New Haven wrote:Too often, anti-depressants are prescribed, when all the patient really needed was someone to listen to him/her. When will physicians learn to talk with and listen to their patients? Isn't it time for MDs to leave their Rx pads outside of the examination room?
There had been times in the past when I've refused this type of medication. But in this instance I specifically requested it. I can't complain about the doctor prescribing it. I believe he would have also suggested counselling if I hadn't told him that I'd already made the appointment.
chatoyant wrote:Wilso - so glad for you! Keep getting out and enjoying yourself!
Not long got home actually. Had a farewell for a guy from work. Drank too much and I've been waiting for the world to stop spinning before I go to bed.
All right Wilso! Glad you're having fun! Isn't it the pits that you have to suffer for having one too many when one too many is just what you need? Hope you're feeling fine by the time you read this.
Take care.
Wilso, for a long time, I suffered severe anxiety and depression, to the point that last year, my family staged an intervention. I have always been stubborn about meds, and refused to try them. Since the intervention, I have been in session with a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, and it has worked wonders for me. My mood is elevated, I am approaching tense situations with a much more balanced approach, and am generally happier. This is a fairly new type of psychology, so if you want to get a bit more info, check out these links:
Glad to hear you are feeling better
I'm sooooooo happy that you found something that works for you. You're the best (smooch) ;-)
Well, something has happened. My apetite has doubled. I've been able to reduce my medication by a third. And I've been dreaming like crazy (increased serotonin levels?)
The dreams haven't been pleasant though. Usually revolve around being lost, being chased, or trying to get somewhere.
The last couple of weeks, very positive, very confident and not on any medication. Then I was unfortunate enough to be contacted by a woman from one of the singles sites. Someone who I never would have initiated contact with. Three conversations with her has somehow managed to undo most of what I've achieved in a year of counselling, and I'll be back on the medication tomorrow. I've blocked her ability to contact me again, but the damage has been done. A good reminder of how damaging some people can be. I really didn't need this.
Wilso- Did your doctor suggest that you cut out your medication? I worked in the mental health field for many years. One of the biggest problems was this:
A person was depressed, and was given anti-depressant medication. His depression lifted, and he felt better. Because he felt better, he stopped the medication, thinking that he did not need it any more. Then the depression returned. For many, it became a vicious cycle.
Remember, depression is not like an infection, where you take anti-biotics, and the infection goes away. You need to talk to you doctor about what you should take, and STAY ON THE STUFF. When you start to feel better again, you can speak with the doctor to see if adjusting the dosage is appropriate. Don't do it yourself!
Constantly talking to the doctor. Was on 30mg a day for six months, went down to 20 mg. About 2 months ago, I was able to skip the odd day, and by a month ago I was off the stuff. Only saw my counsellor on Saturday, and I was pretty calm, and in control, and some stressful days and long hours at work hadn't changed that. But 3 conversations with this woman with obviously lots of issues of her own, and obviously projecting them onto me, was a situation that psychologically, I obviously wasn't equipped to deal with, and now I feel about the same as I did a year ago.
This medication does have side effects, that while mild, is something that I would prefer not to deal with for the rest of my life. There's got to be more to life than the search for the right medication!!
I"m very happy with my counsellor.
Unfortunately, while she can teach me to deal with stress, and how to ignore the people who are not good for me, neither she nor the medication can cure loneliness.
Oh Wilso, this sounds so familiar !!! You are not alone....
Two lone warriors we are
I'm sorry to hear this Wilso :-( Don't let anyone bring you down.
Gautam wrote:Oh Wilso, this sounds so familiar !!! You are not alone....
Two lone warriors we are

That makes 3 of us, but I'm only lonely every now and then. I've learned to be happy with myself.
Hey Wilso ... look around ... there are folks here at A2K who are less lonely since they met you!
Me too. It's can be good therapy, and a place to vent sometimes.
As I may have been known to do on occasions.
Which is probably the reason why I'm here at 12:44 am local time instead of in bed. A lot more people around at this time.
Hang in there Wilso and don't let people people live rent free inside your head ;-)
Montana wrote:Hang in there Wilso and don't let people people live rent free inside your head ;-)
My counsellor used different words to say the same thing to me, very early in our sessions.
Always remember that you have control of your own mind and no one has the power to go there unless you let them in ;-)
Might I suggest your future career there sweetie. Go to college and get a psychology degree. You're a natural.