The censorship of racial identifications in crime stories

Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 03:54 pm
According to the 2008 Survey..
Link provided in previous post,
Table 5

Rape/sexual assault of whites - 129,380
Rape/sexual assault of blacks - 56,840

Blacks over 3 times as likely to be raped as whites.
.6 per 1000 for whites vs 1.9 per 1,000 for blacks

but I think we could compare rape victim rates by race per capita and rape offender rates by race per capita and come to the conclusion that blacks must be raping a lot of white women
What you think and reality seem to be quite removed from each other hawkeye.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 04:29 pm
Wow.. You continue to PROVE you are complete MORON hawk.
According to the crime stats. Over 70% of victims are attacked by a person of the SAME race.
Table 42
Rape/Sexual Assault
For white victims - 74.9% of perps are white
For black victims - 74.8% of perps are black

Jesus, you are as dishonest as Firefly....here you trot out the BS and then dont provide a link till asked as you try to sneak it by. Now that I have the source I can tell you that this figure is meaningless because with white victims the number for not knowing the race of the attacker is 6%, but for black victims the number is 25%. Also they are trying to claim that no blacks were raped by whites, which does not pass the smell test. Something has gone on that destroyed the usefulness of the data, whether it was on purpose IDK but it is alarming that this appears to be a case where someone made the black on white and white on black number the same, and the adjusted the rest of the numbers as required to make it work.....
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 05:25 pm
Jesus, you are as dishonest as Firefly....here you trot out the BS and then dont provide a link till asked as you try to sneak it by


The link was originally provided here by Tabludama here...for 2006
Pamela Rosa posted it here...for 2005

I referenced tables from those here..

among others..

There was a rather extensive discussion of the numbers that INCLUDED YOU!!!

Suddenly you didn't see those numbers or the links? WTF? Why were you commenting on them?


I see.. Rather than deal with the actual statistics, you now want to make an ad hominem attack to try to make me the bad guy when it's YOU that clearly has your facts wrong. You have your facts wrong about rape. You have your facts wrong about there being no links previously to the data I was using.

Also they are trying to claim that no blacks were raped by whites, which does not pass the smell test. Something has gone on that destroyed the usefulness of the data,
No, they aren't doing that at all. They are saying the sample size was SO SMALL they couldn't calculate data with any accuracy. That means the number of whites raped by blacks could be off by 50% or more as well. We discussed this earlier if you had been paying attention. The data is NOT accurate and the people that put out that data clearly say it isn't accurate. But you were willing to buy into the data when Talmudama was posting it.

The NCVS interviewed 67,000 people with an 86% participation and got a rape/sexual assault rate of .8 per thousand. That means they only had about 45 rapes in their sample. There were fewer than 10 black rape victims in the data that they attempted to extrapolate out.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 01:42 am
No, they aren't doing that at all. They are saying the sample size was SO SMALL they couldn't calculate data with any accuracy.
And a pity it is that they did not use a sample big enough to get usable data. And so here we sit, not knowing what the racial component of rape is, because the feminists want to hide that information under a rock because it does not further their agenda.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 05:04 am
Even more telling as a measure of black on white race hatred than the muddled interracial rape statics, are the interracial sexual homicides of elderly victims statistics of this FBI study:

Special Agent Mark E. Safarik, a profiler in the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI Academy, has researched and written extensively about the topic of sexual homicides of elderly women. The study, published in the May issue of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, involved a review of 110 offenders who perpetrated the rape and murder of 128 women 60 years and older. The mean age of the victims was 77.

People find it difficult to imagine why a rapist would target an elderly victim, because society still equates sexual arousal and desire with rape,” Safarik said in a phone interview. “You’re dealing with issues of power and anger in these cases, and for a number of these offenders the victim is largely symbolic,” he added.

Safarik speculated that the anger level, particularly with those who target elderly women, could be one explanation for the high murder rate of victims.

“Contrary to what some might think, their primary goal is the sexual assault,” says Safarik. Although they will usually make off with cash or jewelry afterwards, burglary is not the primary motivation—it is an afterthought.

White women not only make up 84 % of the victims in the study, but are the targets of rapists of all races. However, white men are unlikely candidates if the elderly victim is black or Hispanic, as they focus almost exclusively on elderly white women.


Since the Jim Crow laws ended in the 1960s the numbers of black on white interracial rapes have soared. Documented cases of black on white rapes can found by the hundreds on the internet while cases of white on black rapes are exceedingly rare.

White on Black sexual homicides (rapes/murder) are even rarer. They are almost non existent. Ditto with white on black sexual homicides of elderly victims.

The black race hatred of whites is manifested in these rape and sexual homicide statistics especially those of elderly victims.

Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 07:13 am
The pity is you don't have the balls to stand up and admit you were wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 07:15 am
White men are more likely to attack white women? DUH..

Black men are more likely to attack black women as well.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 07:26 am
Documented cases of black on white rapes can found by the hundreds on the internet while cases of white on black rapes are exceedingly rare.

That must be why you only post cases where you do NOT know the race of the victim.

I love how you claim you only post stories where it is likely that the victim was white and yet you post stories from rapes where the Census bureau states the majority of the population is black. It seems you think ANY rape committed by a black is likely of a white woman. You are a racist A-hole no matter how you slice it.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 08:11 am

*Myth: White women are more likely to be raped by black men than by white men.

*Reality: Only 13% of reported rapes are interracial, and of those that are, the majority involve white men raping black women.

White men would NEVER rape an old black woman?
The story of Recy Taylor's rape is making news decades after it occurred. Taylor is a 91-year-old black woman who was abducted and raped at gunpoint by seven white men in Abbeville, Alabama on Sept. 3, 1944.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 08:17 am
You are a racist A-hole no matter how you slice it.

The racist idiot started this thread by postings one picture after another of evil looking black men who had been charge with rape, so it did not take any great abilities to come up with the conclusion that he is a racist.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 03:20 pm
Documented cases of black on white rapes can found by the hundreds on the internet while cases of white on black rapes are exceedingly rare.

That must be why you only post cases where you do NOT know the race of the victim.

I love how you claim you only post stories where it is likely that the victim was white and yet you post stories from rapes where the Census bureau states the majority of the population is black. It seems you think ANY rape committed by a black is likely of a white woman. You are a racist A-hole no matter how you slice it.

Duh! Black on white rapes are on the thread, "White Victims of Black Crime."

As I have told you several times before. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Even there, the race of the white victim is commonly censored by the Corrupt Liberal Media in most of the news stories. Pamela has been able to research those cases and confirm that the victims are white despite this media censorship.

I started this thread precisely because I found so many rapes and sexual homicides in my research, where the victims were probably white but had the race censored by the CLM.

Nor do I post all of the cases of black rapist that I find either. I dont post those where the victims are likely black or in child molestation cases which are family affairs. I have told you this several times before but you are too stupid to understand it or to intellectually dishonest to register it.

Even after discarding those cases, I know there are some black victims of the black rapists that I do post along with the white victims.. Who knows how many are white and how many are black? But that is precisely the point. The censorship by the CLM to cover up the extent of the interracial rapes also censors the numbers of intraracial rapes.

But you are the racist A hole in this debate.

Your blind racist denial is based on your liberal racist dogma.

Not only cant you recognize virulent black race hatred of whites as explicitly stated in quotes by Black leaders like James Baldwin, Eldridge Cleaver, Leroi Jones, and Khalid Mohammed, being manifested in the frequency of brutal black on white crimes, I bet you are also a racist coward like Bill who doesnt even have the guts or integrity to condemn those hate statements.

Spare me your pious hypocrisy.

What you are speaks louder than what you say.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 04:06 pm
*Reality: Only 13% of reported rapes are interracial, and of those that are, the majority involve white men raping black women.

You got that backwards Parados:

. Interracial rapes involving blacks and non Hispanic whites have been overwhelmingly black on white since the Jim Crow Laws ended in 1965.

The few "white" rapes of blacks in the stats are almost always by Hispanic males and often the result of gang feuds between black and Hispanic gangs in California and elsewhere.

White men would NEVER rape an old black woman?

The story of Recy Taylor's rape is making news decades after it occurred. Taylor is a 91-year-old black woman who was abducted and raped at gunpoint by seven white men in Abbeville, Alabama on Sept. 3, 1944.

Are you really this stupid?

Duh !She was raped in 1944 which was 67 years ago!

She was 23 then when those white thugs raped her not 91. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Besides, the FBI study on sexual homicides of elderly women that I quoted from earlier referred to modern times, not 67 years ago.

You really are quite stupid.

White on black rapes were much more common in the Jim Crow years than they are now. Interracial rape was a instrument of race hatred back then as it is now. Black on white rapes were much rarer back then too.

The numbers of black on white rapes soared on the late 60s after the Jim Crow laws ended. to the extent that hundreds and hundreds of news stories about them,despite the censorship of the Corrupt Liberal Media, can be found on the internet, where as white on black rapes are so rare almost to be nonexistent.

Try to keep up.

Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 04:10 pm
The racist idiot started this thread by postings one picture after another of evil looking black men who had been charge with rape, so it did not take any great abilities to come up with the conclusion that he is a racist.

LOL! Laughing Laughing Laughing

This from Bill the Racist Coward, who doesnt have the courage to condemn the virulent race hated in this vile racist hate speech because the speaker is black, even though he has been called on it several times.


The irony! The irony!

Bill calling me a racist! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

This is so easy! Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 08:36 pm

You got that backwards Parados:

. Interracial rapes involving blacks and non Hispanic whites have been overwhelmingly black on white since the Jim Crow Laws ended in 1965.

I didn't say that. Florida Law Enforcement said it.
Should we trust you and your racist pals or actual law enforcement officers?
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 06:06 am
You got that backwards Parados:

. Interracial rapes involving blacks and non Hispanic whites have been overwhelmingly black on white since the Jim Crow Laws ended in 1965.

I didn't say that. Florida Law Enforcement said it.
Should we trust you and your racist pals or actual law enforcement officers?

Yeah sure. "Florida Law Enforcement" said something that is so obviously untrue. Did they say the earth was flat also?

That is why you neglected to include a link to verify your absurd statement.Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 10:30 am
Tabludama wrote:

Yeah sure. "Florida Law Enforcement" said something that is so obviously untrue. Did they say the earth was flat also?

That is why you neglected to include a link to verify your absurd statement.Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

You might try clicking the blue text that exists before the quote.


And then you can use a few more eyerolls to make sure you don't see it again.
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 07:29 am
You might try clicking the blue text that exists before the quote.


And then you can use a few more eyerolls to make sure you don't see it again.
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 07:52 am
You might try clicking the blue text that exists before the quote.


And then you can use a few more eyerolls to make sure you don't see it again.

My mistake Parados.

Sorry, your source, the campus cop website of the University of Florida is not credible.

It is just another example of "politically correct" policing just like that of the Duke Rape Hoax prosecutor, or the woman PC police chief in De Moines who fired her spokesperson for revealing that the three consecutive nights of unprovoked black on white mob attacks at the Iowa State Fair had "racial overtones".

The source of this lie is obviously from a leftist propaganda "documentary" made by a hard left lesbian black activist that is being promoted on college campuses.


The female chief of the campus cops at UF is a self described believer in "progressive" law enforcement and the inclusion of this demonstrable lie into her website confirms it.

Surely the NCVS data always shows far more black on white rapes than the reverse, year after year, and the FBI study I cited earlier, shows that white men almost never rape elderly black women, so based in this PC policewoman's absurd claim that most interracial rapes are black on white, all the evidence to the contrary is to be ignored?

Yeah sure.

If most of the interracial rapes out there are white on black why are they so rare in internet searches and black on white so common?
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 08:48 am
Black rapist. Race of victim censored.


Danville police arrested a 19-year-old Averett University student from Myrtle Beach, S.C., after another student reported a rape early Saturday morning.

The victim told police another student sexually assaulted her in a residence hall room on the Averett campus after midnight Saturday, according to a statement from the university.

Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 08:55 am
Black rapist. Race of victim censored.


Austin Police have charged Robert Neal, a convicted sex offender, sexual assaulting a woman after breaking into her apartment.


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