Re: re
diana78 wrote:ok so should i call him and tell him i wont see him? I understand, i should not nag him.
I know it's difficult for you, but try to control yourself. Don't call him; don't email him; don't text him. Men don't like clinging vines. Whenever you're feeling that overwhelming compulsion to contact him, think of Lil Abner running as fast as he can
away from Daisy Mae's outreached arms.
Let him pursue you.
Find other things to do with your time. Read books, take classes, clean your house, do your laundry, get a manicure, go window shopping, read some magazines, find some new decorating ideas and start redecorating in accordance with your budget, clean your car, browse for some new recipes and bake cookies or make lasagna, go bowling, pet your cat.
There are lots of things you can do to make yourself happy. You don't have to sit by the phone all day agonizing over whether you should call him or whether he will call you.
I hope that you want more out of life other than being a clinging vine.