Translation is really hard.
At the last company I worked for there was no English website, just one in Chinese with some of the most godawful translations to English you've ever read. I was in charge of Marketing for The Western Hemisphere (that's right, the whole frigging Western Hemisphere).
I stopped everything and re-wrote pages of garbled Chinglish so that I could have something to show the contacts I was making in Canada and the USA.
The catalog they had was no better. (They, at first, wanted me to get mailing addresses of clients in order to send them a physical catalog just like it was in 1959 or 1969..... meh,) It was full of errors and phrases like "the motor bearing are seal likeState to extend service life."
I said "We need a USA website written in English." They said "Go ahead."
I had no idea how to build a website.
One of the guys in the wire-bending products division (think: all those multi-shelved shower caddies, metal spice racks and plant stands) found a website builder, I think it was actually called Website Builder, and we got started.
First, I got them to send me the pages of the catalog in jpeg files. All I had to do then was take each page and cut it up into six or eight pieces using Paint and drop each piece into a page, build a link to the page, a link to the Details of each model and a link back to the Home Page.
Each fan had graphs that had to be added to its page and then specifications for each of the models of that fan.
It was crude but you could go from page to page with the client on the phone and find what the two of you were talking about.
Have a look:
There used to a section for the Wire Products and the Hospital Beds that the corporation makes, but I guess they have given up on those.
Did I mention that we translated our website into Spanish? Yep. Did that too with the help of a guy who worked nights on it from his home.
I rewrote the all the copy about six times, but I still see some errors, ' to specification' instead of 'to specifications' .... . GAH! (Where's my editor?!)
Everything would have been fine, and I would have made some nice money, except for two things: the Chinese (at least at this company) didn't want to shell out any cash to get their products UL APPROVED (that kind of dampens the US sales) and whenever we went head to head against any German or Spanish or other Chinese Industrial Fans they beat us like a carpet on a clothesline.
I do like looking at the site and remembering how long it took me to figure out how to stretch the spec bar to fit the cropped figures. That was tough, but I did it. I hope they are making some money from it.
Joe(oh wait, see the PS)Nation
PS: Translation~~ They already had set up their Model Numbers; part of a Model Number should include a designation for Intake Fan or Exhaust Fan. Their's were (B) for Intake and (S) for Exhaust because they had already decided to use, instead of Intake or Exhaust, the words Blowing and Sucking. That made for some interesting phone conversations. heh.