Reyn wrote:
Irishk wrote:2. TWO castaways leaving in next week's episode!
Two? I'm sure that's not what they said at the end of last night's episode?
Did I hear wrong?
Well, Jeff used the word 'leaving', but since Keith won't be facing a duel at RI, tonight is perfect for a double elimination, time-wise. Then we're left wondering about a 3-way duel at the beginning of next week's episode.
BTW, in a deleted scene from last week, CBS reveals an F4 deal presented to Cochran by Albert. To summarize (since you can't view their videos,grrr.), Coach colludes with Albert on the secret (bogus) plan, Albert agrees and presents it to Cochran who jumps on it immediately (he didn't even blink lol). From watching the video, I think this was the real catalyst in getting him to flip on Savaii (and he kind of confirms it when he remarks to the camera that it was more than his old tribe had offered him).
It was a great scene that should have been included in the episode, IMO.