Mon 17 Mar, 2003 01:46 am
Although it probably doesn't show as much online, a couple of months ago I started feeling down for no apparent reason.
Apart from maybe wishing I wasn't single, if I critically examine my life there's little I should feel down about. My job pays OK (and I usually don't have to work too hard), I've got a nice home (at the right price), a car (cheap but it goes), a great motorcycle, I'm studying a subject that I really enjoy and I've got a great family - and still my emotions stayed low. I decided last week to seek medication for it (been avoiding it). I've been taking it for a week (aropax) and I think it's just starting to take. And so far, zero side effects. Here's fingers crossed.
All the very best to you, Wilso! .... It's good that you've acknowledged that you're having difficulties. Lots of men sort of blunder on, making the lives of their loved ones very difficult ... Say nothing of living in a little hell, themselves. I hope that you're talking to a good counsellor, too. That can be extremely helpful.

Take good care of yourself, OK?

(PS .. Congratulations on all you've achieved ... You've done really well!)
Indeed, Wilso. Thought I noticed something amiss.
Yep, got an appointment for that.
Wilso it really take over 12 days to really take effect. Having stuff isn't a cure but you will get your self back. And remember how much we all love you.
I'm not suicidal or anything like that. It's just this emotional low that seems to be going on for far too long.
Good for you Wilso. So many people think there's some sort of stigma attached to taking that kind of medicine. I was like that until my doctor talked me into it (until he was blue in the face ... almost literally). Taking anti-depressants has helped me through a lot. I'm not happy that I have to take them, but I'm happier because I am taking them.
Hope you keep feeling better!
Sometimes you just need a bit of a kick start and usually through councelling and medical aids together you can do this fairly quickly and with lovely results, although you might not need both, having both could help you feel like yourself more quickly.
Sounds like you did a good thing, realizing that there was something wrong and you needed to do something about it. Bravo to you.
Depending on the medication, it could take up to 14 days to influence you at all.
I hope that this works well for you, fingers crossed also!
Glad to see you back on the right track. I agreewith Quinn1, that counselling along with medication may just do the trick. The medication is fine as far as it goes, but IMO people need to learn how to deal with difficult situations, and develop better coping skills.
A good psychologist, or psychiatric social worker would be most helpful. The problem with the psychiatrist alone, is that the vast majority of them know diddlysquat about talking to people about difficulties with daily living.
Psychologists, mental health counsellors, and psych social workers have that training!
Wilso, that was brave to own up to being depressed online here. Lots of people go through bouts of it, and it does help to talk to the right people, whether counsellor or good friend.
One thing I've learned through talking to people during my own hard times: Lots of people feel like they're on the outside looking in, whether they're married or single. Medication may help, but only temporarily. Same thing with marriage. The best thing is to reach out, as you are doing, and talk to people who can help you find out what you need to do get that depression to lift.
dream2020 wrote:Wilso, that was brave to own up to being depressed online here. Lots of people go through bouts of it, and it does help to talk to the right people, whether counsellor or good friend.
The fact is that most of the people who I would seek advice from on this subject are those that I've met online. And if someone who's feeling the same thing (and just living with it) see's this and decides to take some action themselves, then I believe it's worth any possible embarrassment.
You haven't embarrassed yourself, Wilso.
You just asked for support.
Good for you!
I've had this problem for many years and am glad that you found a solution for yours. Maybe I should look into it myself!
I hope you do Gezzy. Why live with it if there's effective treatment?
The only thing is Wilso is that I'm very reluctant to take any form of meds since I pretty much know what my problem is.
I hate that. When you're actually smart enough to know WHY you're so screwed up.

That's one time when ignorance may be bliss.
Yeah, but I know that being lonely is my problem, so I can't see any med helping me with that!
That's true to a certain extent, but it depends on how much it affects your life. Particularly over the last month I've had very little appetite (lost a few pounds) and I"ve had a lot of trouble studying. It was interfering with my life to point that I had to take some action.