Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sounds wondeful!
Very nice. Wish I was there.
Very apt description of the evening Margo. Lunch with the lady from the singles site was OK, but won't be going any farther. We had little in common. While some of the city is nice, such as the previously mentioned area where the concert was, I find a lot of it to be very crowded and noisy, and any significant amount of time there would send be stark raving mad (as if I'm not mad enough already). So she loved the city, and I didn't. that was the biggest difference, but an enjoyable weekend all the same.
The best part of the concert for me was the solo flute player. Stunningly beautiful and stunningly talented. I was sitting down the front for that.
Did you get her number, Wilso?
I've been "volunteered" to do a shift call job for six weeks over christmas. And I'm also likely to be the only backup for the shift crews in the forseeable future. Since they've cut the department to the bone, I'm the only person who's trained to do the job. Which is highly likely to end my university study. Now I am depressed. And angry.
What's a shift-call job?
Not sure how being the only back-up affects university? Do you have to actually be there, if you are back-up? Or do you get called lots?
Yes, you actually have to be there. What it means is. My normal job in the workshop, the possibility was there to swap time to make some classes during the day. With this job, that opportunity does not exist.
Not mention the fact that this was the job that almost drove me nuts a few years ago. And if I complain about it, it's likely to undo any chance I've got of studying on company time. In other words-I'm fucked.
Wilso - any distance ed courses, in yours, or other universities, that you might be able to take? Generally, they DO have some time face to face with staff - but this usually takes place in blocs - or a bloc - where you can take holidays or such - and they are, of course, geared to students who are not coming in for lectures - therefore the lecture material is on the net, or is sent to you.
I am two essays short of completing one of them, and one of my friends teaches in a number of them. Tougher in science, I know - but, worth a look?
or - get - even PAY someone to take lecture notes? sometimes I have known unis to be prepared to tape lectures for students who cannot attend.
are the lectures the main problem, or do you have lab pracs?
Lectures is one thing, but most subjects also have compulsory practical/tutorial, and if they put them on during the day, which they ALL are, rules me out. Really pisses me off after the results I've been getting.
Did you see what I wrote about distance education? It is an increasing service for a number of universities.
I'll go to the uni site and do a search. See what comes up.
Language education, are the only courses offered by distance education.
You oughta be able to get status - if there is something suitable. Science is a harder thing to do that way - but it shouldn't take a lot of searching to find out at least where you can find out!
Good luck - and fingers crossed for you.
I've found an IT undergrad available as fully part time distance educated. I've just sent an email seeking further info.