SCoates, hi. And what was it I said before? Yuk? I get it I get it but look at poor dev being all helpful...
Oh, just saw the newborn part! Cool! Yeah, newborns'll make you feel stupid tho, that's for sure.
Stillwater, awful good to see ya.
I whole-heartedly agree with you, Letty.
Letty wrote:SCoates. Belief and religion are often mutually exclusive, but I for one, keep holding on.
You hold on, too.
Liars have done more to crucify the idea of Jesus, than the Romans, or the scribes and pharisees, but the horror lies in the fact, that many have convinced themselves that lies have become truth.Therein lies the real tragedy.
and in the mean time, in between time, there is music, art, and, of course, poetry.
Oh, I'm actually a very religious person. With hopes to one day teach scripture. Also there are a couple of prophesies in revelations I plan on trying to fulfil myself. Sadly, I have a feeling that the honor of that is reserved, and higher forces may impede my progress.
Hmmm. Maybe what you are going through now is part of that - whether it seems so or not. I think that if the Revelation prophecy fulfillment is meant for you it will happen. You, my friend, are a very interesting person.
I see no reason why man cannot takes such honors onto himself. The scriptures aren't against it.
That's an interesting thought. Hmmm. Revelations & Eschatology isn't my strong suit. May I ask what prophecies you hope to fulfill? And tell me if I'm being too nosy, but what's your religious affiliation?
Oh I'm very close to religion--to answer your second question first. I am very closely affiliated. As for your first question, any one I'm able. At least then I'll be somewhat famous in the after life. "Hey, isn't that the guy they talk about it Revelations such and such verse."
You've flipped! I suspect you have advanced clinical stupidity, with complications, and high irony!
Hang in there for the cure!
Either that or Job, a person of the ancient text I some times feel that set my path through life.