The censorship of racial identifications in crime stories

Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 10:39 am
I see that the other racist or the same one for that matter had join this thread.

You are the racist in this argument Bill.

You cant bare to admit to the overwhelming evidence of black racism and black race hatred of non blacks that manifests itself in the interracial crime stats and is glaringly evident in explicit statements of hatred by black leaders like James Baldwin, Eldridge Cleaver, Malcolm X, and Khalid Muhammad,just to name a few.

You "liberals" are such whining cowards about obvious black racism and some blacks race hatred of whites.

Instead of judging people by the "conduct of their character" as MLK advocated, "liberals" judge violently racist blacks solely by the color of their skin, exempting them from almost any condemnation for their conduct.

Yet, ironically, "liberals" call those who honestly judge black thugs by their conduct of their character and not by the color of their skin, as the "racists.

I had no hesitation or reluctance to praise those great black Americans like President Obama, those CMOH award winners, Colin Powell that you posted photos of.

Do you have the integrity to condemn the glaring race hatred of this black leader shown in this speech to a cheering black audience in California?

I bet you cant do it.


Check out this video of his hate speech.

Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 05:06 pm

Black pimp/rapist. Race of one of their victims inadvertently mentioned.




DENVER - Three people were formally charged on Wednesday over the allegations they forced a 17-year-old girl to participate in prostitution.

A Denver Police affidavit says that victim was known as "the white girl" and her roommates were "punching her repeatedly" as she tried to escape "a forced prostitution situation."

The affidavit says they also forced her to tattoo her pimp's name on her chest and wear lingerie for pictures posted online. Clients reportedly paid as much as $200 for "dates" with the underage girl in the "sex room."

"I think the allegations are very disturbing," Lynn Kimbrough, spokesperson for the Denver District Attorney's office, said.

Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 05:12 pm
Black attacker. Race of victim censored.


Police say the 20-year-old victim was walking home from Soho Pizza at about 3:30 a.m. Sunday morning. That's when they say Parker allegedly followed her to her apartment and attacked her. She was able to escape and flag down help, as Parker allegedly took off on Hudson Avenue.

Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 05:23 pm
Black rapist. Race of victim censored.


Lafayette Police say a homeless man broke into a woman's apartment, then forced her son to watch as he raped her for hours.

The rape, the several instances of rape, and other lude and disgusting sexual acts as well," said Detective Pinkard in referring the long list of charges.

Dash, a homeless man who is originally from New York, has been charged with rape, criminal deviate conduct, confinement, intimidation, strangulation and burglary.

Along with the victim's detailed description of her attacker, who she claimes she has seen before at a nearby shelter, her son, 4, was allegedly a forced eyewitness of the attack.

"He gave a very good description of what had happened, what he had seen his mother go through," said Pinkard.

Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 05:32 pm

Black attacker. Race of victim censored.


Around 2 p.m. on April 12, police say a black male suspect committed an indecent assault on a young female who was seated on a bench in the Porter Square area.

The suspect was described by the victim as being in his 50s with cropped black/grey hair with a goatee. He had a medium build and was about 5'7" in height.

Read more: http://www.myfoxboston.com/dpp/news/crime_files/crime_watch/cops-search-for-suspect-in-cambridge-sexual-assault-20110511#ixzz1bkEWH7zr
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 05:48 pm
And interesting twist. Victims race is alluded to be white while the race of the 4 rapists is censored. The photo is a file photo, not the photo of the victim.


A Brooklyn girl was robbed of her teenage years by a gang of creeps who repeatedly raped her, beat her and pimped her out, prosecutors said Wednesday.

The Orthodox Jewish girl from Crown Heights was first raped in a park by Damien Crooks, 31, and Jamali Brockett, 27, in 2003, according to court records. Jawara Brockett, 33, joined them in raping the teen in 2007, and Darrell Dula, 24, did the same in 2010 after she refused to help Crooks recruit other girls for prostitution, prosecutors said.

All four have been arrested and were charged Wednesday.

Until recently, the suspects continually threatened to harm her family if she reported them. When she was forced to have sex with strangers, they kept all the money.

Crooks "even sold her on the street for $20 to a passerby," said Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes.

She decided to come forward after Crooks told her he'll do the same things to her younger sister, prosecutors said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2011/06/30/2011-06-30_four_thugs_nabbed_in_eightyear_rape_saga_of_brooklyn_woman.html#ixzz1bkI9oPYQ
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 06:01 pm
Surprise! Surprise! The perps are black!




But it takes the British Media to reveal this information censored from American viewers by the Corrupt Liberal Media.


Why am I not surprised? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2011 06:57 am
@Pamela Rosa,
Different person - SAME STUPIDITY

*Estimate is based on about 10 or fewer sample cases.

The Uniform Crime Reports classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category

Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations,
based on race of victims, by type of crime
and perceived race of offender

It seems you don't understand that the UCR is NOT the same thing as how a victim may perceive race.
Do you think a Mexican is the same color as you Pamela?
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2011 08:43 am
*Estimate is based on about 10 or fewer sample cases.

Yes. And that is why they rounded it off to zero because it was statistically insignificant.

"10 or fewer sample cases" of white on black rape and sexual assaults, out of a total of 36,620 cases of blacks rape victims of single offenders.

Try to keep up.

It seems you don't understand that the UCR is NOT the same thing as how a victim may perceive race.
Do you think a Mexican is the same color as you Pamela?

Well the study clearly has two other categories that would cover that point under its "perceived race of the offender" table

The categories are white, black, other, not known and not available.

That pretty well covers it.

Your point that a white rape victim cant tell the race of her rapist(perhaps he had a dark tan? Rolling Eyes ) is laughable. Besides sight there are voices where accents can reveal a lot.

Maybe some of the 10 black victims were actually raped by black albinos instead of whites? Rolling Eyes

Eh? Parodos.

Granted all these figures are estimates and not documented crimes with arrests and convictions. But the NCVS is a survey where 75 thousand selected households are given exhaustive surveys every year to try to determine how much crime is not reported to the police.

Remember there are no stats for murder in the NCVS data because murder or rape/murder, called "sex related homicides" by the FBI in the UCR stats, e murder is always reported once the body of the victim is found.

It is in trial of these "sex related homicides" where the race of the perp and victim are most often revealed by a corrupt media that suppress this info in previous stories.

And white on black "sex related homicides" are almost non existent. Try to find any in an internet search. Then compare that with the many hundreds of black on white "sex related homicides" documented on Pamela's thread.

Just another metric that shows how common black on white murders and sex related homicides are and how rare the reverse is.

Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2011 09:15 am
"10 or fewer sample cases" of white on black rape and sexual assaults, out of a total of 36,620 cases of blacks rape victims of single offenders.

Obviously you don't understand statistics.
It was not 10 or fewer cases out of 36,620. They never looked at 36,620 cases. They probably looked at less than 1000 cases and more likely in the 300 range.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2011 09:20 am
Your point that a white rape victim cant tell the race of her rapist(perhaps he had a dark tan? Rolling Eyes ) is laughable. Besides sight there are voices where accents can reveal a lot.

I didn't realize most rapes took place in well lit areas.
Nor did I realize that whispered threats reveal race.
You seem to know so much about rapes Tabludama, I have to wonder how many you have been involved in.
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2011 09:28 am
Granted all these figures are estimates and not documented crimes with arrests and convictions. But the NCVS is a survey where 75 thousand selected households are given exhaustive surveys every year to try to determine how much crime is not reported to the police.

I guess that answers the question of statistics.

The rate of rape was .2 per 1,000 households
With only 75,000 households in the survey that means the rape statistics are based on 15 rapes.
Since 75% of the rapes were white on white or black on black that means 11 of the rapes were same race. That only leaves 4 rapes to calculate the rest of the rape categories.

And you want to argue that shows anything significant about who commits rapes? You are full of **** Tabludama. In fact based on the results of 15 people here. I would have to say 100% of Americans think you are a racist member of the KKK.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 12:36 pm

I didn't realize most rapes took place in well lit areas.
Nor did I realize that whispered threats reveal race.
You seem to know so much about rapes Tabludama, I have to wonder how many you have been involved in.

Your claim that many white victims of rape may have mis identified some of their attackers as black is laughable. If the rapist was not seen by the victim, and his threats were "whispered" Rolling Eyes , then the rape would be in the category of "unknown" in the NCVS data.

BTW, the lopsided ratio of black interracial rapes of whites to the reverse shown in the NCVS surveys, is born out by any internet search for white on black rapes since the late 60s. They are so rare as to be almost non existent. (The Duke and Tawana Brawley Rape Hoaxs dont count.)

Contrast this near non existence of white on black rapes with the hundreds if not thousands, of black on rape/murders, ie "sex related homicides" documented in the "White Victims of Black Crime" Thread.

While white on black rapes since the late 1960s are almost non existent, white on black rape/murders , as best as I can tell,ARE non existant.

Compared this amazing evidence of zero white on black rape/murders to thousands of black on white rapes, and rape/murders.

The motive of racist revenge for black on white rapes openly expressed by Eldridge Cleaver is not only verified in the NCVS data, but in this sociological study:

Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 12:40 pm

Your claim that many white victims of rape may have mis identified some of their attackers as black is laughable. If the rapist was not seen by the victim, and his threats were "whispered" Rolling Eyes , then the rape would be in the category of "unknown" in the NCVS data.

Why do you think that? Aren't you scared of big black men in the dark even if you can't see them?

People often perceive things that aren't factually true. Your obsession with black men would lead me to think any man that scares you in the dark you will think is black even if they are not.
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Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 12:48 pm

While white on black rapes since the late 1960s are almost non existent, white on black rape/murders , as best as I can tell,ARE non existant.

Oh? And how do you tell that?

A 35-year-old white man bludgeoned a 26-year-old black female to death and then drags her body behind his truck! Pop the hood for more!

According the Orange County Sheriff’s office William Baker Bibb a Caucasian from Texas, killed and dragged Theresa Ardoin’s body a quarter of a mile down a road and threw her body in a ditch. Investigators said that Bibb confessed to the killing by beating Ardoin to death with a hammer, and then tying her body with a rope to his truck and dragged her to a sand pit. The accused claimed that the two of them were friendly and were meeting to do drugs and then have sex. They argued and he hit her with the hammer thus killing her. The authorities are not calling this crime a hate crime at this time.

These 6 raped and tortured a black girl
SEPTEMBER 11--A black West Virginia woman was sexually assaulted, stabbed, and tortured while being held captive by her white abductors, one of whom told her, 'That's what we do to niggers around here.' The 23-year-old victim was freed Saturday after cops responded to the home of Frankie Brewster for a 'welfare check on a female that was reportedly being held against her will.'
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 12:50 pm
The rate of rape was .2 per 1,000 households

Link please.

This is barely a third of the rate of documented forcible rapes in the UCR stats from the FBI:

The rate of forcible rapes in 2009( down since 2005) was estimated at 56.6 per 100,000 female inhabitants, a 3.4 percent decrease when compared with the 2008 estimated rate of 58.6.


And the UCR stats are only of reported and documented forcible rapes of females. The dont include the reported"sexual assaults" which are not forcible rapes as do the NCVS stats.
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 01:06 pm

Oh? And how do you tell that?

Those two cases are well known and almost always pop up when people search for white on black rapes.

Try to find 10 more documented examples( with links this time). That will be a lot harder to do.

Or try to match what Pamela has done on her thread with documented examples of black on white rape with hundreds if not thousands of white on black rapes an rape/murders.

BTW, your first example judging from the quotes is a murder and not a rape/ murder. White on black murders are rare but much more common that white on black rape/murders

And in the West Virginia case, the black victim has taken back the charges saying she lied to get back at her white boyfriend.

No matter, I will give it to you anyway.

So you got a grand total of two examples.

Try to find ten more.

They are probably out there which would roughly verify the 95( Pamelas thread) to 1(your search) black on white ratio suggested in the NCVS survey.
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 01:15 pm
Oh, you've decided to jump from the NCVS to the UCR and you've changed from person to ONLY females. The NCVS doesn't interview only females. It interviews households.

My figures were from table 2 of the 2008 NCVS
It was only for rape. (I didn't include attempted sexual assault)
Type of crime.... Number .. Rate per 1,000
Rape ...................52470 ........ 0.2

The figure from the UCR is .566 per 1,000 FEMALES.
But the rape rate listed for ALL persons by the UCR in table 1 is .287 per 1,000

So the UCR is similar to the NCVS in about .2 to .3 rapes per 1,000 persons. The 2 sets of statistics use different methods but come to similar conclusions.

The statistics for rape in 75,000 households would be less than 30 in the sample making the data of who rapes who pretty unreliable which is why the table states that the number is less than 10.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 01:20 pm
Those two cases are well known and almost always pop up when people search for white on black rapes.

Try to find 10 more documented examples( with links this time). That will be a lot harder to do.

This from the person that can't prove the victim's race of any of the posted articles about black rapists but you want to imply they are all white.

I can found 1,000 pictures of white rapists where they don't list the race of the victim. It shows as much proof as the crap you post here.

Police have arrested a church choir volunteer who they say has confessed to sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy.
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 01:21 pm
Here's another white rapist.
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