Racist black rapists target white women for revenge for historical grievances.
While this thread deals with the Corrupt Liberal Medias efforts to censor news coverage of the race of white victims of black violent crime in general, and forcible rape in particular, the frequency and magnitude of black on white crime, compared to the rarity of the reverse, needs to be addressed.
According to "liberal" propaganda whites are the inveterate racists in our society where as blacks are largely without racism or even that it is impossible for a black to be racist .

This propaganda is pervasive in our media, schools, etc.
Yet if this were true it would undoubtedly show up in the interracial violent crime statistics because racist whites would be violently attacking black victims at least commensurate with their 5 to 1 majority population ratio.
Yet the opposite is true.
90 percent, or better, of all black/ white interracial violent crime is with a black offender and a white victim.
In rape, the percentage is even higher.
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey from the Bureau of Justice Statistics(
http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=dcdetail&iid=245 ) released annually every year since 1973, 99 percent of all interracial rapes and sexual assaults between blacks and whites are with a black offender and a white victim!
For instance.
NCVS 2006 rape and sexual assault data.
Scroll to Table 42. -->
32,443 White victims of rape and sexual assault by Blacks, Zero Black victims of white offenders.
NCVS 2005 rape and sexual assault data.
Scroll to Table 42. --
37,460 white victims of black offenders. Zero black victims of white offenders.
While the statistics year after year may vary somewhat, the black on white sex crimes out number the reverse at least 10 to one with many years showing no white offenders at all.
This is pretty compelling evidence of a racist motive for many black rapists of white women.