I have a tendency to open a book at random and read for a minute.... which is how I happened on that quote. Anna Quindlen used to be an opinion writer for the New York Times; she's written several books. The quote is from a book of essays written in preparation for a commencement address: A Short Guide To A Happy Life. At the end of the book she meets a man who lives on the street... he tells her to enjoy the view from his favorite park bench. I like your signature, too. Where is it from?
Ours was a great way to visit Paris... not a job though. We wouldn't even have gone except Mr. P broke his arm (running on the dock) and couldn't work at home so he had the summer off. We were friends with the son of the owners of the boat. The rain and fog in Paris sounds good.

As for other travel aspirations... I'd like to see the lakes in Switzerland and the mountains and ride the trains and stop in at some mountain villages. I have a "Heidi" complex -- the hills are alive with the sound of music, etc. It just doesn't feel like summer unless I'm above the tree line at some point.
We wouldn't be able to retire to that house in Scotland... it was lucious, wasn't it? I'd want a little place near the water. Dorney didn't look bad to me or Plockton, or one of the islands, but nevermind, I'm sure that I'll stay here and be happy. You're right though, living in Scotland would make trips to the continent much more affordable.
(Please note, when I go, I am calling on you for travel advice.)
I've visited Europe and/or the UK four times. Besides the UK, I have never been to other than Spain (2 trips - 17 days total), France (a different trip -- 2 weeks -- one week up the Seine, the other in Paris) and Belgium (same trip as visiting France -- three days -- all spent in Bruges, which I don't much remember except for the lace-making). Really, for a Sag, I'm not very well-travelled.