Think of a crisp Spring morning, Wilso, a clear, blue sky over a wildflower-speckled mountain meadow, a cold, bubbly brook playing counterpoint behind the chorus of chirping birds, all to the rhythym of the gentle, shifting breeze. Imagine the person who's bothering you there beside you ....
Gasping frantically for a desperate, hurried breath as you haul their head by the hair up out of the icy water for a moment before you plunge their face into the water again ... and again, and again
timberlandko wrote:Think of a crisp Spring morning, Wilso, a clear, blue sky over a wildflower-speckled mountain meadow, a cold, bubbly brook playing counterpoint behind the chorus of chirping birds, all to the rhythym of the gentle, shifting breeze. Imagine the person who's bothering you there beside you ....
Gasping frantically for a desperate, hurried breath as you haul their head by the hair up out of the icy water for a moment before you plunge their face into the water again ... and again, and again

Probably not the most healthy fantasy, but a satisfying one all the same.
Wilso wrote:Might I suggest your future career there sweetie. Go to college and get a psychology degree. You're a natural.
Thanks Wilso. For you sweetie, no charge ;-)
Wilso wrote:timberlandko wrote:Think of a crisp Spring morning, Wilso, a clear, blue sky over a wildflower-speckled mountain meadow, a cold, bubbly brook playing counterpoint behind the chorus of chirping birds, all to the rhythym of the gentle, shifting breeze. Imagine the person who's bothering you there beside you ....
Gasping frantically for a desperate, hurried breath as you haul their head by the hair up out of the icy water for a moment before you plunge their face into the water again ... and again, and again

Probably not the most healthy fantasy, but a satisfying one all the same.
LOL, and then there's that route, haha!!! I like that
Got to go to a wedding tomorrow. I can't avoid it and I know that after 8 to 10 hours surrounded by happy couples I'm gonna be suicidal.
I really wish I didn't have to go.
Wilso, why think like that? I understand what you mean, though. Maybe 5-6 years ago, I was single for a while, and whenever I saw "happy couples," I'd get depressed, I thought that was ideal, and I'll never find someone, ect.
It's BS. If you're not happy with yourself, which you're obviously not, having a female in your life isn't going to change that, at least not in the long run. Once you get over the initial "cutesy" stage of the relationship, you'll be back to finding ways for being depressed.
You gotta work on having some self respect and confidence..THEN worry about getting in a relationship. Can't tell you how to get confidence, that's something you gotta figure out.
I have to admit, I'm with Slappy on this one.

Slappy with a serius post ??
While I totally agree with him, I have to admit that it is easier said than done, specially when people all arnd you trying to put you down, no matter what !!
True enough Gautam....I am also a depressive, and refuse medication. Therapy has done wonders for me, but I do have my days.
I suffer from ELSE so I know what you are saying Wilso and Cav
I agree with Slappy- How 'bout that!
Wilso- Make a point on not focusing on YOURSELF at the wedding. Focus on the couple, the relatives and friends that you will see at the wedding. If you take the emphasis away from yourself, you will find that you CAN enjoy yourself!
It IS easier said than done, absolutely. But(not to sound like a cliche motivational speaker), there's only one person that can change you, and that's you. Do whatever you can to make yourself feel better, buy nice clothes, hang out with different people, go and have some have to develop a "f*** 'em" attitude, where you truly don't fear rejection, and could care less what that attractive girl thinks of you. If you have to purposely act cocky, do it.
Or maybe just realize that being self-defeating is plain pathetic. Everyone's gone through depression at one point, some worse than others. It's how you deal with it that's important. You're not going through anything nobody else has.
I am quite certain that Slappy has been accused of "hiding" behind humour, as I have at times, but humour is great therapy for the depressive personality, especially when it's secret and a bit evil. Let's just say that where there's a Wilso, there's a way. My perscription: Rather than think ohhh, all these happy couples are gonna make me throw myself off the Sydney opera house...think...ohhh, how messy are the divorces gonna be, and what will cause them? Then just let your wicked imagination take over. You will laugh inwardly, get through the event, and afterwards, from all that inward laughing, it will be gone, out of your head. Then, embrace life.
Nah, I just "hide" behind women's makeup and adult sized diapers. Is that weird?
Wilso, I just found this thread and want to add my support to all the rest of a2kers who like and admire you.
As someone who has had sometimes serious depression for many years, I can vouch for medication as long as it is used in tandem with therapy.
Lots of good advice here, but just one more thing--try to surround yourself with happy people. During depression, it is easy to fall into a black hole filled with other depressed people. Leave them there and find those who make you feel good. It's isn't always easy, considering that you can't control who you work with or who your relatives are, but at least you can concentrate on spending as much time as possible with people who have a happy outlook.
I can't remember who said it, but always try to remember that depression is cyclic and it will eventually level out. If you can prepare yourself for the bad times and keep reminding yourself that they will pass, you'll find getting through it is much easier. (Not that it is ever easy.)
Good luck to you and thank you for your courage in sharing--it might help others who aren't able to talk about their feelings. Also, do you realize how attractive that is in a man? That alone should make you feel better!
Adult-sized diapers eh...I had you tagged for the tighty-whitey type Slappy.
Wilso, another thing I just thought of is to do what is best for you. There are many different thoughts on how best to treat depression and many of them have validity; but there isn't one treatment that is best--you are the only one who can decide what works best for you.
I also agree very much with Slappy. He is so very right in saying that you can't find happiness in another person. You have to find ways to find happiness within yourself before you can be happy with anyone else. It's something you'll need to work on and will take time. The first thing you need to do is change your frame of mind and start to look at things from a different angle. I was depressed for a long time and if I was able to learn how to get myself out of it, anyone can do it. I think the first thing you need to do is to stop yourself from dwelling and the way I did that is by changing things in my life. For example: change your furnature around 3 or 4 times a year, hang new pictures on the walls, treat yourself by buying yourself things that you enjoy, like CD's, movies, etc...., start some projects that interest you, find new hobbies, etc.... One of the thing on my to do for myself list is to go to a 3 day spa and be pampered from head to toe. Believe me, I know how much being lonely can suck, but I also know that I've never found anyone when I was looking and then when I'd throw my hands up in the air and said "the hell with it, I'm just gonna have a good time" along came someone out of the blue.
As the bride comes through the door of the church, or whatever, race up to her, screaming and frothing -
"Don't do it - I love you - and I want the baby now - I don't care about your odd habits - or your weird family"
This way you'll:
Meet new people!
Cause a diversion!
Have some fun!
Get thrown out and you can go and watch the rugby!
Sounding good???