Tue 22 Dec, 2015 02:00 pm
Hello All! I'm new to this astrology thing, and I'm trying to see if I can get a better understanding of my current relationship/situation at hand with a Man in my life. Take it easy on me
I'm a 21 year old female, Virgo Sun/Pisces Moon. My lover is a Cancer/Aquarius moon..29 years of age.
When my crab and I met, you would have thought we were a match made in heaven..... until I found out he was married when his child's mother tried to beat down his apartment door one morning while we lay in bed. He had told me about her (they have 2 kids), and told me they were broken up, and that's why he moved out... but never mentioned marriage...
By the time I found out we were already in too deep... I forgive him from keeping it from me (I'm understand to a point) and gave him the benefit of the doubt. He told me he regretted marrying her because he found out afterwards she cheated while he was away.. he doesn't even wear the ring.. but
He tells me he wants to be with me, wants me to have his son, the whole 9 yards.. and I know this man loves and cares about me.. we've taken trips, we have fun, it's so much love and passion... but he is hot and cold sometimes, and I don't know sometimes if he is really over the relationship. We talk about a future.. but I told him I didn't know, there's too many doubts.. He gets so moody, and shuts me out when he feels like it. Whenever I try to really get to the bottom of things, it's like he wants to run in a shell and hide.. He tells me that he doesn't want to be with her, unhappy marriage, doesn't feel the love from her he feels from me, and blah blah...
I feel wrong because of the fact that he's married, but this is a Cancer man who has expressed that he regrets it and wishes it wasn't there, and loves me. I don't know what to do? A little advice would be gladly appreciated.
You're involved with a married man who lied to you about his status. Full stop.
He's a liar and a cheat. Even if his wife thinks having an open marriage is hunky dory (some people do), he still lied to you.
Full stop.
He deceived you by not telling you he was married. If they were separated and he was living apart from her, it should have been no real big deal. At least I would not think it to be a big deal.
So why would you want to have a relationship with someone who began by deceiving you? Add to that his moodiness and shutting you out instead of talking things out and you have a really good recipe for failure down the road.
My suggestion. Let him know that once he begins divorce proceedings he should call you and see if you are available. Until then, I'd find someone more available and a bit more honest. Just my 2 cents.
He is married with children.
Regardless of sun signs or anything else, can he afford to start a second family? financially and time-wise. Does he spend time with his children now?
Once he's through the divorce, he'll start to look around for a new relationship (in my experience, rarely the old girlfriend) and figure out what he can manage.
Has he started the divorce process?

And sadly I don't know if it's even in the makings.
Time for you to step aside and get on with your own life - with someone who doesn't start off a relationship by leaving out important information .
Your absolutely right.. Thank you
VirPisces wrote:He tells me he wants to be with me, wants me to have his son,
this is not a good sign.
make sure you are on birth control AND that a condom is used as well
Do you think he would purposely try to get me pregnant if he really wanted to stay in the marriage? Just a question..because it's happened numerous times, we were actually trying
Sounds like he has a good setup right now. A wife to take care of his first two children and girlfriend/s to take care of future children.
Be very very careful not to get pregnant while he is still married. That means more than one form of birth control as none (except abstinence) are 100%.
Would he be able to support 3 or 4 children as well as his wife and himself?
There are guys out there who do seem to get some kind of kick having children with multiple women. A friend of my partner is like that. He doesn't seem to be able to ever get to the end of his child support requirements - almost made it once when a son aged out, but then got someone else pregnant (and then went back to a previous girlfriend).