Yep Wilso, depression does suck. Big time!
And yes, you may be taking those pills for a long while now.
Mr Stillwater!
How lovely to see you again!

How are you getting along? (You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, of course ..)
I was just about to send out a search party for you!
Not that we missed you, or anything!
Howya going?
We wuv ya Stilly!!!!!
(engage lie mode)
Mr Stillwater wrote:Yep Wilso, depression does suck. Big time!
And yes, you may be taking those pills for a long while now.
Hey, Mr. Still! Where ya been. We missed you!
Good to see you back, Mr. Stillwater. Of course you are depressed. With so much pain, anything otherwise would be quite odd. As to your singular arthritic condition, I hope you have sought another opinion. Keep us posted, buddy.
Thanks for your thoughts. I have hit an all-time low as the full impact of the events of the last couple of years are really hitting home. As my wife threw me out last year, I have had a hard time of trying to find a new home. I will say that although I am not in that totally destructive relationship, I only have little time with my children each week (11 hours). I am finding this even harder to cope with than just being alone.
For the past couple of months I have just been unable to find anything to say. I missed this place and even logged on, but I had literally lost my voice. There's only so much the pills can do, you still have to live in the here and now and you can't do that AND avoid the pain. Sorry for the absence.
Stillwater, we know and love you, I know that seems absurd as across the web channels, but there it is. Please just grunt at us when you can't talk. We can take it.
Besides, we believe in you. I don't care how much you may have f/up previously, I know you are someone I want to keep knowing. Ok, enough support. why the hell don't you post on the word game threads? (okay, okay, kidding, but they are the secret society of a2k... lazily nuanced, those pleasant posts..)
Mr. Stillwater I know that feeling all to well and like everyone else I am glad you are back with us.
What is it about depression that makes one withdraw from the very things that give such pleasure?
JoanneDorel wrote:Mr. Stillwater I know that feeling all to well and like everyone else I am glad you are back with us.
What is it about depression that makes one withdraw from the very things that give such pleasure?
Complicated question Joanne...I know for me it's an overwhelming feeling of not being worthy of the world's pleasures, for some nebulous infraction in my life. Unexplainable, and completely illogical, but when in the throes of it, a hard thing to get over.
Mr. Still
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles and hope things get better for you very soon.
Unfortunately, I'l have to agree with Joanne & cav-.
I hope you'll spend some time with us, Stillwater. I find it's something I can do "on auto-pilot" when I'm having one of those bad days. I think it's pretty safe to say that I speak for all of us when I say - we're here if you need to talk or anything. - and that goes for the rest of you, too! Friendship and social interaction is the enemy of depression!
You can speak for me devriesj - A2k has saved my life more than once.
That's awesome and awe-inspiring, Joanne. That's one of those things I want to remember when one of "those days" hits.
It is true I love this place and the people here.
Amen, sista. It's really feeling like home to me as well!
La famiglia here - a certain family spirit at a2k, accessible immediately in contrast to most families.
I won't say we all care, there must be some who don't, but generally we do care. No matter how long it takes us to post.
But for Stillwater,
the hugs make the oceans wave.
Depression comes because of sin.
And I'm not talking the ol' "we're all sinners" sort of thing. I'm talking big distinguishing sins.
Hang in there, Mr Stillwater! Sorry things are so tough right now ...