Check that horoscope!

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2004 07:49 am
I've been searching that Canadian "Astrology Resource" website. There are some great links there. The entire website seems to have been developed by a psychologist and his discussion of using astrology in his work is remarkable.

In Mountain Astrology, one of the links, is an essay about the new moon in Cancer, which occurred last Friday. The author says: "In Tibetan Buddhism, the period from the New Moon in Cancer to the New Moon in Leo is considered to be one of the two most auspicious times for spiritual practice (the other is the lunar month following the New Moon in Pisces). It is perhaps no coincidence that these two signs, Cancer and Pisces, represent the most yin, receptive energies in the zodiac. This New Moon invites us to deepen our attunement with the feminine aspect of consciousness."

I like imagining this phase moon (which rises in the morning and sets in the afternoon) is above us all day, but hidden from view. I think that the ancient skywatchers may have enjoyed that hidden knowledge as well, particularly that they could predict its coming and going. One of my pet theories about the various monolithic sites is that those ancients in the UK had such cloudy weather that they HAD to arrange those monoliths to keep track... whereas those in the mideast didn't need 'em. It was clear skies, day in and day out.

Anyway, the moon sign predicts this as a good time for spiritual enlightenment.

From today's moment of Dao at the Taoism Depot:

If I had just a little bit of wisdom
I should walk the Great Path and fear only straying from it.
Though the Way is quite broad
People love shortcuts.

The court is immaculate,
While the fields are overgrown with weeds,
And the granaries are empty.
They wear silk finery,
Carry sharp swords,
Sate themselves on food and drink
Having wealth in excess.
They are called thieving braggarts.

This is definitely not the Way.

Dao De Jing - Chapter 53
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 05:31 am
Definitely not the way, Piffka!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 06:05 am
PISCES - week starting from 22nd July

Joan Borysenko is a medical researcher and psychologist who has written several books on how to synergize the efforts of mind and body in cultivating good health. I respect her work, but was appalled at a statement she made recently to an interviewer. "The most sobering discovery," she said, "is that we will never truly heal the wounds of our past." My own experience suggests that some people have suffered some irremediable hurts. But on countless occasions, I've also seen brave, dedicated souls completely fix what had been broken in them. In fact, that precise possibility is now looming for you, msolga. In the coming weeks, you will have the power to make dramatic progress toward a spectacular cure that will put you in better shape than you were before you were wounded.

Oh, I DO like that last bit!
Bring on the spectacular cure!
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2004 12:28 pm
I didn't go to avoid teaching classes, Clary; I enjoyed passing on 'wisdom.' It was just the (big, big) part of England that was awful; land of car parks and concrete junctions.

I like the Taoist creeds; they seem like unadulterated gems of perception. I always write down everything, as I can't just sit around, doing nothing. In fact, I have written in excess of six-hundred pages since I started travelling. My problem is EDITING. I can't judge what should stay and what should go when it comes to publicising travel accounts, and so it takes ages.

I can see why you went to the other beach. Beaches just aren't the same when they are 'publicised.' They lose their former peaceful glimmer.

My fingers are crossed that you get that 'overcoming healing,' Olga Smile.

0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2004 12:29 pm

July 23, 2004
Explore new realms of thinking today, Drom. Things are flowing extremely well for you, and you have the chance to make tremendous advancements in your current projects. Have a brainstorm session for possible new avenues to explore, and then secure all the pieces into place. It is important to maintain your commitment level at this point so as to keep your confidence up, as well as the confidence of others that may be in the same boat with you.

(This may be about my ideas for stories...)

0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2004 01:39 pm
They sound spot-on for Olga, Drom and Piffka... what is your moon sign, Piff?
My latest forecasts have had no link with reality, so I would welcome another recommended site. I'm going to see my astrologer in August, in Hong Kong, and get a proper update. She French, surprisingly!

Please note my quote, Piff - a good one!! Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2004 12:02 am

Your astrologer in Hong Kong? Tell us more. I'm fascinated!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 05:35 pm
Hi everyone, hope the stars, moon & planets are helping today. I've had a heck of a time getting any messages posted for the past couple of weeks. My computer freezes at the most inopportune moments!

Yep, Drom... "my" park is greatly changed, but I have to admit, it was nice to have a smooth paved road to the beach. It used to be a mile of dust-covered single-track, which kept away the people who worried about getting their car dirty. I did walk my dogs down there last week. Only a couple of fishermen right next to the parking lot. My chow-girls were ecstatic to run on the sand again.

Clary -- I love your new signature line... heehee. My rising sign is Libra.

MsOlga -- I'm as fascinated as you are. Clary has an astrologer in HK? Cool!
0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 07:34 pm
Maybe you should try to get that problem seen to, Piffka; we'd miss you, should your computer get even worse.

I think that the dusty track is better; it keeps away the fair-weather fans of a beach, and saves it for those willing to bother.

(I just knew that your rising sign was Libra, for some reason, Piffka. Do you notice that there have been no Scorpians who have posted much on this thread, if any at all?)

0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 07:37 pm
July 25, 2004
Some political undercurrents in your professional environment could be making things rather uncomfortable for you right now, Drom. This is not the time to get involved in gossip and politics. Try to avoid even getting involved in conversations about the situation. This could prove distracting, and might interfere with your efficiency. Don't force the issue. Do what tasks are the most pressing, and save the rest for tomorrow. By that time the situation should have passed.

(Hmm--- I never got involved in gossip at work, anyway... never mind now.)

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2004 08:15 am
dròm_et_rêve wrote:
Maybe you should try to get that problem seen to, Piffka; we'd miss you, should your computer get even worse.

I think that the dusty track is better; it keeps away the fair-weather fans of a beach, and saves it for those willing to bother.

(I just knew that your rising sign was Libra, for some reason, Piffka. Do you notice that there have been no Scorpians who have posted much on this thread, if any at all?)

You did? Can you guess my moon sign? That astrology resource website has a free charting service, btw, here at Astrodiesnt. I printed a beautiful full-color chart from them (using Mr.P's computer.) I found out where Sedna (!) was on my birthchart... crammed into my "third house" with three other planets. Unfortunately there is no explanation of the chart, or at least I haven't found one yet. There seemed to be a lot of squares on mine, but maybe that's just the way they all are.

I may go out to that "dusty track" this morning. We've been having extremely hot weather and nobody has been out in the sun. The tide is OK this am.

As for my (#@stupid8&&!) computer... we're switching from DSL to some newer high-speed service and I have to change my email address by the end of the month. MAYBE that will help. I did find out that my son has been downloading huge files off the internet (mostly old TV shows) which may be the cause of my lousy response time. We've spoken about this. <grin>

I cannot imagine you gossiping, Drom, but there certainly are political undercurrents everywhere now. (But we should avoid talking about it!)

Here is my free horoscope from that (German) Astrodienst website (they save my chart information so it is easy to get:
Keep it simple ***
Valid during several days: This influence signifies a time of great uncertainty and possible confusion. Your objectives are unclear, and you may feel incapable of coping with even the ordinary details of your everyday life. One of the best ways to cope with this influence is to make your everyday life as simple as possible, because you are so easily overwhelmed at this time. <THIS IS TRUE!>
This is not a time of robust confidence. You are questioning almost every aspect of your life, particularly your goals and ambitions, your ability to attain them and even whether you are worthy of attaining them. <SIGH>

At the same time you may feel that your universe is constructed in such a way that you cannot ever live up to your ideals. Disappointment, discouragement and pessimism are all likely effects of this influence. The danger is that this kind of negative thinking may actually undermine your effectiveness in your work or other important activities. Feeling insecure often creates circumstances in which you really are insecure. Do not take things so seriously! Your negative state of mind is probably not justified by the facts of your life. This is just one of those times when your spirits seem to sag. <SAD, BUT TRUE. A SAD SAG IS SAGGY.>

You should try to hang on without making any permanent decisions or commitments on the basis of your current pessimistic views. In a short time, you will understand that right now your view of reality is changing in a way that ultimately should be very constructive, although it does not seem so now. About two years from now, you will be able to make constructive changes in your life based upon your new understanding. This is probably not the best time to make changes. <OK, NO CHANGES.>

This period can bring physical and health problems in the form of diseases that are difficult to notice and diagnose. Take good care of your body and have a thorough physical examination, especially if you are over forty. In that way these diseases can be spotted and taken care of before they get too far. <ANNUAL EXAM SCHEDULED THIS WEEK>

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Saturn Square Neptune exact at 17:26
activity period from 19 July 2004 to 3 August 2004.
0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2004 12:55 pm
I checked mine out, too... my rising sign is Sag, which I knew, my moon sign is Virgo and ascendent is Aquarius. My precise details were shared by Wilheim Steggman and, even better, WB Yeats! I am quite befuddled about what all the symbols mean on the chart; I will have to try to find a resource link, and if I do, I'll post it here.

I hope that you had a lovely day. I am in Stockholm, now, and I have been frantically bounding from island to island. It is absolutely beautiful here. In some ways, I wish that I had learnt Swedish.

I hope that the changes will mean that your A2K (and everything else) is more stabilized. Do you and your son use the same computer? He should try saving his shows over CDs; if they don't fit on one, they fit over two.

It sounds as if you're having quite a bad time, Piff Sad. I hope that things look up for you soon. Was there a trigger to this 'sagginess,' or none?

Here's my forecast; it is often scarily accurate.

Jupiter opposition Jupiter: A little care and restraint

11 August 2004 until 21 August 2004: Under this influence you are likely to feel quite good, with enough confidence to handle just about anything. It is a period in your life when you feel optimistic and as though you can do whatever you want. However, you may be somewhat overconfident, so be careful not to take on more than you can handle.

At this point, several time-consuming projects may be coming to a head at once. This could be either quite advantageous or quite difficult, depending upon how well you have estimated your capacities in the past. What is happening now may be more than you can deal with, so you may have to cut back a bit.

This can also be a time of restlessness, for you feel that your everyday world is simply not "big" enough or does not provide enough experience for you. If you feel this way, you need to enlarge your scope of activity somewhat, but again be careful not to overreach.

You may have given others the impression that you are overambitious or that you want too much (in their terms, at least), and they may try to prevent you from getting any further. If this happens, all you can do is confront them directly and try to reassure them that you are not after their position (unless, of course, you are). Because of this possibility, you must be somewhat compromising.

However, none of this is necessary. With a little care and restraint, you can convert this into an excellent time that will produce considerable good, especially in financial matters. This influence can make you either extremely extravagant or extremely successful in such matters, depending upon your natural bent.

Jupiter trine Mars: Ethical standards

18 August 2004 until 28 August 2004: This influence creates an easy flow of energy that enables you to act much more effectively than usual and to take initiatives that demand foresight, careful planning and considerable self-confidence. Almost any initiative that you take now will work out as you want it to. It is a good time to start any enterprise.

Your actions are governed by a strong sense of integrity. You may be ambitious during this time, but you feel that it is very important to achieve your goals correctly and in accordance with ethical standards. Others will recognize your integrity, which will increase their confidence in you.

Under this influence you have a strong desire to make something of your self in the broadest sense of the term. For example, there is the drive to succeed, particularly in some project that you have started yourself.

This influence also signifies actions aimed at enlarging your scope of action, giving you more freedom of movement and creating opportunities for new experience.

This is a good time to approach a person with whom you do not usually get along or someone you have had a temporary dispute with and make an effort to settle it. You will find it easy to convince the other person of the integrity of your motives because it is true, and they will respect that. If you are involved in a legal controversy, this influence is a good time to settle that dispute on terms favorable to yourself.

Saturn opposition Mars: The middle way

19 August 2004 until 6 September 2004: This can be an extremely difficult period, because you feel that everything you try to do is blocked by circumstances or opposed by others. You may feel angry, but you have no obvious outlet for your anger, so you are left boiling over inside and seething with frustration. And there is no doubt that your actions are very closely circumscribed at this time. People who are important in directing your life - parents, employers, officials - may be a serious source of trouble at this time.

You may feel tempted to lash out against the forces that seem to be conspiring against you, but this is probably not a good idea. They will probably prove too strong for you. Instead of rebelling and fighting, it would be better to wait and in the meantime find some outlet for your pent-up energy. Hard work, physical activity, and concentrated effort will help dispel the energy build-up that may accompany this influence. However, take reasonable precautions in whatever you do along these lines. Accidents can occur now, because the pent-up energy is hard to control, and if it comes out in a sudden uncontrolled burst it can cause an accident. Be especially careful with sharp objects and anything made of metal.

It is not a good idea simply to hold in your feelings, even though it seems futile to let them out. The stored-up energy within you provokes responses from others and from your environment in very subtle ways, which can lead to even greater problems. You can conceivably become the victim of your own violent feelings, and this can happen in very subtle, unconscious ways. So you have to find the middle road between lashing out violently and holding all your anger in.

Saturn conjunction Venus: Harsh realizations

16 October 2004 until 2 December 2004: This influence will have a strong effect on your relationships with others. Relationships that are solidly based will go through a period of testing and examination during which you and your loved ones and friends will become increasingly concerned about what is valid between you. A weak and unstable relationship will go through the same process, but you are more likely to conclude that it is not worth preserving. Consequently, at this time the relationships that have no purpose or that have outlived their purpose in your life will be cut off. Often you will be reluctant to let go of them.

Even in the best of circumstances you are likely to withdraw from others. During this time you have to evaluate who you are, what your individuality consists of and how all of these fit into your relationships with other people, particularly loved ones. You may come to some harsh realizations about your relationships, and even those that you thought were quite good may have to be given up. But you can be sure that any relationship that comes through this period in good shape is very real and important to you.

New relationships with a strongly "fated" quality may also come into your life now, which will have very profound significance for you in about fourteen years.

This is definitely a time to be conservative in financial matters and not take on any new financial obligations, for you may have trouble meeting your existing ones. On the other hand, this is an excellent time for firming up and organizing the financial structure of your life.

In general you should look upon this transit as a time for withdrawing into yourself with respect to others and to material possessions. This withdrawal will enable you to get a clearer idea of what and who you are, so that your future relationships with people and possessions will be more solidly based on reality and therefore more reliable and useful.

0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2004 01:01 pm
As for your moon sign; I'm not sure. I was sure that there was Libra in you, and Aquarius, but your moon sign will probably be something unexpected, like Pisces or Capricorn.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2004 06:00 pm
Hmmm... Drom, I think the rising sign and your ascendant are the same. Are you sure about having yours be different?

However... sharing your signs with Yeats? Good company! I am envious. Apparently no one famous is an astro-twin with me. My moon sign is in Aries. (There is a lot of "fire" in this household... Mr.P is a Leo, and even more fire-like, my d. is an Aries with a Leo rising and Leo moon. My son is a very earthy Taurus, with Cancer and Virgo. Poor fella... he's always trying to calm us down.) I have been looking at other ascentant charts though, and mine is weird - it is full of squares. The others I have seen are mostly triangles.

I do love that website -- did you see that you can store several horoscopes? I am quite impressed with that long and detailed forecast of yours -- much more interesting than mine. Knowing your plans to take that house and concentrate on writing, it was particularly interesting to try and read that into the predictions. Sounds like some trouble just before Christmas, but I'm sure you'll be able to overcome. I love this "your everyday world is simply not "big" enough" -- heehee. So you just keep making it bigger, it seems! I did worry about the caution against pointed objects and metal. Be careful, please!

I hope you continue to enjoy Sweden. It's great that you are going from country to country to country. Wonderful! I love islands and imagine you going on ferry-boats here and there.

As for your question... My son is saving all those TV shows to his hard-drive. Everyone in this house has their own computer but we all share the same modem and the signal is split up by a router. Luckily, when I called this morning I could get a technician tomorrow, so we'll switch to the new ISP then and should be going at least four times as fast tomorrow afternoon.

Don't worry about me. I am feeling badly about my country and the elections and what we're doing in the world. (Especially, this happens when I come on a2k and look at the list of topics.) I wish we were making peace, but it seems like this administration doesn't know how. Oh, I wish we had treated the 9/11 horror as a crime -- not a reason to wage war. I keep thinking of the pain that we're causing in Iraq and other places. I hate it. It is true that when Sags are down, they are very saggy... but it can't last too long. While I can't lose this underlying feeling of grief, there's always the next interesting thing coming up.

Be Well!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2004 09:43 pm

Allow me to help with your Swedish:

Hej = hello, or g'day, or something similar

Tak - means thanks.

That's pretty much the extent of my Swedish - but it's served me well enough during 4 or 5 trips there (it does help if you have English speaking friends!)

Almost everyone in Swede-land seems to speak English, some very well.

It's a lovely country - very scenic at this time of the year (I was there in June last year!) All those lakes and islands and forests make for great images.
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Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2004 01:04 am
Good morning Drom in super Sweden and Piffka - I so agree with you about crime and not war - but aside from that, I have heard and seen articles about the ordinary people of Iraq, for example in colleges, who for the first time since Saddam came to power are now able to expand and move ahead - colleges in Iraq have 'twinned' with British ones for mutual benefit. I feel our media here is only concentrating on the bad sensational life-loss in Iraq instead of the very real progress and improvement of life that's going on now - and openness to new ideas. So however badly handled the war was, it is good for the vast majority that Saddam has gone. All the same, I would prefer your leader to be out of the way too, and possibly ours as well! Hope you are feeling less of a saggy Sag today!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2004 04:52 am
Evil or Very Mad The gods are not with me tonight! This is the 4th time I've tried to get into this thread! .... Am I jinxed or something? Confused

Just a quicky to say:

Hello, Clary! Very Happy <How's things? Good?>
Hello, Drom! Very Happy <Sweden! Enjoy!>
Hello, Piffka! <Stay off those politics thread! You'll feel much better!>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2004 08:10 am
Hi MsOlga... I need an AA group for politics. Very Happy They are addictive! Hope this jinx of yours only extends as far as the thread and is short-lived.

Clary -- Glad to hear about the twinning of universities between Iraq and the UK. I'd like to hope that some good will come from that conflict.

Isn't it nice to think of Drom enjoying herself, drifting amongst cool, green islands? (Having never been to Sweden, my images of it are akin to nearby Vancouver Island!) Glad Margo came onboard with some tips! <Hej Margo!>
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2004 01:58 am
Hello everyone, a long time since this post... everyone in the northern hemisphere enjoying a summer holiday, everyone in the southern sunk in gloom?
My astrological predictions have been useless of late. Looking for yet another site with better ones - though I shall be updating my predictive chart when back in Hong Kong (I go next week).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2004 04:18 pm
Next week, Clary? For work or pleasure? (Maybe both? Very Happy )

Keep us posted on your astrological site findings. And your predictive chart!
0 Replies

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