try to limit someone because of who they choose to sleep with. That concept ( denying marriage and other rights) is really beyond me.
and to answer the original question, why are people against it.
I think it is because they are afraid to think. They would rather just gang up with others and oppose something. Gives them a job and a place in society.
I have absolutely no idea.
woman tend to be switch hitters where as men tend to be either gay or not. If homosexuality becomes popular too many of the hot chicks are off the market for us guys.
That was my objection when I was young.
Now that I am long term married and proven popular with the lady's my objection is primarily how the gay pressure groups act, all militant and entitled.
But, there are lots of homosexuals who aren't religious.
The christians will all come in sniveling and whining and saying that it's not them, but don't you believe it for a moment. The middle eastern religions are abso-*******-lutely insane on this issue.
and i realllllllly just dont get it.
there is NO effect on anyone if the sex is not happening with you, or in your home so why is it anyones f-n business?
blowwws my mind.
I's also say that the heterosexual objection to homosexuals is more from heterosexual men than heterosexual women, and it is more focused on homosexual males than women.
My best guess is that many straight men fear having their predator sexuality turned back at them.
Quote:The christians will all come in sniveling and whining and saying that it's not them,
So far Set, you are the only one sniveling and whining here. I see no correlation between religion and homophobia.
Sure, some of my fellow Christian friends are against homosexuality. But then, I know plenty of non-Christians who are against it as well. The Christians will cite Old Testament scriptures, but I don't believe that's really the source of their disapproval...merely an easy excuse for it.
I also have some gay Christian friends. They have a quite different interpretation of those scriptures. Fortunately, they have found churches that accept openly gay lifestyles.
The prejudice against gays where I live seems to me to be more cultural than religious.
Some of it is very basic human nature. We all want to find some way to feel superior or better than others. Putting people that aren't like us into a category and demonizing them has happened as long as man as existed. Racism, homophobia, even political bickering are all examples. The majority resents the minority and the minority resents the majority.