Irishk wrote:
jcboy wrote:I don’t like the little weasel.
He's beyond creepy. I hope Mikayla plants one on him!
And, he's an idiot who absolutely feels he must tell the "truth", as at TC.
Doesn't he realise he's playing a game? In order to advance in Survivor, you need to be frugal with the truth and be a conniver.
Green Witch wrote:... The only reason he wants Makhalia (sp?) out is because he gets hard looking at her, yeah, great game play

. He has the typical paranoid, blame it on anyone but me addict turned religious wacko personality. ...
I think all that we see about him is for the benefit of his wife at home, when she watches the show.
I suspect, at some point, he had an affair with someone else. This is his attonement.
I also agree with the immunity idols. I can't believe they were found already!