Check that horoscope!

Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 03:51 am
Thanks for such a blast of a message, Clary! Very Happy Yep, good times a comin'.

Sounds like both Simon & I need to have some terrifically fantastic stuff to happen! And it's gonna! Tell Simon. Laughing

You've been travelling with a Pisces? Is that a good idea? Where there a lot of indecisive/confused moments about which place next?
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 04:44 am
Oh yes, he's totally indecisive... had to wait around in Thailand a week longer than I'd planned, and spent a lot hiring a jeep to get his visa renewed when he could have got it ANY TIME in Bangkok in the previous fortnight - but I decided for me and he came along where he wanted to and not where he didn't. I was in flexible mode, luckily. And he's always teasing me about being scientific but thinks I'm a secret mystic - as he's a Pisces mystic.. good sense of humour and willingness to go with the flow is the main thing!
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 04:49 am
Yes! Very Happy

But I'll bet Simon had lots of amazing insights into all sorts of things & pondered many deep philosophical issues as you travelled.
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 04:50 am
Oh yes, constantly! Makes a good companion, doncha think?
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 04:54 am
Absolutely .... But not the best at figuring out the value of different currencies? (I'm projecting my own Pisces inadequacies on poor Simon, whose probably a mathematical genius. Laughing )
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 05:12 am
Not a maths genius, but Cambodia operates in US dollars, and since he lives in New York, he understood this pretty well! Basically, we just went for cheapth in any currency.
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 08:09 am
My mother, mother-in-law (beloved) and only brother were all Pisces. Brilliant, insightful, curious and comfort-loving readers and not a math genius among 'em.

MsOlga -- I think you're in for a treat with Margo and I'm sure Margo is in for a treat with you.

Have I ever told you about Margo's Big Rescue? My friend Janet had the good fortune to meet her in Sydney. She reported back that Margo was all good things and in every other way, wonderful! My friend was weak from a strange shipboard illness and Margo rescued her. She saved her life, visited her while she was sick in her hotel room, took away and washed J's clothes and showed her every kindness and then sent home to me a wonderful jar of Margo's Mango Chutney. She is a heroine and an esteemed cook in my town!

I hope you get to have lots of time together and don't need any rescuing. I'll see if we can visit that Caravaggio exhibit online and then sip some Chardonnay.

Hello to your cats, btw. You'll never believe it... last night Mr.P asked me when I was going to get a new cat! <that deserves a THUD>

How bizarre that is, you'd have to know him to understand, but *I* am still reeling! Permission to get a cat? Requested to get a cat???? Have the magnetic poles shifted?
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 03:48 pm
Good morning, Piffka!

How nice to see you back here! Very Happy

Yes, margo's hitting Melbourne today! I'm online early in case there are any last minute messages ... But no, I guess her hands are full with her aunt, Possum & having that last cup of tea before leaving Sydney.
A thought: What a handy visitor, just in case I need my life saved on my home turf! I will feel very safe this weekend! Laughing

I like Mr P's request! That means you get to choose! Very Happy Quick, while the iron's hot! What does your horoscope say about this strange new development?

Did you ever paint that mural, Piffka? No? Now is the time! Spring. <sigh> With a new cat as your helper.

Lovely to see you again, Piffka. Tell us what's happening re the cat. I'm curious.

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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 04:09 pm
Here you are, Piffka & Clare:

Sagittarius Horoscope for week of April 8, 2004

April is Feedback Month. In the coming weeks, everyone from your best friend to the janitor at work may barrage you with hints of what they think about you. A few of the reports will be fairly accurate representations of you, while others may resemble the reflections you get from funhouse mirrors. If you just relax your ego muscles and watch the mad rush of images as you would a comic movie, however, the overall experience will be rejuvenating.

Ego muscles????? Laughing

Ego muscles?
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 05:11 pm
Hi MsOlga! G'morning!!

Well, yeah... Sags all have ego muscles... they need to be flexed regularly or we get to feeling cramped, y'know?

The problem with the cat is that I have these two dogs who will be nothing but trouble since they equate cats and squirrels. I'm sure I can educate them... but am I up for it? I dunno. I was surprised that there was nothing in my horoscope that seemed to point to this strange development. Maybe I should be looking at Mr.P's Leo 'scope? Something on the order of "Strange change in lifetime views astound life partner."

Haven't yet painted the mural <hanging head> but I do know what I want, where I want it, etc. I need two weeks where nobody will disturb me. Hah!

Is Margo there yet? <waving> Hiya Margo!!!
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 08:18 pm
Piffka, don't get a CAT! Dogs, horses, yes, they are Sag's favourites. It'll kill all the pretty birds and bring them half dead to your feet. Tiny fieldmice will be dismembered on your doorstep. Get a third dog!! I have just realised that the woolly rat in this flat is in fact a miniature poodle. It has very beady eyes and a ridiculous tail, but seems to have quite a pleasant character.

Well yes, I am expecting feedback this month from my editors all - and the ego is already wrapping itself in heavy duty weatherproofing for protection. But I get such GREAT feedback from you guys that maybe I'll weather the storm!
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 09:45 pm
I hope so! OK, no cat... I do love them, but this is not a good time. My Chow girls are unpleasant around cats and I'm not up to disciplining* them.

I've just come from dinner in a restaurant where I had two (2) glasses of Chardonnay (and I rarely drink -- gads is it ever hard to type) to celebrate MsOlga and Margo getting together and also the a2kers in San Francisco. Cheers!

*that does NOT look like it is spelled correctly... hic.
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 09:48 pm
Spelling and typing perfect, maybe it's your eyes that aren't!!

I'm saving my wine drinking for tonight when I can celebrate their meeting in a more relaxed mode! Glad you aren't getting a cat.
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 09:52 pm
So maybe you'll come and visit someday then if I have no cat?

Really, no misspellings? I must say, my eyes are practically seeing double and I have to find something else to look at! Feeling just a little.... woozy.
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Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2004 09:54 pm
Sure I'll come visit, wild horses wouldn't keep me from it! But a cat would... Sad only because of asthma, I am not really that bothered by them otherwise! It's an affectation I like to foster for those Aussie girls.
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 12:00 am

You must explain these Sag ego muscles when you get the opportunity! Laughing Pisces don't have them, unfortunately. Confused

Ah, you have to train the dogs to respect the cat. I see ..... Is Mr Piffka up to this? This will require a real team effort!

Yes margo has arrived! It's now close to 4 pm & I have just returned from dropping her off at Flinders St (railway) station in the centre of town. She's off to visit another friend, on the other side of the city, this afternoon. Then maybe dinner tonight, or lunch in St Kilda tomorrow .... We'll see what she feels like after returning to her (very posh!) hotel, later. I must say, it's very strange & pleasant to actually MEET someone you've been "talking" to on A2k, but have never seen, nor heard their voice, prior to the meeting. Nice!
We had a light lunch in Carlton, followed by a visit here to my place so's margo could meet my precious Flatty. Of course, he was his charming best! Very Happy
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 12:53 am
Lovely to hear that, 'friends' finally meeting. What a weird world we live in, eh? I'm in a cafe, with stunning views all over the city, drinking a latte and getting free internet! Wonders of modern science. But my astro says I should beware of being playful today Sad so sad! Give Margo my best for Easter, Olga!
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 12:57 am
Dammit, Clary, be playful. Yeah, go for it! Twisted Evil What's the worst that could happen?

Yes, I will pass on your Easter wishes to Margo ... And Piffka's too.
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 12:58 am
add mine to that list, hope you two have fun.
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 01:00 am
Thanks, pueo ... Will add you to the list. And a happy Easter to you & your family. Is that new little pup enjoying the attention of your daughters?
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