@cicerone imposter,
Today I found out that the tumor was non malignant and no Maas gene cells in the picture. My last years surgery revealed a rather indolent form of cancer of the kidney.(I had a rare set of bilateral tumors on both kidneys). All pathology and org chem was indicating that my last years tumor was excised completely and no recurrence and this years surgery reveled no cancer at all in the left kidney. NOW my post status is having CT scan monitoring annually .
and ehbeth, I guess the thing that kept me from getting a house dog was it take a lot of care if I got sick and required schlepping to John Hopkins or their cancer research center every week, or worse, having to go nd trqin into Philly for dialysis 3 nights a week. DOGS ARE IN!!
(Cept chunk he thinks hes the badassest sheep already)