diana....I am almost....proud of you, girl. It actually seems like you are beginning to grasp the real situation and find some understanding in it. Almost like you really do realize that we can't always get what we want and sometimes what we want is not the best thing for us anyway.
I agree with Debra...it IS encouraging to see another side of you. And that you actually do have other interests in your life. I can understand how it can be hard to see all of your friends paired off in sweet little coupledom and how you definitely would want that for yourself too. But I do think it was just the wrong guy this time. And the right one will come along eventually, provided that you do deal with the issues of insecurity that you have about being alone and not in a relationship.
While you should definitely keep the good friends you have now, even though they are coupled up, it is also such a liberating time for YOU! To meet and develop new friendships of both sexes. A chance to broaden your circle and live a really fun life!
My own daughter of 21 just recently broke off her engagement to her boyfriend. It just didn't
feel like the right thing for her at the time and now she is soooo looking forward to doing some traveling, meeting new friends (but keeping the old), going back to school and making a life for
herself before she ever commits her life with another. I am very grateful she made the decision (she was way too young in my opinion to begin with, but I had to keep my mouth shut!). She is probably moving out of state within the next few months and embarking on an entire new journey and she gets to be the one in charge of herself.
Definitely keep seeing your therapist and hopefully with their help you can become confident enough to really branch out and become the wonderful, sweet,
independent woman that will one day attract THE RIGHT ONE.
Hang in there....It's a long journey through life, but we all have the chance to make it a good one.