Hi Guys,
I was browsing this website and this old post from 2011 titled "28 Perfectly Good Reasons to Oppose Gay Marriage" crossed my eyes. Here's the link:
There were a couple of things about this post that did not sit well with me. I'd love for your opinions on this one too, because this is for a school project!
I don't understand what the problem with same sex marriage is. I honestly don't. I mean according to this article, the author makes it seem that there is a concrete definition to marriage as between a man and a woman. Why can marriage not be between two people who commit themselves to each other, both financially and emotionally, for all eternity, regardless of gender?
Yes, I understand that homosexuals cannot reproduce and that reproduction is a key component in the preservation of our civilization. However, there are plenty of straight couples who do not have children of their own. The author proceeds to state that "Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children." There are many things wrong with that statement. For instance, the sentence itself is contradictory, because if there are plenty of straight parents whose sons and daughters are gay. It does not take a gay parent to raise a gay child. Actually, unless adopted, gay couples do not, or cannot, reproduce.
The article also makes this rather bold statement, "Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children." 1) There are plenty of people who turn out "alright" without a parent of each gender at the household. The President of the United States is a perfect example of a child raised by a single parent. The word the author chooses, "forbidden," is a terrible choice. There is no such rule that says a single parent is forbidden from raising a child by him- or herself. If there is such a rule, please enlighten me.
I think i'll stop here, because I think this is enough of an opening statement. Like I said before, please reply to this, whether you agree with me or not, because this is for a school project and I'd love for your input to be included.