I have no idea what you are talking about when you say I've been "sneaky" or "cagey" or "wiggling" or whatever.
I described how I use quotations marks, you asked me for sources.
I replied that I couldn't find any and that I wasn't sure where exactly the notion of using " " just for quoting actual speech and written items and ' ' to indicate irony or euphemism had come to me. How is that any of the things you said?
You said it was silly and didn't make much difference.
I agreed and said "No biggie."
I said I liked reading about languages and mentioned I was reading/listening to
The Language Instinct at the present time. You immediately said:
I had a sneaking suspicion you snuck it from there. Go to Ch 9, I think it is. If you can grasp it, it will illustrate for you how bonkers your "rules" are.
Well, I thanked you for that, even though, once again, you were implying that I had ''snuck" or stolen the idea, <sigh> I'm such a sap I even went and got a pdf of the book, thinking maybe you were actually trying to be helpful. My mistake.
You were 'trying to helpful' in the way you so enjoy.
Do you see that I'm using the same words but not quoting them, I'm indicating that the meaning is the opposite of their regular useage?
Anyway, time's up, sir or madam.
Joe(Time's up)Nation