Hi Olga,
Here's what my horoscope said:
I direct your attention, Scorpio, to Dawn Baumann Brunke's book, Animal Voices: Telepathic Communication in the Web of Life. There she champions the value of communing clairvoyantly with other species. Learning this skill is not only helpful for becoming closer to beloved pets, she says. It can also be useful for pest control. She gives examples of people who rid their homes of ants and spider mites simply by striking up telepathic conversations with them. My theory is that this same approach can be applied to pests in human form -- especially by you in the coming week. Rev up your considerable mental powers, and psychically ask jerks, annoyances, and bores to stop bugging you.
This must be directed at some other scorpio. First of all, I have no interest in communicating telepathically with my pet. I would just as soon avoid entering the mind of a feline maniac.

As for revving up my mental powers to psychically get rid of jerks, annoyances, and bores, I say hah and phooey. I can get rid of jerks, annoyances, and bores without psychic powers. You will just have to take my word for it.