Teen who was sentence 10 years in prison for consentual sex to be released

Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 12:32 pm
Silverchild79;22884 wrote:
I've been hit on gay guys more then my share of times, I think I may be an attraction magnet for gays. I think it's flattering and they aren't pushy so I'm cool with it. They don't know until they ask.

Attraction magnet???? I find that so very hard to believe. Methinks you think way too highly of yourself...they could simply be desperate. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 12:40 pm
Silverchild79;22897 wrote:
I have the Homotron 5000 gaydar but still every once in a while you encounter the stealth homosexual

I hope you know that you have just incriminated yourself...only "gays" have gaydar. Ooops. I should know, I'm one. Unless you know more about the condition than I do. If I were you, I'd stop where I was, before you make it any worse.
Gaydar means that you are able to pick up on the "subtle" and "barely audible" signs which indicates one is "gay"...It doesn't mean you're able to discern "the obvious"...and guess what? You have the "Homotron 5000 Gaydar"....which means you're a registered card-carrying emeritus member of the brotherhood/sisterhood/whateverhood....LOLOL....too funny. OMG
P.S. Your words, not mine...I just offered up clarity
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 12:47 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22919 wrote:
No, again, I don't care if anyone I'm close to is gay.

I said it would be wierd if I found out the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE are gay.

Why would I?

You don't even make valid points. You go off topic, you go on personal attack tangents, you make assumptions about me that aren't true.

Frankly, your posts are a waste of time. You feel them with useless, logical fallacy fluff.

Fine, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously (does anyone, by the way? I mean, really...).

Frankly, I don't care if anyone takes me seriously, or not...this is an open forum, and I'm not here to be agreed with...but I will fight attacks with attacks...I'm not a pantywaist.
I'm really accomodating...just don't get on my bad side, then all bets are off.
Don't post fallacies, and opinions and beliefs that aren't supported by the facts...not your own facts, and of your own making.
My posts, a waste of time? Then don't respond to them...simple.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 12:48 pm
aaronssongs;22928 wrote:
Indeed that is your opinion...and you know what they say about opinions..they're as numerous as a..holes.
If your argument had any validity, then what could be said of clergy, who take vows of celibacy...they don't reproduce, either...would they be considered "abnormal". What about hetero couples that decide that children are not for them...by your argument, they aren't normal either, if reproduction is "the end game"...whatever the hell that means.
Homosexuality is abnormal from a heterosexual viewpoint...heterosexuality seems abnormal to me, and countless others. Do whatever blows your skirt up. LOL.

maybe I should adjust my view to Unnatural

as the natural purpose of sexual activity is the continuation of life homosexuality would be unnatural. It goes against the laws of natural science and are therefore beyond just my opinion. By that definition so would hetero oral but then again they are still paired in a manner which is compatible with the continuation of life.

your view of celibacy has some merit however, from the standpoint of life cycle celibacy is the equivalent of refusing to breathe. But I do not think Celibacy is a natural thing ether. It is very much a product of man without the genetic underpinnings of homosexuality.

and my Gaydar is in perfect working order and I can assure you I'm completely hetero. But, I'm one of those people who can "hear" when a TV is turned on even when it's on mute so I a bit more sensitive then most.

and the Homotron 5000 is so advanced I've walked into a bar and pointed out a lesbian to my friends, they didn't belive me. Five min later her GF came back from the bathroom and they couldn't belive it.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 01:18 pm
Silverchild79;22937 wrote:
maybe I should adjust my view to Unnatural

as the natural purpose of sexual activity is the continuation of life homosexuality would be unnatural. It goes against the laws of natural science and are therefore beyond just my opinion. By that definition so would hetero oral but then again they are still paired in a manner which is compatible with the continuation of life.

your view of celibacy has some merit however, from the standpoint of life cycle celibacy is the equivalent of refusing to breathe. But I do not think Celibacy is a natural thing ether. It is very much a product of man without the genetic underpinnings of homosexuality.

and my Gaydar is in perfect working order and I can assure you I'm completely hetero. But, I'm one of those people who can "hear" when a TV is turned on even when it's on mute so I a bit more sensitive then most.

and the Homotron 5000 is so advanced I've walked into a bar and pointed out a lesbian to my friends, they didn't belive me. Five min later her GF came back from the bathroom and they couldn't belive it.

Unnatural, in whose eyes? Certainly not mine. Man has graduated beyond sexual activity being solely for propagation. It has become a recreational activity, and one of the most profound expressions of love. So on that basis alone, your argument falls "flat".
And depending on whose doctrine we're following, as "some" scientists believe homosexuality to be normal variant, it's still all your humble opinion.
Where'd you ever learn how to debate?
Your views on celibacy gave me a headache...you, obvious, haven't a clue.
Celibacy is and has long been central to church doctrine, especially in the Roman Catholic Church...so are you saying that they're full of it?
Just want to be clear.
I don't want to get into whether or not, you're a receiver of television signals...but, if you read my other posting...you can only possess gaydar if you're gay...are you making a confession?
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 01:40 pm
yes, giving up sex to be closer to god makes zero sense. The two are so unrelated it's not even funny. It's like quitting smoking so you can play checkers better.

"both a recreational activity and one of the most profound expressions of love" huh? Interesting how you devalue and place value into the same thing within the same sentence. It's just whatever you want it to be isn't it?

And the primary function of sexual activity is reproduction of the species. It is natural law and prevalent in the natural world. That fact that we enjoy the process is nature's way of saying "keep doing it"

Even species who do not mate for the purpose of reproduction are asexual, name one species in the natural world that uses homosexual intercourse for reproduction and you will have given your stance the first shred of informative substance. We've been doing this for what 4 pages? And you've got nothing to back up what you say? Why continue to argue other then the fact that the information I have provided goes against what your ID wants to do?

You can find 1 scientist who thinks homosexuality is natural, I can find 100 that will still tel you smoking doesn't cause health defects.

I time and again post credible research, give scientific example, and relate action to the natural world. You, with a wave of your hand put away all that in favor of your uneducated (as displayed by your inability to provide anything to back up what you're saying) stances which you claim as your own as a path of self validation for a lifestyle which is designed to stroke your ID.

I'm done here, I was seriously hoping you could debate me but I was mistaken. Do some research and we'll play agian.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 01:41 pm
Silverchild79;22967 wrote:
yes, giving up sex to be closer to god makes zero sense. The two are so unrelated it's not even funny. It's like quitting smoking so you can play checkers better.

Lol. Love the comparison, Cam!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 01:44 pm
giving up sex to be closer to god makes zero sense

I was going to take the easy joke, but backed off.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 01:50 pm
just as a final attempt

Aaron do you have anything to back up your opinion? You can't even quote Rosie O'Donnel or something?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 02:17 pm
It's hard to understand her with a mouth full of pizza.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 02:29 pm
no no, it's a ham sandwhich
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 04:19 pm
Silverchild79;22967 wrote:
yes, giving up sex to be closer to god makes zero sense. The two are so unrelated it's not even funny. It's like quitting smoking so you can play checkers better.

Is obvious, your limited knowledge of the world...well, what can you expect from a 27 year old.
Celibacy is not "giving up sex to be closer to God"...what utter nonsense..
Male clergy (priests, bishops and the like) are "married" to the Christ (and the church) and just like in conventional marriage, vows of sanctity and devotion are taken seriously (or should, but given hetero divorce, gives one pause).
Likewise, nuns are married to Christ...it's not so much "giving up sex", as being faithful....but what would you know about that?

"both a recreational activity and one of the most profound expressions of love" huh? Interesting how you devalue and place value into the same thing within the same sentence. It's just whatever you want it to be isn't it?

Depends on how one views it, doesn't it...I didn't say I subscribed to either view, though if you asked, I'd 9 times out of 10 , prefer the latter. (Surprised? I know you and your kind view gay men as insatiable...on the contrary...the incidence of rape and predation is far more prevalent in heteros than in gays...need statistics?)

And the primary function of sexual activity is reproduction of the species. It is natural law and prevalent in the natural world. That fact that we enjoy the process is nature's way of saying "keep doing it"

You drink a lot of "kool aid", don't you? Your opinion. Your beliefs..not the truth.

Even species who do not mate for the purpose of reproduction are asexual, name one species in the natural world that uses homosexual intercourse for reproduction and you will have given your stance the first shred of informative substance. We've been doing this for what 4 pages? And you've got nothing to back up what you say? Why continue to argue other then the fact that the information I have provided goes against what your ID wants to do?

Homosexuals cannot reproduce except by conventional means...geez, I thought, at least, you knew that. Seems like you're short of 52 cards.

You can find 1 scientist who thinks homosexuality is natural, I can find 100 that will still tel you smoking doesn't cause health defects.

Oh, don't go there...Smoking has been proven harmful. I am a certified cardiopulmonary tech...uh, you don't want to go toe to toe with me on medicine. And it's becoming more and more the conventional wisdom that homosexuality is a normal variant...and no matter how many times you say otherwise, or how loudly...you're not making any headway, master debater.LOL

I time and again post credible research, give scientific example, and relate action to the natural world. You, with a wave of your hand put away all that in favor of your uneducated (as displayed by your inability to provide anything to back up what you're saying) stances which you claim as your own as a path of self validation for a lifestyle which is designed to stroke your ID.
And? What? Don't hate me 'cuz I got it like that. Is that what I do...wave my hand? limp wristed, or with a peace sign?
Credible research smeesearch...just because you say it, or can find some obsure references doesn't prove your case. Hello>? Not until it's definitive, will I subscribe...move the hell, on.

I'm done here, I was seriously hoping you could debate me but I was mistaken. Do some research and we'll play agian.

I'm cool....you might be a little "miffed" though. A little exasperated are we?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2007 09:52 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22919 wrote:
No, again, I don't care if anyone I'm close to is gay.

I said it would be wierd if I found out the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE are gay.

Why would I?

You don't even make valid points. You go off topic, you go on personal attack tangents, you make assumptions about me that aren't true.

Frankly, your posts are a waste of time. You feel them with useless, logical fallacy fluff.

Fine, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously (does anyone, by the way? I mean, really...).
Fine, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously (does anyone, by the way? I mean, really
Too much emo for me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2007 10:17 am
aaronssongs;22952 wrote:
Unnatural, in whose eyes? Certainly not mine. Man has graduated beyond sexual activity being solely for propagation. It has become a recreational activity, and one of the most profound expressions of love. So on that basis alone, your argument falls "flat".
And depending on whose doctrine we're following, as "some" scientists believe homosexuality to be normal variant, it's still all your humble opinion.
Where'd you ever learn how to debate?
Your views on celibacy gave me a headache...you, obvious, haven't a clue.
Celibacy is and has long been central to church doctrine, especially in the Roman Catholic Church...so are you saying that they're full of it?
Just want to be clear.
I don't want to get into whether or not, you're a receiver of television signals...but, if you read my other posting...you can only possess gaydar if you're gay...are you making a confession?
Unnatural, in whose eyes?
Most any normal person. Male and female are designed for this funtion While other orfices may be used, for procreation it is very specific. I suspect you have had no problem with unwanted pregnancys?
Man has graduated beyond sexual activity being solely for propagation. It has become a recreational activity, and one of the most profound expressions of love.
If man on man is acceptable to you how do you feel about beasteality?
So on that basis alone, your argument falls "flat".
Do you believe you should be able to marry and person or thing you like? Are you about equal rights or just equal right for you?
And depending on whose doctrine we're following, as "some" scientists believe homosexuality to be normal variant,
How many is "some"?
I don't want to get into whether or not, you're a receiver of television signals...but, if you read my other posting...you can only possess gaydar if you're gay...are you making a confession
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2007 05:07 pm
its gross and probably unsafe but still not evil....just gross .....Nothing consenting adults do within certain limits is any of your business
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2007 06:01 pm
I have bore personal winess to Cam's claim that the gays are attracted to him.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 03:32 pm
rugonnacry;23388 wrote:
I have bore personal winess to Cam's claim that the gays are attracted to him.

aww Ryan, I'm flattered, I never knew you liked me

Red cv
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 03:52 pm
rhopper3;23380 wrote:
its gross and probably unsafe but still not evil....just gross .....Nothing consenting adults do within certain limits is any of your business

What he said, as long as it's legal I just don't care what someone else does in the privacy of their home.:dunno:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 06:46 pm
Too bad they decided to come out of the bedroom and parade down the street.
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 06:53 pm
Drnaline;23944 wrote:
Too bad they decided to come out of the bedroom and parade down the street.

Not really, we used to have to pay for freakshows.
0 Replies

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