Off course he wouldn't trust you and still be mad.
You're lying behind his back, so he can't trust you:)
But I didnt lie. I just didnt mention the kissing. I told him everything else.
Quote:It's better to tell the truth if you want him to trust you, remember, talk like an Adult, one on one, and remember he was a boy once, of course he is protecting you... You will protect someone one day, your daughter or son.
It's life, sweet there isn't much you can do about it, try to find a compromise if you can...
Okay. Tell the truth, I got it. But it seems like the 'truth' is getting me into more and more trouble. If I just did what my sister does and told him I wasnt gonna date Collin but still date him anyway, then this fight with my dad would be over and I'd still get to do what I want.
Ossobuco wrote:
Quote:Gracie, you hide your phone in school and by extension, from your father, and brag about it and remain recalcitrant re being alone with a fifteen year old (fine or bad, what do I know, or you know). All sneaky and glad. You are very adamant re your frankly ignorant point of view. Listen to your 'stupid' father.
If you think Im the only one in school who does that then you're out of you're mind. I wasn't bragging about anything. I was just telling
firefly how it was. Sure, I'm 'sneaky', all teenagers are and my point of view isn't ignorant just because you dont like it or agree with it. And I dont have to listen to anyone.
You can disagree with me without being mean about it ya know. I don't get you at all. One minute, you're my friend and the next you're calling me stupid.
You claim you 'care about me' but I dont see it. If you're gonna be my friend, fine, then be my friend. If not, you and everyone else can just leave me alone.
thack45 wrote:
Gracie, you have won me over on this forum. I was initially quite uncomfortable with a 13yo girl on this site but came to enjoy and respect some of your questions and posts.

Wow. Thanks!
Even though I argue with alot of people here sometimes, I do love you guys and I love being here and Im grateful and everything for all the advice and help I get even if I dont agree with you guys sometimes. And I know there's some people that dont want me here, and it
really, really sucks, so it means alot to me when you guys say that you like my questions and post and stuff. That's awesome.
Quote:But you just cannot expect a bunch of 30, 40, 50 ... and so on aged people - possessing the mere happenstance of hindsight - to go along with everything that you feel.
You're right, I cant expect that and I shouldnt. I dont really mind when you guys don't go along with what I feel, I just wanna know why. And I think that you guys can disagree with me without being mean about it. That's not too much to ask.
Quote:This is not to say that their advice is not... advisable. But if you don't wish to take it than you are, like others in similar situations, in some sense on your own
I guess so...