So here I am, if not travelling then plotting future travels, and I get this for the week starting today:
This week begins with a New Moon in Leo, CLARY, which is going to activate your travel and adventure zone. The New Moon occurs on Monday and gives you an opportunity to create a new beginning and to revel in all the discoveries you can make. Saturn has been moving through this sector for some time and may have frustrated your efforts to do what you wanted to do.
Don't think I was frustrated but hell, if it gets easier, fine by me!
7 weeks of conflict? Oh spare me! :
Over the next 7 weeks, be sure that whatever it is you are arguing over or fighting about is worth your time and effort. Because the tendency is for impulsive behaviour over this sort of thing and you could waste a lot of your time getting entangled. Intimate one-on-one relationships are in the line of fire too, but if the relationship is strong then you should be able to air grievances and make the relationship stronger. If it isn't then there could be a parting of the ways. But not today, because this is one day where troubles should be cast aside and fun and laughter should be heard. Make today one to remember
Oh no Olgs, surely not! Just go to bed and pull the covers over!
I'm kind of used to it by now, Clary! :wink:
Surely the sun going into Leo was helpful? A more positive energy?
Its my birthday in a few weeks!!
My horoscope said a baby being born into the family will be gifted.As far as Im aware nobody in the family is preggers!!!
Astrology was developed before humans even knew that the southern hemisphere existed. So half the planet must have been left out of the calculations! (sorry

i don't think hemisphere had anything to do with it, really - it's not the sky you can see. Anyway, I believe it is not an astral influence but a coincidence - and actually I don't believe in ANY of these prediction sites, but I do believe in character differences. MG, pm me yr date and year and I'll give you a sun/moon reading you won't forget!