How'd I get dragged into this?
slappy wrote: I read how Occom Bill would go up to women at a grocery store, look down in her carriage, smile and say, "don't you know that kind of stuff will kill you?" It's not an overly cocky line, but walking up to a stranger takes confidence and being secure, and something like that shows you've got a sense of humor.
Chai Tea wrote: If OCCOM bill or anyone else said something like that...I'd tell him to mind his own damn business.
Really, I cannot even begin to imagine what a woman could say to a stupid thing like that. She's either forced into making excuses for her life, or agreeing with him and looking stupid, or asking him if his name is Haywood Yabuzzoff.
Or is the fantasy converation supposed to be....ohhhhh, gee you noticed I eat like ****!.....gee that so nice of you to point that out to me....hey, how about if you tell me all about how I'm supposed to eat, since you seem to be so confident and in charge....

It seems much was lost in Slappy's abbreviation. For starters, if you had unhealthy **** in your cart; I'd never say such a thing
and probably wouldn't be saying anything anyway. This is something I might say to an attractive woman with a cart full of fruits and vegetables and the like, while mine has a large stack of frozen pizza. You'd squint your eyes, look in my cart, laugh and slam me for the crap that
is in my cart if you have a sense of humor. It's nothing more than an icebreaker; and now there's an opportunity to converse if there appears to be any chemistry. If you got indignant over something so silly and told me to buzz off, I would
but I'd leave knowing I had nothing to gain from meeting you and that I'd lost nothing in finding that out. I forget why or where I used that example, but rest assured it isn't part of some sinister script I follow.
Reading through; I think some here have missed a couple of the finer points in Slappy's strategy. For one thing; it's directed at unusually pretty girls. These are the girls who least expect the things coming out of his mouth, and are therefore most likely to find it interesting. You pretty girls out there can certainly confirm you're bored with being told so. As advice to a youngster; being the hundred thirty second person to tell a pretty girl she's pretty this week isn't likely to get you far. It matters little whether she's smart or dumb, confident or insecure
it's a simple matter of common sense.
I was once asked by a coworker "what should I say to a girl I've made eye contact with". He was shy and couldn't see himself just going over there unarmed. The answer is
something, anything that comes to mind, but don't just sit there like a bump on a log or the moment is going to pass. Slappy's approach is an easy icebreaker, like the grocery cart example, that fills in that
something. It's been my experience that most women are flattered if you show interest, whether they're interested or not. Since, like Slappy, I've spent a good deal of my life managing sales people; I know only to well that "No" doesn't hurt and the law of large numbers applies to everything. A single, lonely man or woman should say hello (at the very least) to every single attractive person they meet until they're no longer lonely. This will work for everyone.
Slappy also addressed a whole slew of turnoffs, while supplying his version of what works as turn-ons for him. I think the lonely reader would do well to pay very close attention the turnoffs listed, whether his turn-on system fits his/her personality or not. Sozobe makes the perfect angel to offset Slappy's devilish advice and if it's the long-term you're interested in; you should listen to her as well. I lean towards Slappy's method for meeting people but have largely lost interest in short-term results, so I no longer follow the follow-up rules he's listed. Make no mistake, however, if tonight is the night you want company; Slappy's methodology is very, very sound.
Women tend to like men, so I also concur completely with Slappy's anti-sissy advice, including the fake super-nice approach. Few women are going to go for the guy who starts by eating out of her hand (boring). It's no different for guys. Why doesn't he like me? I've done everything for him. <-that's why (boring). Sozobe; you are the exception to the rule if the super nice thing is really your thing. I suspect you just encountered overwhelming chemistry. In sales; no matter what approach you use, you will get sales. The best sales people, however, are invariably the ones who've mastered the art of the takeaway.
Too good doesn't sell. Over-availability, premature pronouncements of adoration, overdoing the compliments and flowers etc. will bore more girls out of their skulls than it will attract.
Too many of you are being way too hard on Slappy, who's obviously trying to share some skills for some folks who may benefit from it. He's dead right about a lot of the mechanics of human nature, whether you want to admit it or not. Soz's point about who'll be most taken in by it should be well taken as well. But let's face it; more than a few folks could benefit from learning some social skills of attraction.
Parados offers good advice if you're as un-superficial as he seems to be. I'm not that good of a person. I don't rank woman by their appearance
it's more of a pre-req that has to be met before I'd ever be interested in the first place. Anyway; if it's a beautiful woman you seek; you can pretty much expect she's got some pre-reqs as well and tentativeness isn't likely to be rewarded. Per her past experience; a man who lacks the confidence to stand up and talk to her is likely going to be filtered out as someone who wouldn't be able to handle dating her in the first place. Dating exceptionally pretty women can be trying with all the A-holes out there.
[quote="Sozobe"I don't think I've ever, EVER, gone to a restaurant where the bill would total $150.[/quote]

Come to Cedarburg and we'll remedy that. You Soz (and hubby), can eat for half price and I'll throw in the bottle of wine that drives the total to $150. You haven't lived till you've had such a dinner. The first time I fed my father there (THE cheapest man alive), he got all quiet. When I asked him what was up, he replied "I've just been sitting here wondering what I've been eating all of my life." Easily, the best compliment we've ever received. Come on up!
Nimh, Dag, there's no reason rational adults can't be friends after being romantically involved
unless one's having trouble getting over it. When it just doesn't work out well for this reason or that; I've seldom had trouble maintaining friendships, if they were worth maintaining. IMO, love's a rare pleasure so you have to take your shots when the opportunities present themselves.
Amigo wrote:I haven't been laid in OVER three months.
If I don't get laid soon i'm gonna go hiking on Brokeback Mountain.

(Yes, I know, we're probably both insensitive jerks for seeing the humor in that.)
Chai's question's answer: For me it was around 30
though I couldn't say I'd never revisit it. I've enjoyed being single but somehow, against my will, I've grown up and will probably settle down next time I meet a keeper. Pity they're so few and far between. Of course, I am back in Wisconsin now. :cool: Oh, and I do get to meet Brooklyn soon. :wink: