Israel's Amazing Medical Breakthrough

Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2013 10:54 pm
Go ahead and lay it all out, Gunga. I'm all ears.

You want a U.S. military operation to cry over? This one was the all-time prize.

Where to even start with this one...

I have no apriori stake in anything involving the balkans.  I am not of
slavic origin, a member of the orthodox church etc. and in fact I do not
really even know any Serbs.  I speak Russian reasonably well and I have
a reasonably good idea of how Russians think, and there was a big
question mark in 95, i.e. assuming everything you read in the media is
correct and the Serbs really are the assholes of the world, is it worth
damaging relations with Russia over?  To me the answer was not really,
but I could not have framed an argument or a case very easily.

When the whole process started up again in 99, I decided to make it my
business to go out on the internet and learn as much as possible on the
subject.  Here's what all I learned:

As nearly as I can tell, the Serbs are the closest thing there are to
normal decent people in the Balkans.  There were 25 or 26 ethnic groups
in the Yugoslav federation, only three or four of which had any sort of
a problem dealing with Serbs, and those are the three or four which
sided with Adolf Hitler in WW-II.

In fact the Serbs declared war on Hitler and held him for many months
and sent him into Russia in the dead of winter instead of on schedule,
but for which we might all be working in a Nazi coal mine in West
Virginia.  In fact, the Serbs rescued something like 500 allied airmen
who were downed coming back from the raids over Ploesti and other balkan
targets.  Any allied airman who ever parachuted into Croatia, Albania,
or any of the other parts of the Balkans was tortured and killed.  The
Serbs paid a huge price for this, two or three million being killed in
death camps in the surrounding states, which sided with Hitler.

Kosovo in fact had been majority Serb prior to the war and was the
ancient heartland of Serbia, with 1500 or so orthodox shrines and
monasteries.    Many Serbs living in Kosovo were killed by the nazis,
and Tito, a Croat, moved many more out of Kosovo, and then you started
getting large numbers of Albanians moving into Kosovo to escape one of
the worst regimes in the commie world in Albania.  Most Albanian
Kosovars are in fact illegal immigrants.

Bad went to worse after the war until Milosevic ended up having to
rescind the autonomy of the province in 89, and that was the genesis of
the modern problems of Kosovo.  Milosevic had no options;  every other
ethnic group in Kosovo was being brutalized by the Albanians.  According
to every account I was able to read, in the winter of 99, there was in
actual fact nothing resembling ethnic cleansing or genocide going on in
Kosovo; only a bunch of innocent people trying to protect themselves
from a low-grade guerilla war being waged by narco-terrorists with money
and arms being supplied by other nations.

In fact the whole problem in Kosovo was the Albanians, who appear to be
universally hated in the region. These people average ten or twelve
children per family, and attempt to ensconce themselves into little
corners of other peoples' countries and breed for fifteen or twenty
years until they constitute a majority population in those corners, and
then break those corners off into their "greater Albania".  Greeks,
Macedonians, Serbs and othere refer to this as "rabbit breeding your way
to power".  That's aside from rape, murder, poisoning wells etc. etc.,
which they also excel at.

From everything I was able to read, Albanians are responsible for as
much as 90% of European heroin trafficking, most of the prostitution
south of Germany, most of the traffic in stolen vehicles moving from
Europe to Russia and the Levant, and on and on and on.  Therefore it
came as no surprise to to learn that the real reasons such as they were
for our involvement had basically nothing to do with Albanian Kosovars,
who no rational person could give a rat's ass over.  There were six or
eight real reasons for wanting to get into Kosovo and together they did
not add up to a believable case and the pentagon advised Slick not to do

Nonetheless the thing which was on the front page of virtually all
American journals at the time was the Juanita Broaddrick story, i.e. a
credible allegation of a brutal rape by a sitting president of the
United States, and Slick clearly needed something to get that story off
the papers.  A week after Kosovo started, there were pictures of Slick
and his toadies doing high-fives and talking about hitting a home run.
A home run, in fact, which cost the lives of several thousand little
slavic orthodox children.

As near as I could tell, NATO commanders realized that this thing was
another episode of dog-wagging for which they could not ask pilots to
risk their lives over and ordered bombing attacks practically from
orbit, and then when they realized they  could not harm the Serbian
military from 25,000', embarked upon a wholesale campaign of what most
people would call war crimes, targeting the Serbian people and their
infrastructure hundreds of kilometers from any legitimate military

Aside from every other problem with Kosovo, the precedent which it
represents cannot possibly be allowed to stand.  If ethnicity is
everything and ownership and sovereignty don't mean anything anymore,
then what are we going to say when the UN comes here demanding that we
hand Texas, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and California over to Mexico
on the same perverted basis?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2013 10:56 pm
Any sort of a thorough research will turn up the reality that the
whole problem in Kosovo was always the Albanian Kosovars and not the
Serbs.  The present problems seemingly began with Miloshevich
rescinding the autonomy of the region in 1989.  The truth is that he
had no options, and that all other ethnic groups in Kosovo were being
brutalized by the Albanian Kosovars:


Further readings and articles from the 80's tell much the same story:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2013 10:59 pm
Major repository of info dealing with Yugoslavia:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2013 11:02 pm


The killing of a math prodigy
by Nada Dragic (7-10-00)
Translated by Gordana Simovic
Edited by Jared Israel

www.tenc.net [emperors-clothes]
col·lat·er·al (ke-làt¹er-el) adjective
Abbr. collat., coll.
1. Situated or running side by side; parallel.
2. Of a secondary nature; subordinate: collateral target damage from a bombing run.
A question from emperors-clothes: If Sanja Markovic's death was secondary, what was the primary target?


"Don't be crazy, mum. Who's going to drop bombs on a small town?"

These were the last words Sanja Milenkovic spoke before she left for a walk Sunday, May 30, 1999. No ordinary day. Day 68 of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia.

It was a sunny, busy shopping day, Pentecost. Young people strolled on the streets, some went onto the local bridge they liked so much because it offered a magnificent view of the Morava river and surroundings. The roar of warplanes cut short the life of the bridge and of those residents including Sanja Milenkovic.

Sanja and her family, whom she loved most in the world besides math, led a quiet life. As a gifted child, who had been given many awards, she came from her native village of Donji Katun near Varvarin, to the capital, Belgrade, to enroll, without an entrance exam, in the Mathematics High School. There were, as publicized in numerous interviews, no insolvable math problems for her. She had won many Yugoslav and international prizes, and she was preparing for the Mathematics Olympiad and surely for another of her trophies of world importance. She could explain everything logically or in terms of mathematics. The New York Times and the Washington Post wrote about our Sanja, a Serb girl from Varvarin, describing her as the greatest math talent of today, killed by NATO bombs.

Sanja was very close to her mother Vesna. Vesna was 21 when she gave birth to her first child. At fifteen, Sanja was a pretty and bright girl. "Sanja was like younger sister to me; she was also my best friend," says Vesna.

When the NATO aggression against our country started, Sanja traveled back to Varvarin to be with her parents. Vesna and Sanja's dad, Zoran, believed Sanja would be much safer in a small place in the country where there were no military installations. But NATO targetsincluded hospitals, schools, kindergarten, roads and bridges. Cynical news of "collateral damage" came out of NATO headquarters every day. So Sanja was one of several thousand ordinary Serbian people who died of missiles targeting even insignificant bridges in small towns throughout Yugoslavia.

One of them was the bridge in Varvarin. It led to the local Christian Orthodox church and therefore innocent civilians, who happened to be on it that sunny May day, on the Christian holiday of Pentecost, were killed. Sanja and two of her friends were among the victims.

It was a little past noon. The shopping day attracted more crowds than usual. The memorial liturgy was in progress at the Church of the Holy Mother at that moment. No one knew that up in the skies there were warplanes that already had the bridge in their sights and were ready to rain down death. In the 68 days of the aggression, people were used to being bombed by night. So, very few believed that the 52-year old bridge that was the town's lifeline and that did not straddle any of the major transport routes, would be picked. It is a three-hour drive to Kosovo and Metohija from there. It was exactly five minutes past one p.m. Vesna and Zoran were fixing lunch for their daughter when they heard a strong blast nearby. Vesna's mum immediately picked up the phone to check if it was still working. The telephone lines ran across the bridge. The phone was dead. She dashed into the car and headed for the bridge. She looked through the window searching for the loved face.

The river bank was deserted. The crowd had rn away fearing another strike. Vesna stood alone on the bank, calling out her daughter's name. And then she saw Sanja. She lay on a broken slab of the bridge, motionless. It was much later that she was told what had happened and how Sanja died. As the first missile hit the bridge, its footpath collapsed into the river. Sanja and her friends fell into the water, as well. Sanja was unharmed, while one of her friends had her arm broken and the other a leg. Like the rest of the pedestrians, Sanja could have reached the bank, but she chose to help her friends. Ten minutes after the initial attack, the NATO pilot came back to finish his job. The explosion had cut the bridge in half. The religious service in the church stopped and everyone rushed to help the wounded. The explosion stopped them in the process. Another seven people were killed. Sanja was struck in the back by a shrapnel. They put her into an ambulance. Her eyes were open for a few more minutes. Her father encouraged her to fight for her breath. A couple of minutes later Sanja's eyes closed. "I knew it was for ever," said her dad Zoran, "I was hopeful, nevertheless." The fight for Sanja's life went on in hospital, where she was injected with adrenaline shots. But death got the upper hand. Sanja lay motionless in the pink T-shirt that she had put on that morning. She was 15 and a half. The following day Jamie Shea held his regular press conference in faraway Brussels, as he did every day .

Sanja Milenkovic will not dream out her dreams. However strongly she felt about numerals and the logic of life, there can be no explanation for her premature death. Sanja's teachers and peers believe that, if it had been according to the laws of mathematics, Sanja's name would have been predestined to become famous and be inscribed in international yearbooks of the greatest mathematicians.

Those who died early and whom we were indebted to during their lifetime oblige us to remember them always. The name of Sanja Milenkovic will always be in the minds of those talented like herself. That was the reason why a Fund, named after her, was set up. The Fund serves to award scholarships/fellowships to young gifted secondary school students and university undergraduates in the field of math and technical sciences. The Fund was established at the initiative of Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the FR of Yugoslavia, and Mr. Milutin Mrkonjic, Director-General of the Country Reconstruction Directorate.

Sanja's granddad, Ljubomir Milenkovic, was appointed an honorary member of the Fund.

Twenty young people were awarded scholarships from the Fund on November 5, 1999. In addressing them, Minister Jovanovic said that this Fund was set up to keep the memory of Sanja alive and by keeping it alive to demonstrate our attitude towards the highest achievements and greatest successes in learning and studies. The talents now financed and yet to be financed by the "Sanja Milenkovic" Fund will keep alive the memory of a youth cut short prematurely and of wishes and dreams left unfulfilled.

They will also keep alive the name of Sanja Milenkovic.

[Note from emperors-clothes: At the suggetion of a reader from California we're inquiring about how people outside Yugoslavia can contribute to this fund.]
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2013 11:12 pm


Posted on Sunday, March 24, 2013 6:03:35 PM by Ravnagora

BELGRADE -- Today marks the 14th anniversary since the start of the NATO bombing campaign against Serbia, i.e. the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ.......

The real story is painfully simple.

A long time ago, the Balkans were invaded by violent Jihadists who stole children from across the region and turned them into the Caliphate’s slave army. During the occupation, Albania betrayed every other nation, and most of its population converted to Islam. Kosovo was always a part of Serbia, and had in fact, been central to the Serbian Empire, but the occupying Ottomans imposed a harsh Jizya tax on the Serbs there, driving a lot of them out, and paving the way for a mass immigration into the area by Albanian Muslims.

Time went on. The Turks lost WWI. Yugoslavia went communist, but routinely broke from Moscow on policy matters, notably refusing to join the Warsaw Pact. Communism in Yugoslavia wasn’t implemented very rigorously, which saved the country from most of the horrors experienced in Ukraine and Romania.

Anyway, a time came when Yugoslavia was weakened and began to break apart along ethnic lines (Croatia, Slovenia). The Albanians in Kosovo saw an opportunity to break out of Serbia’s control and become an Albanian puppet state, so they began to riot and burn Christian churches and ancient texts. Milosevic responded with force, in the same way we would respond if the Muslims of New York began trying to tear down the Statue of Liberty.
Clinton wanted a legacy of global change, and Middle East peace was obviously not on the cards, so he went into Serbia backed up by anti-Serb propaganda that exaggerated the actions of the Serb military and hid the grim reality of Serb Christians massacred in Kosovo. It was never a justified engagement. They had done nothing to us, but we destroyed people’s lives, and killed children, and robbed a country of its sovereign territory. Serbs are still persecuted in Kosovo today, and in greater Europe, where the same propaganda was used, shown recently by the pardoning of several Croatian military officers who had committed war crimes in Serbia.

As someone mentioned before, it was one of the worst things our country ever did. Serbs are people we could have a lot in common with, but Bill Clinton cut a wound so deep, dislike for the US in Serbia is only outdone by stronger feelings in Arab countries.

Bottom line_ Kosovo is not a real country. It’s a fake country, and if Europe destabilizes, Serbia will get their payback on the Albanian Muslims for all they have done.


At three years of age when she was killed by a KKKlintonista/NATO bomb hundreds of kilometers from anything even remotely resembling a legitimate military target, that is, if you even assume there was such a thing as a legitimate military target for NATO at the time, Milica Rakic probably has the dubius distinction of being SlicKKK KKKlintler's youngest female victim.

The other picture of Milica which you see is this:
That means that Milica has been declared a martyr of the Orthodox church. It means that Slick Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Albright, Wesley Clark and that whole crowd are going into the history books on the same page as the ****heads who burned Joan of Ark.

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