Jack's given you good advice (Good morning, Jack!

I well recall being your age. It's not an easy time. You're confronted with feelings that are just kinda moving too fast for you.
One thing you can do is continue to spend time with your friends. Your father might not want you to be on one-to-one dates with boys at your age (and I can see the reason for that), but he might not mind so much if it's a group thing with both boys and girls.
What can you do in a group with both boys and girls? Let's see ...
* go to the movies
* go roller blading
* play some sort of team sport (like softball, or volleyball)
* go to the beach if it's nearby, or a lake
* go to an amusement park, something like Six Flags (that can be really expensive, but there might be something smaller you could go to that has rides or entertainment)
I think it's important to interact with both genders at your age, and particularly in situations where you're not just confined to kissing, etc. Just have fun together, and nothing serious. Seriousness can come later. Believe me, you've got your entire life to be serious. But a softball game is just fun, and carries no obligations.
I was 13 a long time ago, but those feelings are universal.