we rented a scootercar and I had a couple of panels installed on the front porch so I can scoot around the barnyard rather than just hobble around in crutches. My long term care insurance covers it because its more a convenience than an absolute necessity.
Its a 60 V 5 AMP (I think) battery op gizmo that I can keep going up and down hills for about 2 hours between charges. I was out to the end of our pastures to look at the new steers and heifers. They areaready looking brighter eyed and their ocular skin (inside their eyelids0 is getting pink. These guys were really anemic (probably worms). Mrs F had help with some of theAmish guys injecting Ivomctin. She says that she didnt start any grain because these guys were just barely hanging on from their last farm where they had the fields cropped down like sheep in a desert. So she was gonna start feeding em little bits of grain starting this week, but for now shes giving em good pasture hay (no. 3 cutting) and a half bale of alfalfa (no 3 cutting).
If you change their ood type too abruptly you can mess up their rumen and make em sick. So, gradually we introduce more proteinaceous food and sugary stock.
Theyve been free choicing salt like its goin out of style she days, so she pnly allows em at the salt feeders for about a half hour a day for now.
Water , good clean water was something they didnt have so Ill bet thats where the worm problems began.
Its been two days moren a week when I messed me up and Im alrady getting the need to walk more and the pain is pretty much gone.