To gage some understanding of anti LGBT lifestyles it only requires a bit of an understanding of human emotional mind sets.I.E sexaul fear,peer pressure of comformity, the insercurities of ones self estreme.
A religious argument encompresses each of those points, of which has not and never did have anything to do with a God or no God and everything to do with the above issues.
Leviticus : ( the bible 18:22) which is often used to excuse an intolerence or prejudice and a bigotry towards homosexuals contains not a single word about lesbians or even transgenders.
Could it be just has today that some males find lesbians attractive?
Another point to this is religious use of adultry ( condemning without cause or excuse for it) It takes 2 to commit yet it is the woman that is stoned to death for it? (sexism, submission of women)
It is consider manly to have had sex with many women yet if a woman does the same she is a slut? (excused sexism by the use of a God concept)
The issue about the bigotry or at least intolerence of homosexualy has nothing to do with a religion ,or a culture, it has everything to do with a dishonest admittance has to why one is against it.
That dishonest attitute and excuse for it lays completely in a personal unsureness of ones own sexual security.
Peer pressure to comform coupled with sexual security issues is central to this issue.
Every notice a male walking along a side walk on a cold rainy day wearing no coat or hat acting as if the weather does not effect him?
Could be he has no coat or hat or? could be he thinks this makes him appear more manly? Anyone ever notice other behavoir like that?
Religion is by fact of practice the organized use of a belief.
Religion is by fact of history early attempts at creating codes of civil law and conduct that used the concept of a belief to justify a social comformity and to justify a social discrimination to create a comformity to its dogma and doctrine.
Early laws of civilizations were nearly all centered around forms of religious beliefs, be it idol worship or single god beliefs. (this is proveable historical fact)
It could be argued and well argued that religion is organized discrimination via the use of a belief for purposes of comformity to its doctrine and dogma. (historical and present day use and evidence strongly points in this use of a belief)
If a person chooses to believe in a God fine, if not fine, yet the use of either one to justify a bigotry or intolerence is perhaps the highest form of un-ethical use).
Since the dawn of time there has been only one real enemy, this enemy has been responsible for more war,hate,child abuse,family seperations, and illness then all other evils combined.
It will organize around anything that encourges discrimination and ignorance.
It's name is Bigotry it's excuse is dishonesty.