The censorship of racial identifications in crime stories

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:00 pm
Another black rapist of an elderly woman. Race of victim censored as usual


GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas -- A Chicago man selling magazines door to door is accused of raping an elderly Dallas-area woman and setting her on fire.

Grand Prairie police on Wednesday announced the arrest of 23-year-old

Daniel Deshawn Neal. Detective John Brimmer says a warrant for aggravated sexual assault was issued for Neal, based on information from another sales person. Neal was arrested Tuesday night in Fort Worth. Neal was jailed, pending an initial court appearance.

The 78-year-old victim was assaulted Monday at home, doused with rubbing alcohol and set on fire. Brimmer says the woman was hospitalized Wednesday with second-degree burns. Her name has not been disclosed. Brimmer gave no details on the company that employed Neal. Conviction for aggravated sexual assault, a first-degree felony, carries a prison term of 5-99 years and/or a $10,000 fine.

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:05 pm
Black rapist. Race of victims censored.


LANETT, AL (WTVM) - Lanett police have arrested a 48-year-old man in connection with two sexual assaults.

Investigators will only say David Cooper, of Lanett, was arrested on the 24th.

He's charged with one count of 1st degree rape, one count of attempted rape, two counts of sex abuse, two counts of unlawful imprisonment, 2 counts of burglary and theft of property.

Investigators tells us the victims are in their late 80s and early 90s.

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:14 pm
Sadistic black rapist. Race of his victim censored.


HOUSTON – Police have arrested a suspect in the "sadistic" rape of an 80-year-old Houston woman.

Henry Price Jr., 46, has been charged with the November 23 attack in the 7200 block of Tanager in Southwest Houston.

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:29 pm
Telling information about the sexual homicides of elderly women that points to the obvious conclusion that most black sexual homicides of elderly white women are motivated by race hatred.

Special Agent Mark E. Safarik, a profiler in the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI Academy, has researched and written extensively about the topic of sexual homicides of elderly women. The study, published in the May issue of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, involved a review of 110 offenders who perpetrated the rape and murder of 128 women 60 years and older. The mean age of the victims was 77.

People find it difficult to imagine why a rapist would target an elderly victim, because society still equates sexual arousal and desire with rape,” Safarik said in a phone interview. “You’re dealing with issues of power and anger in these cases, and for a number of these offenders the victim is largely symbolic,” he added.

Safarik speculated that the anger level, particularly with those who target elderly women, could be one explanation for the high murder rate of victims.

“Contrary to what some might think, their primary goal is the sexual assault,” says Safarik. Although they will usually make off with cash or jewelry afterwards, burglary is not the primary motivation—it is an afterthought.

White women not only make up 84 % of the victims in the study, but are the targets of rapists of all races. However, white men are unlikely candidates if the elderly victim is black or Hispanic, as they focus almost exclusively on elderly white women.


The fact that white men almost never rape and murderly elderly black women verifies the almost complete lack of violent race hatred of elderly black women in most whites.

Whereas the frequent examples of brutal black on white sexual homicides verify the widespread violent race hatred by blacks of elderly white women.

The late Khalid Muhammad, former spokesman of the Nation of Islam and head of the New Black Panther Party openly spoke of his hatred for the elderly whites in this video:


Why kill the elder crackers? The old decrepit white crackers ?

How do you think they got old? By killing and oppressing black people!

Kill them all!

Cheers and applause.


Plenty of examples of black sexual homicides of elderly white women on Pamela thread:

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:52 pm
Black thug. Race of victim censored.

Attempted Rape: Zip Ties, Duct Tape found in Car. Map to victims home found in the thugs car. She recognized him as a regular customer at the bank where she worked.


Graphic 9-11 call from victim in video.

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:08 pm
Black rapist. Race of elderly victim censored.


That all changed when the woman was attacked, raped and robbed by a stranger in her own home in the city’s historic district on April 12, 2008.

During the attack, she was beaten so savagely in the back of the head, the transplanted eye popped out of the socket. Afterward, doctors were able to salvage the eye and place it back into her skull, but it was useless because she lost her ability to see with it. She can’t drive anymore, her balance is off, and when she tries to pour juice into a glass, she manages to get only about half of it in there. The rest spills out because her aim is gone, she said.

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:18 pm
Black rapist. Race of elderly victim censored


The house her late husband built more than 50 years ago felt like her protector. Inside, the widow told her family, she sensed his arms around her.

Then on Feb. 14, 2010, a stranger silently broke into that house and changed everything. The 88-year-old woman was headed down the hallway for bed when a man in dark clothes accosted her, forced her into her bedroom and sexually assaulted her.

It was the second such attack on an older Virginia Beach woman in just more than a year. Following an emotional hearing Tuesday in Circuit Court, Judge Edward W. Hanson Jr. sentenced Kindale Keith Moore, 22, of Portsmouth, to two life terms plus 20 years for burglary and sodomy in the 2010 assault, and for rape in a May 2008 attack on a 77-year-old woman.

The elder woman's daughter tearfully told of her mother's steady decline after the attack - how at first she kept the drapes drawn in the daytime and imagined people in the bushes and windows. Then one Sunday she found her mother walking in circles in her backyard in the rain.

"She couldn't go back in her house," the daughter said. "She didn't feel safe."

Seven months after her assault, the woman moved into an assisted-living home, where she went to bed in the daylight and withdrew even further, her daughter said. She is a shell of the person she once was, she said,"and this is how she'll end her life."

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:26 pm

Black rapist. Race of his victims censored.


Simmons was sentenced in 1985 for murder, rape and four counts of kidnapping in Louisville.

Police say, in three separate cases in 1981, '82, and '83, he abducted at gun point, 15-year-old Robin Barnes, along with Shannon House, and Nancy Bettman, and raped and killed them.

In 1983, police say he abducted a 16-year-old who managed to escape by stabbing him. The youth later identified him to police.

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:49 pm
Where are all your pictures of white criminals with the race "censored"? If you can't find them it isn't because they aren't everywhere, it is just because you aren't looking. Crime reports do not include the race of either the victim or the accused any more than they include eye color or height. The only reason they would include race would be if there were some indication that the crime was race related and the vast majority of crimes are not.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 03:20 pm
The only reason they would include race would be if there were some indication that the crime was race related and the vast majority of crimes are not.
Don't be so naive...it is embarrassing. Science has proven that race trips our brain constantly, it is always part of the picture, even when we convince ourselves otherwise. And as I have mentioned a people who think that race related crimes are so big a problem that we need to violate the constitution and add penalties for such motives under the hate crime statutes can not with a straight face claim that race differences are not a component of the crime picture. Honestly requires that the race situation be reported, otherwise it is a lie by way of omission, which allows people to falsely believe that race does not matter much in crime. In a democracy full disclosure is not negotiable, it is always our right to know the truth.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 03:43 pm
But even after taking those two factors into account, racial animus is “one of the most salient and consistent predictors” of support for strict punishment for criminals. To the researchers, this suggests “a prominent reason for the American public’s punitiveness — including the embrace of mass imprisonment and the death penalty — is the belief that those disproportionately subject to these harsh sanctions are people they do not like: African Americans.”
The research “clearly documents that public opinion about crime and its control is driven by racial animus,” the researchers write. They add that, for decades (perhaps since the race riots of the 1960s), when many Americans think about crime, “the picture in their head illuminates a young, angry, black, inner-city male who offends with little remorse.”


Race is not only fused to the crime itself, but also to how we deal with crime. Those who like Engineer claim that there is nothing to see here, that race does not matter and this not reporting the racial component of crime is valid are totally out of touch with the truth...they are lost in their liberal fantasies.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 05:55 pm
We are not and have not been talking about not recording race in crime statistics however any one crime against a person or property unless it had a rare clear racial element had nothing to do with race.

There is no more reason to report the victim/attacker race as an every day thing then his or her hair color in the newspapers unless there is such a clear racial element.

The author of this thread is a racist trying to drum up hate and fear of male black citizens and to my amazement you are trying to aid him in so doing.

Even wheeling out junk science of the kind that would made the 1930s Nazis proud.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 06:48 pm
Where are all your pictures of white criminals with the race "censored"?

The issues of this thread revolve around violent, interracial, forcible rapes and sexual assaults, which according to the crime stats are overwhelmingly black on white.

And there is much evidence that many of these black rapists attack white women based on a racist revenge motive. Brutal, sadistic rape is always a hate crime against women and when it is motivated by race hatred too, it is a racist hate crime as well.

White on black forcible rapes and sexual assaults on the contrary, are very rare. This fact is suppressed by the Corrupt Liberal Media which dogmatically subscribes to the "liberal" narrative which portrays whites as the racist aggressors and blacks as the victims. Censoring the race of the victim in interracial rapes keeps the public unaware of just how common black on white rapes are and how rare the reverse are as well.

And when rare white on black rapes do happen, the races of the perp and victim are almost always identified by the CLM, and many times they become national news stories like in the Duke Lacrosse Rape hoax, Tawana Brawley Hoax, The IMF dude who raped the hotel maid in NYC, and the West Virginia white on black rape case, where the victim later recanted her charges of rape.

The reason why I dont post stories of white rapists is because their victims are almost always white so there is no question of interracial, racist hate rape in those cases. And if a white rapist rapes a black victim, the race of the black victim will almost always be identified by the liberal media.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 07:47 pm
White on black forcible rapes and sexual assaults on the contrary, are very rare.
The reason is that many if not most rapes are a crime of uncontrolled erotic passion, they are not crimes of intended violence. Both black men and white men prefer white women, so it is white women who are raped. There might also be some element of black women over the last few decades becoming very masculine, that if a black woman gets raped the guy more likely than not is going to feel a skillet upside the head...or something similar. If rape were a crime of misogyny as the feminists claim then we would be seeing black women raped more than white women, because black women are liked less than white women. We see with the racial component of rape reality which contradicts the political zeitgeist, and so reality loses out to fantasy....it is much easier to ignore reality that contradicts our politics than it is to confront it and fix our politics, and we moderns have very little intestinal fortitude when it turns out that our beliefs are wrong.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 06:58 am
which according to the crime stats are overwhelmingly black on white.

Bull ****..
The majority of crimes are NOT black on White because the MAJORITY of crimes are committed by WHITES.

In 2010..Perceived race of perpetrator table 40 for violent crimes

Blacks committed only 22.8% of TOTAL crimes.
Whites committed 58.4% of TOTAL crimes
The rest were UNKNOWN or OTHER
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 07:01 am
Both black men and white men prefer white women, so it is white women who are raped.

Wow.. You continue to PROVE you are complete MORON hawk.
According to the crime stats. Over 70% of victims are attacked by a person of the SAME race.
Table 42
Rape/Sexual Assault
For white victims - 74.9% of perps are white
For black victims - 74.8% of perps are black

it is much easier to ignore reality that contradicts our politics than it is to confront it and fix our politics, and we moderns have very little intestinal fortitude when it turns out that our beliefs are wrong.

You might want to stop ignoring reality hawkeye.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 12:45 pm
which according to the crime stats are overwhelmingly black on white.

Parados replied
Bull ****..
The majority of crimes are NOT black on White because the MAJORITY of crimes are committed by WHITES.

As I said before, Parados, you really have pathetic reading comprehension skills. Either that, or you are so intellectually dishonest that you create a bogus straw man argument by quoting only the last half of my sentence leaving out the relevant first half.

Here is what I wrote:

The issues of this thread revolve around violent, interracial, forcible rapes and sexual assaults, which according to the crime stats are overwhelmingly black on white.

And here is how you quoted it:

which according to the crime stats are overwhelmingly black on white.

Here is what you left out:

The issues of this thread revolve around violent, interracial, forcible rapes and sexual assaults,

I was specifically talking about interracial rape and sexual assaults, where the crime stats are overwhelmingly black on white,not ALL crime as you so dishonestly replied.

You really are quite stupid.

Have I mentioned this before?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 12:49 pm
According to the crime stats. Over 70% of victims are attacked by a person of the SAME race.
What crime stats? Dont expect me to take your word for it...document it.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 01:24 pm
We see here on page two that for homicide black on white is much worse than is white on black.


You will not find such data on on sex offenses as the feminists dont want that information out, but I think we could compare rape victim rates by race per capita and rape offender rates by race per capita and come to the conclusion that blacks must be raping a lot of white women, but I have not yet found the rape offender by race stats...it seems to be another bit of information which has been put under a rock so that we dont find it. It is easy enough to prove that blacks are highly arrested and convicted of rape, but given the state of the american "justice" system we have every reason to discount that as racism, so such data is not useful here.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 03:44 pm
Don't you listen to your cohort here? This is only about rape... So.. to confirm your preconceived notion you want to make it only about murder from a decade ago?

But do you have any other out of date statistics you want to use or should we get back to reality?
But you should understand that the survey only interviewed 67,000 people and the rape rate was only .5%

According to the data you posted if you are black you are 4 times more likely to be raped than if you are white. So much for your 'only white women get raped' argument, don't you think? Or do you get to ignore those stats?
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