You really are stupid Bill, you can live in a fool's paradise where you believe that 9/11 happened because you have freedoms that Moslems hate, or you can face up to reality.
If you need to be told why Moslems would have a grievance against America prior to 9/11 you really are incredibly ignorant.
Here's a few things off the top of my head.
1) The one sided support of Israel over Palestine.
2) Support for the Shah's coup against a democratically elected government.
3) The stationing of 'infidel' troops in the land of the prophet.
4) Propping up of unpopular dictators like Hosni Mubarak, as long as they did what America wanted.
5) American naval bases in the Gulf.
Now not every Moslem is outraged enough by these actions to fly planes into skyscrapers, but considering what has happened since, there's probably a lot more now than there was then.
Your incredibly simple take on things, and Islamaphobic attitude in general means that another 9/11 is more likely, if that attitude is typical.
As I said earlier, if you want to avoid bombs, you should be reaching out to the Islamic community, not trying to alienate them. That's just common sense, a quality you don't seem to have.