Thu 10 Apr, 2003 08:08 pm
Check out today's/this week's horoscope.
How appropriate is it?
Advice worth following?
Here's mine:
Promising more than you can deliver can have disastrous results. Keep your estimates as low as possible, or you could disappoint people who are relying on you. Building a good reputation in your field will almost certainly increase your earning power. Be sure to ask for a raise after you've successfully completed a project. This could be a profitable day for you, provided you play your cards right.
Hey, I just got appointed to a new job yesterday!
Already I could be promising more than I deliver!
Already I'm thinking of asking for a raise!
Now this is a bit closer to the mark!:
Pisces Horoscope for week of April 10, 2003
Feeling bereft because of the war, I found myself longing to connect with sources of inspiration that have fueled me over the years. I scoured closets, shelves, and storage lockers, collecting power objects from every period of my life. They included the books I've written and C.G. Jung's Psychology and Alchemy, photos of my daughter and the woman I love, a painting made for me by a friend, my favorite baseball card from childhood, and many other treasures. In the ensuing days, I made the freaky discovery that five other people I know had independently felt the urge to undertake a similar gathering. A ritual like this would be perfect for you right now, Pisces. I suggest you assemble 22 of your most important symbols and create a sanctuary to protect you from the world's chaos.
Mind you - that is pap that could apply to anyone in any situation.....but I am just a grumpy cynic...don't mind me....
Sheep and dreamingful, yes, you are right....
So what does your's say, D?
Maybe you're about to become SERIOUSLY RICH???!
Do you have a link where you got your horoscope?
Here's the weekly one, Montana.
dlowan wrote:
Mind you - that is pap that could apply to anyone in any situation.....but I am just a grumpy cynic...don't mind me....
Not in a good mood today, D?
Did you add a link? LOL!
Whoops, sorry Montana!
Here you are (weekly:
The other one was just the daily Yahoo.
Thanks msolga ;-)
here's mine. Whatever it means:
Aquarius Horoscope for week of April 10, 2003
While out on a walk, I laughed with incredulity and derision when I spied a front yard where gorgeous poppies and tulips were in full bloom -- surrounded by an eight-foot-tall cage of chicken wire. Once my instinctive response subsided, I realized there was probably a rational reason for the apparent lunacy, like maybe it kept the flowers from being devoured by marauding deer. My next thought leaped to you, Aquarius. I knew that the fortress protecting the delicate blooms was a perfect metaphor for what you should create for yourself in the coming week.
Been feeling a bit delicate & vulnerable, Montana?
Is he suggesting that you should build a shield to keep thuggish oaths from eating your tulips & poppies??
Hmmmmm..... I think I better put those eyes in the back of my head ;-)
Yeah, he can be a bit obscure, can't he?
I do tend to have a problem with deer in my vegetable garden. Maybe there will be more deer this year.
Deer? You have deer feasting on your garden?

Amazing concept! With me it's more of a snail problem ... A lot less interesting & exotic!
Deer? You have deer feasting on your garden?

Amazing concept! With me it's more of a snail problem ... A lot less interesting & exotic!