How old were you when you had your 1st boyfriend/girlfriend?

Tue 6 Dec, 2011 08:54 pm
Eva wrote:
Look at what you have on your basic information, for example: "I'm too cool for school"..."Slackers 'R' Us"..."Sittin' on my @ss at Unemployed"... You probably posted that stuff thinking it was funny and would make your friends laugh, right? And it will. But it would present a very negative public image of you to someone who doesn't already know you.

I wouldn't sweat it, personally. By the time Gracie applies for a job, employers will have learned to take this stuff in the spirit it was given. They were once teenagers, too. And once they've figured out how to check people's Facebook pages, how long can it take until they figure out how little those embarrassing pictures really mean?
0 Replies
Tue 6 Dec, 2011 08:59 pm
Oh, and to answer the original question: I was twenty. It was a fling that morphed into a long-time friendship after about three months. My parents know about the friendship part, but not the fling part. It just wasn't important enough to tell.
Tue 6 Dec, 2011 09:08 pm
GracieGirl wrote:
My dad grounded me because I have a boyfriend. It's soo stupid. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

I would advise against thinking about this in terms of stupidity vs. intelligence. Try thinking about it as a division of labor. Your father's job is to protect you. Your job as a teenage daughter is to stand up to your father for what you believe in. If you think your relationship with your boyfriend is worth standing up for, more power to you. If not, your father saved you from being a bitch for breaking up with the young gentleman. Either way, you'll be better off than you would be without this division of labor.
Tue 6 Dec, 2011 09:15 pm
GracieGirl wrote:
And I always thought Jewish was a race. How did the Nazis know if someone was Jewish or not? I never understood that. I asked my teacher but I don't think she explained it.

That's probably a topic for another thread. Briefly though, all Germans had to document all their ancestors up to (I think) their great-great grandparents. Any ancestor who was a Jew, as determined by their birth certificates and certificates of baptisms, was a problem. So was every ancestor for whom documentation wasn't available.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 07:54 pm
14 years of age and I burned with a splendid passion.

Equal parts Romance and Lust.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 08:04 pm
sozobe wrote:

I responded from a post on the first or second page when I saw nobody else had responded to it -- just getting caught up on the rest.

The two things I think are most important are:

- Your definition of "relationship" and your dad's might be very different. As you can see, there have been a bunch of definitions offered here. If you define to him what you think it means, that might help.

- No parent wants to learn about a major development in their child's life via Facebook! That was likely to get things off on the wrong foot right there.

I think every parent worries as their kids get older about how much they DON'T know, what their kids might be up to. And the idea that those kids are being secretive -- rather than being open with the parent and telling them what's going on in their lives -- is scary. Fear can often lead to anger.

Hi sozobe!

Your right about the Facebook thing. I knew that the 'in a relationship' thing would make him freak out but I forgot that he could see it. I wasn't thinking. And I know I'm secretive sometimes but that's because he doesn't let me do anything. If I followed all his rules I wouldn't have any friends or any fun. And if I do tell him stuff and it's something he doesn't like or doesn't wanna hear, then i'll get a lecture or grounded even.

And some stuff I just don't wanna tell him. I mean, it's no ones business but mine. I don't want my Dad to know everything.

I talked to my dad yesterday and he was still kinda mad with me I think so I told him I was sorry and I loved him and gave him a hug and everything and then he wasn't that mad anymore. (works everytime Wink)
Then, I told him that I think I'm old enough to date Collin, but not the way he thinks, just dating like hanging out, and talking on the phone and going on dates and the Winter Formal (school dance) and that's all and I then I was like, I don't get why thats such a big deal. Then I was telling him about Collin and I was asking if maybe Collin could stay over for dinner sometime and my dad was like 'there's no way im gonna let you date a 15 year old boy and i know that 'hanging out' isn't all that boy wants to do" then he was like 'if all you wanna do is hang out Gracie, then you could do that as friends. You don't need to date for that" Rolling Eyes
He soo wasn't getting it, so I got annoyed and he was basically like, I'm too young to be dating and they're other stuff I should be focusing on besides boys. Blah, blah, blah.

We kept talking/arguing and he had some stupid answer for everything I said so I just got up and went to my room and slammed my door and he got mad and he was like, if I keep it up I'll be grounded for 3 weeks instead of 2 and I was soo mad but I just let it go. I'm not talking to him again at all until he gives me back my laptop and cell phone and I'm still gonna date Collin.
It's just not fair.
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 08:05 pm
CalamityJane wrote:

I looked at her computer where she was automatically logged in and there were so many status updates from Jane I had no idea of. So I checked her
custom design - it said "everyone except mom" (I changed that secretly again Wink )

Oh gosh Momma CJ. Laughing
0 Replies
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 08:23 pm
Hi Gracie!

GracieGirl wrote:
Then, I told him that I think I'm old enough to date Collin, but not the way he thinks, just dating like hanging out, and talking on the phone and going on dates and the Winter Formal (school dance) and that's all and I then I was like, I don't get why thats such a big deal.

But you guys kiss too right?

I know that's deeply uncomfortable, and it's one of the ways that having only one (male) parent kind of sucks. But that one thing kind of got in the way of you guys finding a resolution on this issue, I think.

Because from what you said (unless you left that part out in your retelling!) he has a point. Why does Collin have to be your boyfriend if you're just hanging out and talking and stuff?

I believe you that you're not going to jump in to having sex or anything, but that's kind of the elephant in the room, you know? And if you don't even admit that you want to kiss Collin, then you can't address that part. (Your dad knows that there's more to it, but he doesn't know how MUCH more and assumes the worst.)
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 08:52 pm
GracieGirl wrote:
We kept talking/arguing and he had some stupid answer for everything I said so I just got up and went to my room and slammed my door and he got mad and he was like, if I keep it up I'll be grounded for 3 weeks instead of 2 and I was soo mad but I just let it go. I'm not talking to him again at all until he gives me back my laptop and cell phone and I'm still gonna date Collin.
It's just not fair.

Ugh. I'm sorry you have to go through that. But it's good that you stand up to him rather than lying, and it's good for you that you started your standing up in such a mature way. (The door will recover from your slamming it.) Not sure about the silent treatment, but you're in a better position than I to tell if it will work.
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 09:23 pm
sozobe wrote:
And if you don't even admit that you want to kiss Collin, then you can't address that part. (Your dad knows that there's more to it, but he doesn't know how MUCH more and assumes the worst.)

Listen to Sozobe, Gracie! As usual, she is making a lot of sense.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 11:07 pm
I'm not on Gracie's side here except that I care about her. I think she is being a nitwit, a state many of us remember and sometimes revisit.

I have to ask you. Gracie, who you think you are? the encapsulated wise child?

I was going to tell you that there is sexuality in dating, but got put off, you very insistent not. You need to listen to us who mention it.

I don't know that your father is perfect, but he is your father, and likely knows more than you do. Or if not, has stories.

0 Replies
Wed 7 Dec, 2011 11:19 pm
I've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend, although the transgendered seem interesting.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Dec, 2011 04:57 pm
I see your point but still. Just because we have cell phones doesn't mean we're on it ALL the time during school. In my school if you get caught using your phone you get your phone taken away for a week and you can't get it back earlier unless your parents go to office and gets it. And if you get it taken away for the 2nd or 3rd or more times you can't get it back for month and you get a after school detention. If you don't give them your phone when they ask for it you get a Saturday detention and/or ISS.

It sucks! So the only time we get on our phones in school is if we know we're not gonna get caught. Like me, I'm in my last class of the day and I sit in the back of the classroom far away from my teacher. She never leaves her desk. There's no way she can see me on my iPod or cellphone or whatever.

Oh! And yeah, we dont pass notes anymore. That's soo 5th grade. Rolling Eyes Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Thu 8 Dec, 2011 05:32 pm
firefly wrote:

Gracie, what's the difference, in your mind, between "dating" Collin and just hanging out with him--like doing homework together, listening to music, getting something to eat, etc.?
And what, in your mind, makes him a "boyfriend' rather than a friend who happens to be a boy?

I'd really like to know how you are using, and defining, those words, so I can have a better understanding of what you are talking about.

How old is Collin? Is he in your grade or ahead of you?

Me and Collin are in the same grade and we've had at least 1 class together for the last like, 3 years. I've known him for awhile but he's never really noticed me or liked me until now. He's 15, He'll be 16 this February and I'll be 14 this May.

Firefly, you already know how it'll be different than just being friends. When we're dating we hang out and we can go out on dates alone and we could like hang out at each others houses and talk and text all the time and kiss and stuff.

Thu 8 Dec, 2011 05:36 pm
But still Ticomaya. It has to suck being the only kid in your class without a cellphone.

What if he goes riding on his bike alone and he falls and hurts himself really bad. How could he call for help?

When are you gonna let him have one? Like, at what age?
Thu 8 Dec, 2011 05:45 pm
Eva wrote:

GracieGirl wrote:

...I didn't know bosses and college people check your facebook and stuff. But if you don't want your Facebook public, You could just set it to private, right? My Facebook is super private (because of my dad) and my a2k Facebook is semiprivate.

Yes, employers and colleges DO check Facebook pages. Our school's college counselor keeps reminding students that they would be surprised how much of a FB page is public. Photos, for example. Many a "drunk with friends" photo on FB has kept someone from being accepted to a top college.

Look at what you have on your basic information, for example: "I'm too cool for school"..."Slackers 'R' Us"..."Sittin' on my @ss at Unemployed"... You probably posted that stuff thinking it was funny and would make your friends laugh, right? And it will. But it would present a very negative public image of you to someone who doesn't already know you.

Be sure you clean up your page before you start applying for jobs or colleges, okay? Wink

Haha! Ok, I see what you mean. But that's just my 'a2k facebook page'. I don't have any of that stuff on my real Facebook because my dad would flip out. Laughing
My future college professors and bosses won't see it. It's super private (you can't search me) and it doesn't even have my real name.

It probably is alittle 'inappropriate' huh? You gotta admit though, the 'sittin on my @ss at Unemployed' was really funny. LoL I'll delete that stuff if you think I should. I was just having a little fun. I thought they were funny and I didn't wanna put my real school info and stuff. Smile
Thu 8 Dec, 2011 06:33 pm
sozobe wrote:

Hi Gracie!

GracieGirl wrote:
Then, I told him that I think I'm old enough to date Collin, but not the way he thinks, just dating like hanging out, and talking on the phone and going on dates and the Winter Formal (school dance) and that's all and I then I was like, I don't get why thats such a big deal.

But you guys kiss too right?

I know that's deeply uncomfortable, and it's one of the ways that having only one (male) parent kind of sucks. But that one thing kind of got in the way of you guys finding a resolution on this issue, I think.

Because from what you said (unless you left that part out in your retelling!) he has a point. Why does Collin have to be your boyfriend if you're just hanging out and talking and stuff?

I believe you that you're not going to jump in to having sex or anything, but that's kind of the elephant in the room, you know? And if you don't even admit that you want to kiss Collin, then you can't address that part. (Your dad knows that there's more to it, but he doesn't know how MUCH more and assumes the worst.)

Yea, we kiss too sozobe, but I can't tell my dad that. He would flip out and he'd never let me date. Plus, I'd feel weird talking to him about kissing. We don't talk about that kinda stuff. He'd probably feel weird talking about it too And he'd get mad at me.

I don't really think that's what got in the way of us finding a resolution. I think my dad got in the way. He treats me like a baby and he's overprotective all the time and he wants to control everything.

My dad doesn't have a point sozobe. You guys aren't getting it. Can't you remember how it was when you had your first boyfriend that you really liked? Everything's different sozobe. I really really really like Collin and even when we're just hanging out like friends do, it's different. I don't really know how to explain it, but it feels different. You know what I mean? Like, even if we didn't kiss and stuff, hanging out with him as a boyfriend isn't the same as hanging out as friends. I don't know why, it's just not. I really don't know how else to explain it. Pllleassse tell me you get it sozobe. Sad

And sozobe, my dad should know that I'm not gonna have sex. He knows me, so how could he even think that?
And I don't even wanna have sex. At all. I don't get what the big deal is. I mean, from what I know about sex, it doesn't sound all that great to me.
I like Collin and I like being his girlfriend but I don't wanna have sex with him. I just like kissing and hanging out. I probably should've been honest and told my dad that I wanted to kiss Collin but I was worried that he'd get madder than he already was. It's his fault. Maybe if he'd stop freaking out and grounding me for every little thing, I'd talk to him more. He makes stuff worse. Rolling Eyes
Thu 8 Dec, 2011 06:37 pm
What kinda job do you have Momma CJ? Business person? What kinda business?
0 Replies
Thu 8 Dec, 2011 06:39 pm
20 when you had your first girlfriend/boyfriend? Why Thomas? Confused
Thu 8 Dec, 2011 06:44 pm
Thomas wrote:

GracieGirl wrote:
My dad grounded me because I have a boyfriend. It's soo stupid. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

I would advise against thinking about this in terms of stupidity vs. intelligence. Try thinking about it as a division of labor. Your father's job is to protect you. Your job as a teenage daughter is to stand up to your father for what you believe in. If you think your relationship with your boyfriend is worth standing up for, more power to you. If not, your father saved you from being a bitch for breaking up with the young gentleman. Either way, you'll be better off than you would be without this division of labor.

Its not just about my boyfriend it's about dating period. I think I should be allowed to date. I'm standing up for my right to date not just about my right to date Collin.

I'm never gonna break up with Collin.

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