Immortality and Doctor Volkov

Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 06:36 pm
My use of a product called H3O has led to this man, who is working hard on immortality, aparently.
Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 06:45 pm
I don't know about this immortality stuff, Edgar. I don't believe it's all that it's cracked up to be.

It would be rather sad to see all that one loves, dying around you.
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Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 06:46 pm
To itch his zone.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 08:27 pm
I'm immediately suspicious of anyone who claims, on his website, that 'the immortals speak Russian.' Tsk tsk.
Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 08:28 pm
@Merry Andrew,
It's a Russian website and the doctor is a Russian.
Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 09:06 pm
What is it about this Dr. Volkov that makes him immoral?
Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 09:16 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

It's a Russian website and the doctor is a Russian.

Oh, I know that, edgar. My tongue was stuck in my cheek. Sorry.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2009 09:17 pm
Setanta wrote:

What is it about this Dr. Volkov that makes him immoral?

100 proof Stoli probably.
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Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2009 05:55 am
His search for an immortality serum led to what some call H3O. It is a remarkable treated water, which I have been using with some success, for a few months now. The immediate benefits, in the first month, were, I no longer have creaky joints. My knees are back to normal, after I had to struggle to get off the floor for about a year and a half. The shock and straining of certain types of heavy labor had gotten my arms sore inside, so that it was a struggle to do everyday tasks, such as swing a hammer, scrub paint overspray, and the like. Plus, my vision has improved a bit. Not enough to do away with my glasses. I have more to write about this stuff, but am at work and have to keep it short for now.
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Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2009 12:46 pm
I am culling excerpts from their website for the next few posts:

Natural Products Expo East - Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C. - October, 2001 - We introduced H3O through retail channels at ExpoEast the month after 9/11. Back in those days, people were still worried, staying out of Washington, D.C., if possible, thinking that perhaps the "next shoe was going to drop" any day. Consequently, this show turned out to be the lightest in attendance of over 100 trade shows that we attended over a 20 year period (1987-2007) . . . Nonetheless, a professor from one of the local universities, a Ph.D. in Chemistry, observed one of our demonstrations, where we added into one glass, 250 ml. of H3O (pH. 0.0) with HRx (pH. 14.0). End observable result: the two solutions cancelled each other, producing a solution with a pH of 7 . . . with no exothermic reaction!
"Impossible," the professor proclaimed, having observed the entire presentation, "what you're demonstrating is impossible -- the combination of a strong acid with a strong alkaline and no exothermic reaction." He then handed me his business card so as to reinforce both his credentials and his admonishing delivery, "Here . . . I'm a professor of chemistry and I can tell you that what you're doing violates the most basic laws of inorganic chemistry. You should be ashamed of yourself for pulling this little hat trick." He then walked away in disgust.
I mention this story because it illustrates our culture's obsession with established theoretic models and a disdain for observation. This professor of chemistry who treated me like I was an scam artist because I demonstrated something that orthodox science can't explain, wasn't really upset because he thought I was deceiving the public. What really upset him -- even though he would never admit is -- was that he didn't have a model for what he was observing. And what he was observing was in defiance of the model he already had!
Years before I would begin to author Meditopia, I would remember that moment . . . because it tells you when you have something worthy of exploration. We can't expand or grow if we only cling to experiences we can predict. It was in that moment that I knew that H3O -- and the companion solutions that use the same technology -- were truly special. They cured disease in unexpected ways just as they exhibited so many other properties that were equally unexpected and unexplained
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Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2009 01:04 pm
These folks claim their product, H30, has a pH of zero. That is virtually as acidic as battery acid. And they're suggesting that somebody drink this?

Either they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, or they're murderous, if they think you should drink a very strong acid solution. In either case, I'd think really carefully before dealing with them.
Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2009 03:36 pm
I drink two ounces per day.
Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2009 03:40 pm
More from the people who make the product:

Few discoveries that we've unearthed over our 20 year sojourn into the world of suppressed medical findings can compare to the amazing story of H3O . In the space of a product introductory page, it is almost impossible to relate all of our incredible experiences involving the use of this product -- which, again, makes its suppression all the more shameful. Among the more notable:

My Own Incurable, Recurring Acute Bronchitis -- I moved to Lake Charles from Los Angeles in November, 1984. Already possessing a genetic pre-disposition to respiratory problems, I found the hot, humid climate of "Bayou Country" to be quite disagreeable to my condition. In 1985 I contracted a nasty case of acute bronchitis that began as minor sinisitis. For the next 16 years, not knowing of an alternative remedy that would effectively treat the problem, I floated from one medical doctor to another -- and graduated from one prescribed antibiotic to another. Each time, the antibiotic prescribed would allay the symptoms . . . but only temporarily.
Each time the return of the bronchitis would worsen.
In March, 2002, Cathryn and I had a booth for Lumen Foods at the Natural Foods Expo West convention and trade show in Anaheim. The day before the show we went to set up our booth and I was coughing up so much green phlegm that I knew unless I did something drastic, I was going to have to leave my poor wife to man the booth by herself.
Knowing that H3O is harmless to animal tissue, I reasoned that since it has a "log kill rate" which exceeds that of Chlorox®, if I sprayed it into my mouth and inhaled the material into my lungs, it should kill the bacteria behind the bronchitis . . . and so . . . I obtained an empty spray bottle, filled it with H3O, pre-diluted with purified water at about a 32:1 ratio, and sprayed it -- over and over, into my open mouth -- timing the spraying to each attempt to inhale as hard as I could.
It was a crude device . . . but it worked.
Today it is nearly seven and a half years later and not only has the bronchitis never returned . . . but I have never had another respiratory illness since.

An Amazing Wound Healing Tool -- When I was arrested in September, 2001, one of the charges that was the basis for the FDA's raid was the contention that H3O was nothing more than battery acid . . . and that its use by one of our medical doctors (and surgeons), Dr. Charles Smith at Parkview Medical in Dallas, had damaged one of his patients.
Everything about the FDA's position turned out to be a lie. I knew Dr. Charles Smith well and he found H3O to be the cleanest, fastest, least prone to side-effect, wound accelerant that he had ever used. That's why he used it. Why did a vexatious litigant in Dallas go after Dr. Smith -- and myself -- for its use in the hospital? Because they claimed it was not FDA approved. (As if it would ever be possible -- no matter how many billions you spent on clinical studies, to ever get the FDA to approve something that is a variant of water!)
This travesty of justice is covered in Chapter 3 of Meditopia -- but it mimics input we received from Alpha Omega Labs' customers over a 30 month period (Feb., 2001 to Sept., 2003) . . . namely, that H3O acted not only to keep wounds clean, but to accelerate the rate of healing.

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Reply Fri 25 Sep, 2009 07:17 pm
Within a relatively short period of time, we began to get feedback from customers, alternative practitioners, even surgeons, on its amazing properties. (The use of our H3O by Dr. Charles Smith, M.D. at Parkview Medical Center in Dallas was included in the FDA's criminal case against me in 2003. Dr. Smith found the product so effective in healing wounds that in certain post-surgical cases, he didn't even use stitches. This aspect of my case is discussed in nauseating detail in Chapter 3 of Meditopia®.)
From March to November, 2001, our office was involved in a serious melanoma case with a Mr. R.L. Banks. Out of that case a series of photographs emerged which we used to create the page, R.L. Banks: A Pictorial Narrative of An Amazing Melanoma Recovery. [ 8 ] Strangely, it was only after working with Mr. Banks for six months did we become aware of something else in the pictures that was unrelated to the removal of the melanoma itself. Bank's grey hair -- a clear sign of his advanced age -- had reverted to the blond color of his youth . . . not all at once and not in clearly defineable increments, but rather in gradual stages throughout the eight months we worked with him.
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Reply Sat 26 Sep, 2009 03:40 pm
For a statement of the thoughts and principles behind H3O, click on the link.
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Reply Mon 28 Sep, 2009 06:22 pm
"... I have used H3O to kill head lice. I mixed the product at a pH of 2.0. After shampooing. We applied H3O to the scalp and left it on for approximately 1 to 2 minutes, then rinsed. After rinsing out of the H3O, shampoo was applied. The results showed no bugs and few nits. After the hair was dried, the remaining nits were brushed out using a regular brush and not a nit comb. Note that the remaining nits wre dead and crumbled between the fingers. We used this process on three children with the same results: no remaining bugs or nits... "

Of the half dozen or so cases of which we are aware, H3O has consistently been reported to eliminate head lice. All of them were in the approximately pH 2.0 range. Concerning head lice as an application for H3O, we are now interested in seeing if we can find a case where H3O does NOT get rid of the lice.
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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:48 pm
The name of the product -- without proper explanation -- could be deceiving to those who don't take the time to read, for it is not our contention that AO H3O Concentrate is pure hydronium. One prominent patient in the field, which uses a similar process, states that the exact composition of the "H+ rich" end product is, for all intents and purposes, indeterminable, but probably consists of variations of H3O, H5O2, H7O3, H9O4, etc. -- variants of the same hydroxyl combinations found in ordinary water, just in higher concentration. What we know is that the composition of the hydroxyls yields are an aqueous solution with a far higher percentage of H+ . . .
And since we're on the subject of composition, it should be noted that a laboratory analysis of AO H3O, using HPLC, mass spectometry, or any number of chemical analysis methods will determine that the product is an aqueous solution of approximately 7% sulphuric acid. So the logical question becomes, "Is that all this is?" And what we know from extensive research, done by ourselves and HPT Research (which is now out of business -- the principals having moved on to new company names), is that the sulphuric acid is "denatured" in the manufacturing process. If it were not for the fact that the process denatures the acid, you would not able to safely drink even the diluted versions of this product.
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Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 07:51 pm
Every time I take a dose of H3O, I give one to mrs edgarblythe. Then I give some, via dropper, to the dog. She doesn't fight me, but I think she would prefer to skip it. She shows no tendency to limp, since I have been dosing her. (She hurt her leg over a year ago and was walking on three legs. The vet said surgery was not a good option. He gave her some expensive tablets that helped a lot, but she ran out and was starting to limp, before I gave her H3O.)
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Reply Tue 13 Oct, 2009 09:00 pm
I switched my avatar because I want people to see the color of my hair. This pic was taken the same week I visited dys. In a few months, I will post a photo of my hair as it changes back to the original color. It is almost halfway back already.
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Reply Thu 29 Oct, 2009 02:34 pm
The companion to our H3O Concentrate, the HRx Hydroxide Concentrate draws from the same proprietary technology, only it carries entirely different uses. Whereas H3O is a super pure, non-corrosive acid, HRx is its alkaline counterpart. The HRx concentrate measures about pH 13.5 -- so it should be violently caustic, and yet it is not. Coming from the same technology as H3O, this is not surprising...
Since so much of Alpha Omega Lab's work has centered around cancer, (accelerated by our work in third world countries where people cannot afford conventional treatment to begin with), this became our starting point.
Early in our work with HRx, it became apparent that it had dramatic potential in overall nutrition, particularly for those suffering from most types of cancer; adult diabetes; and possibly muscular dystrophy. Our suspicions were entirely theoretical.
We were aware, for instance, that many of those who view cancer as a "nutrient deficiency" disorder -- even those who concur with the polymorphic microorganism theories of Antoine Bechamp, Royal Rife, and others; or such etiological theories as "parasitic carcinogenesis" (i.e. Hulda Clarke) -- acknowledge the harmful role of pH imbalance. Genius is not required to acknowledge the obvious: cancers cannot grow or even survive in an alkaline, or even a neutral, pH environment. They require acidity.
In working with the inventors of HRx, we came to understand that if you made ordinary drinking water with it regularly, bringing the "water" to a pH of approximately 9.0, and you drink it, the pH of saliva and urine samples will reflect values in the 6.4 to 7.0 range -- not 5.2 to 5.9. This meant that HRx indisputably brought the entire circulatory system, and therefore the organ tissues through which the blood passes, into less acidic pH ranges. But the next question was not so easy to answer: is there really much significance in making the body less acidic? And does this observation, now confirmed after four years of use, bring any relief to a patient who has a disease that is created because of mild acidosis to begin with? In other words, so what if acidosis brought on the cancer -- will reversing the acidosis benefit the patient now that the cancer process is already in place? And what about the many other maladies that, in whole or in part, are aggrevated, if not created, as a result of a pH imbalanced physiology biased to acidity?
Even at this writing, we do not have enough empirical evidence, let alone well-constructed longitudinal studies, to support conclusive findings, despite some of the miraculous anecdotal comments we have received. What we can rely on is the clinical findings of doctors we have consulted in several countries -- physicians we know and respect. And this is what we know:
The effectiveness (putting aside any toxicological issues for a moment) of the leading alternative cancer treatments in use today, in part, draw their efficacy from the fact that they mildly adjust the pH upward. These include: (1) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) therapy, (2) ozone therapy, (3) cesium, and (4) coral water or coral powder. Improperly handled, all three can be quite toxic when used internally. We know through experimentation that none of these will bring as quick a change in pH balancing as will HRx. (Enthusiasts of bio-oxidative therapies will be quick to point out, however, that in the case of hydrogen peroxide and ozone, it is the oxygenation and not the pH balancing, that are behind the benefits, since cancers cannot survive in aerobic environments, either.)
With this working knowledge in hand, we now feel confident to recommend the following as a nutritional support adjunct to our internal Cansema products (Caps and Tonic III; and our CanSupport Nutritional Support product lines, as well as a general purpose pH balancing program:

General Use Instructions *


Add 2 fluid ounces (that's 4 Tablespoons, or about 60 ml.) to each gallon (4 quarts, or 3.785 liters) of purified water. Distilled water is optimal. Pro rate accordingly.

Use this solution for drinking water; for coffee and tea; and for cooking. Try to consume not less than 64 fl. oz. (2 quarts, or roughly 1.6 liters) per day. This concludes all uses: drinking "water," reconstituted beverages, cooking, etc. -- wherever and however you consume it orally. WHEN you take the prepared solution is important, too: in order to allow the digestive acids of the G.I. tract to properly digest your food, it is best to take the solution, or any beverages you make with the hydroxide solution, between meals. You probably want to allow at least 45 minutes between the time you take beverages and your next meal time. If you use the solution in the preparation of meals (i.e. in cooked meals), use it sparingly and in not more than one meal per day.

Monitor your pH with the strips that are provided. A good system recommended by some clinicians is to measure the pH of the saliva and urine and divide by two. Take your daily measurement upon getting up in the morning, before breakfast. If you measure at other times of the day, particularly after meals, you will get skewed results.

Keep a log of these daily measurements.

As your pH measurements move higher, closely monitor the results. You are looking to be in the range of 6.4 to 6.6 average. From this point forward, go with a "maintenance program" of "two days on, two days off" with your HRx Solution, or "as needed" to keep you, at the least, above an average pH of 6.2.

That's all there is to it. If you still have questions, just email us.

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