((((( J_B and BorisKitten)))))
Honestly BorisKitten, I am sure she reads no other posts than her own, because in her little warped world, no one else matters.
Funny, how sometimes fate steps in at just the right moment. It did that to me yesterday...I was maxxed out....I was tired, the loss of Cav was weighing heavy on my heart. You know. Just a lot of things. And then I opened this thread and all I could see was RED. I composed a scathing post unlike I thought I could ever unleash on anyone. It was brutal, I mean really brutal, but honest. In fact, it was so bad it was precluded by "Lord Craven and Lady Jespah, please forgive me for what I am about to do...."
Well back to that fate thing....I just finished it, spell checked it...although there sere so many expletives, that took awhile and then I hit submit.
And guess what? Nothing happened. Nothing at all. I paged back only to see Craven's announcement about the board being down for some emergency maintenance and to please check back soon.
Karma on a grand scale I must admit.
Maybe Cav was looking over my shoulder and whispering in my ear that this isn't who Lady J really is.
And it truly wasn't and for whatever happened the way that it happened I am very grateful. Strange, huh?
That does not mean that I am not as frustrated with YOU, Diana as I have ever been. I still think it is a line of bull that you say you are reading any of our good advice and the reason I really know that is that you rarely ever reply to anything that anyone has said directly to you regarding your problems. Case in point.....
The VERY first thing you said to anyones replies yesterday was:
"well he e-mailed me...woohoo." It is still ALL about YOU and until you get some very serious therapy that I think you so desperately need it will always and forever be just about YOU. And in the long term that equates to a very, very, very lonely agonizing existence.
Personally, I am finished with you. You never take a moment to thank any of the other posters who have given of their time and graciousness to HELP YOU. You have never shown even an inkling of caring about someone else or given a second thought what someone else might be going through and reach out a hand to them.
Right now, if you are drowning in your own sea of confusion and problems about your friend, they will just have to remain YOUR problems as far as I am concerned. You will see no life preservers being tossed into your ocean of delusion from me.
In parting and that is provided you do even read this, I might suggest you also look for another forum or board that might be a bit more likeminded towards you. The people here are AK are mostly all very giving and generous and loving and caring. In other words...we actually give a damn about others. Unlike you....