Ha! Tell me about it. Up here in Hansonland is not the place for me.
(Apologies to any Hansonlanders out there.)
Anyway whats the go with Wilso? he seems a bit cranky today.
Adrian wrote:
Anyway whats the go with Wilso? he seems a bit cranky today.
Took me 2 hours after work to calm down. I'm trying to set up a new computer with this garbage playing in my ears.
Off to watch the Simpsons. That usually makes me feel better.
Ah the Simpsons... Never fails to amuse.
Me I'm an hour behind so still at work. sigh.....
I got majorly depressed last night, dont know why - but a good night of sleep (after abt 4 single malts) has made me feel so much better today....
Wilso, if you did not tell this guy that his crappy music was bothering you, you can hardly call him ignorant, but insensitive is still in. Hope you're feeling better my man. I LOVE The Simpsons. I can watch reruns endlessly, and still find new things in them.
I did tell him his music was annoying me. I went so far as to beg him to PLEASE TURN THAT CRAP OFF, and that it was like SANDPAPER OVER MY NERVE ENDINGS. That sort of selfishness really pisses me off. If it happens again, then I intend to tell him that
a) I can't take it anymore.
b) If he's so desperate to listen to it, he should bring a portable CD player and headphones to listen with.
c) that if he continues to ignore my requests, I am quite willing to complain to my supervisor, plant maintenance engineer, superintendant, or even the department manager, if that's what it will take to be able to do my work in peace.
It's just unusual in my small department, for someone to display ignorance of this level.
Well in that case, Wilso, ignorant is in too. Jeez, I can't even imagine the torture....lucky for me, I work at home, alone, and only have to deal with that crap from some cab drivers.
This was the culmination of several conversations on music. He almost seems to be doing it deliberately to piss me off. The more I say how much I dislike it, the more he plays it. And this was after I'd put up with the stuff for 90 minutes. I told him that I couldn't stand it anymore, and he just refused. There's also another option. Being the only network administrator in the department, I've got the ability to disable the CD drive on the computer (even the supervisor couldn't get it back on, not that he'd bother, he's got his own computer in his office, and normally leaves us to our own devices. Very good man to work for. I went to this department after my drug addiction caused me some problems at work, and the chance to work for this guy was a very large part of my rehabilitation). I actually took a couple of classical CD's to work today, and i was going to play them. But I didn't get the chance, because some absentees by the shift electricians saw me working on the plant covering their job.
And as I said, it's very unusual in the department I work in. Normally it would only take one request.
Probably should also add that all this was before this guy arrived. Anyone else there, I'd just have to ask once and it'd be all over.
I think you should put a pumpkin on the roof of his car, with a knife stuck in it through a note that reads "YOU."
Wilso- I wouldn't disable his CD if I were you. That might be the beginning of an escalating feud. (What if he slashed your tires as revenge?)
Look. This is WORK. You are both being paid to produce. If you are unable to produce because of what he is doing, and the guy is not reasonable, the supervisor needs to know about it!
Good morning, Wilso.
Here's hoping this weekend break puts a smile on your face!

A beautiful morning here in Melbourne ... Hope it's the same for you.
It is a lovely morning. I'm off to Sydney to have dinner with Margo and some friends, go to a concert, and meet a lady I contacted on a singles site.
Hey, sounds a good day, Wilso!
Say hello to margo for me!
And good luck with your new friend!
Actually, lovely doesn't do it justice. It's an absolutely stunning morning. Bright sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, and with the recent rain everything's clean and green.
Yep, same here, Wilso!
It's going to be a couple of VERY hot days here, though. I love the mornings of days like this!
Hi to both Wilso and Margo, from afar.
It is like the bloody tropics here - grey, hot, humid and condensing from time to time - not sure if it is really rain, since the drops just seem to hover in the air.