Thank you all, and NO chai we do not own any stud bulls like the one you pictured. Those specimwns usually hve their own wait-staff. Ive know maNy a Simmy or Angus stud thats gone for a million bucks, (not in my price range).
Many of you thought we were "rescuing" these cattle for humane rasons and pet wishes. Thats only partly so. e will be claning up and clipping th Dexter Reds so they live unmolested amongst our others. The simmentals are all , after about n 18 month fattening program, going to auction to be sold as finishers.
In beef cattle, the workloads are generally broken up intp 1.Calves, 2"returned to farms', 3 Feeders, and 4 Finishers. Each previous purchase pays by eight and sells by weight, the final finished weight is then graded as to the quality of meat. These will probably all be sold finally as "utility" grade (which is lower class beef , in this case grass fed so there will be a bargain for a sharp eyyed butcher.
Im sorry if anyone is of the opinion that we run a "pet farm". ALL the animals must earn their keep. The Dexters that we keep, we raise for calves, who are sold to individual, usually, small farm operations.
The left leg i smooshed a bit above and below the knee. I woulda made it out if it were not for that dumb kid.
Ive been told that, with the collagen therapy and PT , I should only be in theBOOT for less than 7 weeks , after which Im to gradually go back to daily walks. LIFT NOTHING HEAVIER THAN A 5 LB bag of SUGAR for several months after Im out of the boot. So, it shouldnt interfere with skiing...(kidding).
Looks like my chrissmass shopping will be done as gift cards and over-the-computer. The only stores I like are art upplis and gun-marts. I think Ill wait a bit before I buy the Marlin-.45-70 "brush gun"