Teen who was sentence 10 years in prison for consentual sex to be released

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 12:37 pm
aaronssongs;21461 wrote:
Well, now that I think about it...perhaps you're right...I didn't mean to claim that my opinion was backed up by facts, and the other person's opinion wasn't.
It's all about perception...how we see the world.
I see it differently, is all. Not wrong or right. Different.
I get so fired up, sometimes, my clarity is sometimes clouded...like anybody else.

That is very acceptable. Your opinion like everyone elses (and being uncensored by Brian and Cam way to keep that up kids seriously) isneeded on this site.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 01:02 pm
Thank you, that's very kind of you to say. I have passion. I like passion.
I like passionate people. They are alive. I'd rather someone feel passionate about something than wimpy or indifferent.
I heard on NPR, the other day, a lecture about the fact that we, Americans, are being fed a script, which says "more is better", and we have become so spoiled and fat and jaded...but most importantly, in our "cushy little domiciles stuck in the suburbs, we have lost our sense of community and connection with other human beings. In doing so, it becomes so easy to dismiss the problems and hardships of others....why, the "play by play' of the Iraq War becomes a kind of macabre entertainment, we feel no vested interest in (unless you have a loved one serving in the military, in harm's way)...we're all rather detached. Killing and death seem far removed.
Isn't that sad? Isn't that horrible? It allows for inhumane acts against human beings to occur...
It took 9/11 to wake people out of their stupor...that war, strife, and destruction is not just some blip on the tv screen...it's real, deadly, and tragic. I feel an eye for an eye is not the answer, but understanding and diplomacy, or else we can kiss the planet goodbye. I hope it's not too late for us all.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 02:54 pm
aaronssongs;21462 wrote:
Ok, research, schmeserch....everyone can find evidence to support their arguments...just have to look to the documentation written by people who think like them.
Let's get one thing clear...I am a gay man. It took me a number of years, of struggle, questioning, and doubt, to finally be okay with myself. I finally have the inner peace I have always sought. So for you to assert that my acceptance of myself is folly, because what I have is a "developmental disorder" or a "hormonal imbalance" is, for lack of better terminology, "fighting words", in my mind....so, let's not go there. There has been research which has determined that homosexuality is a "normal variant"...uh, take my word for it.
In any event, I'm happy, are you?
And I noticed that you are assuming that your position(s) are correct, and that mine (and Rosie's ) are on the same side as the persecutors of Galileo (by the way, it was Copernicus, who who formulated the first explicitly heliocentric model of the solar system, not Galileo)....you know, just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

You wrote, " The research is there to show that a fetus is aware of it's impending doom and resists death by abortion. "
I find the above to be ludicrous, as no one has interviewed a fetus as to it's concept of self, much less, its' concept of doom or that of resistance, if that were at all possible. Which is why I believe it is "external" stimuli which gives an infant "context", which imparts "identity", which leads to "awareness of self"...."post partum", ok?
Instead of folks throwing about references to research and expert opinion, why not preface one's position by , "I feel, or I think that..."

There is nothing wrong with the fact that your gay, you were born that way so you can hardly be blamed for acting in the manner you were created.

The research I posed was from Oregon State University, not some wackjob. It was paid for by the government and my a farming group who was looking for a way to know if the ram was gonna be gay before it was born to avoid purchasing gay rams to breed.

the results were as I claimed.

We could learn through further research something else entirely, but for now that is what we know and it's not bad considering that the prior educated mindset was that it was a personal choice which dammed you to a lake of fire... *shutter*

you must (I feel) research every stance you have. I have done research on the stance I have just made in the previous sentence and found that people who do research are generally better educated for debate. Very Happy

I do not generally say I feel unless I am referring to a subject which I am not educated on.

and of course you can't interview a Fetus, but by your logic forensic science should also be thrown out. Can't interview dead people either ya know.

During saline abortion the baby attempts to move away from the solution, showing both fear and pain. Things that pro abortion activists don't want you to know. But do we learn that in school? No, it's been repressed information, just like evolution once was.

so to sum it all up

"The unexamined life is not worth living"
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 12:52 am
aaronssongs;21538 wrote:
Thank you, that's very kind of you to say. I have passion. I like passion.
I like passionate people. They are alive. I'd rather someone feel passionate about something than wimpy or indifferent.

I think I love you.
If you weren't gay and I wasn't a lesbian I'd ask for your hand in marriage. :p
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 10:28 am
missdixy;21609 wrote:
I think I love you.
If you weren't gay and I wasn't a lesbian I'd ask for your hand in marriage. :p

I am in lust for you for being a lesbian. Why be a lesbian conformist. show the rest of the lesbians you are your own person, and lets make with te nekkidness.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 11:19 am
rugonnacry;21652 wrote:
I am in lust for you for being a lesbian. Why be a lesbian conformist. show the rest of the lesbians you are your own person, and lets make with te nekkidness.

Lol.Typical straight male response. Rolling Eyes
and I kid, I am not a lesbian, but am bisexual.

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 11:50 am
missdixy;21658 wrote:
Lol.Typical straight male response. Rolling Eyes


typical Lesbian response :beat:
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 12:30 pm
rugonnacry;21670 wrote:
typical Lesbian response :beat:

So what does the F.Y.P.M. mean?
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 01:44 pm
missdixy;21609 wrote:
I think I love you.
If you weren't gay and I wasn't a lesbian I'd ask for your hand in marriage. :p

That is really sweet....you know, I've had a few hetero encounters, and they weren't half bad...but, the caveat is....I'm already married, and I don't cheat.
But if I did, and you were up for it, we would! lol. XOXO, Aaron
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 03:22 pm
Silverchild79;21545 wrote:
There is nothing wrong with the fact that your gay, you were born that way so you can hardly be blamed for acting in the manner you were created."

Like I need you to tell me...Thank you, your majesty for your permission to be .
("...acting in the manner you were created.")?????? Are you on drugs?

"The research I posed was from Oregon State University, not some wackjob. It was paid for by the government and my a farming group who was looking for a way to know if the ram was gonna be gay before it was born to avoid purchasing gay rams to breed.

the results were as I claimed."

Ooooooh. "Oregon State University"!!!! Now there's the paragon of scientific endeavor, and, no doubt, the bastion and repository of "the better research" higher institutions of learning have to offer. And I can see how rams are analogous to human beings (Aries).........Not!
This is no debate...this is propaganda "saber rattling"....
Like I said before...anyone can find documentation which supports their own arguments. different schools of thought. But where is your documentation...other than "name dropping"?

"We could learn through further research something else entirely, but for now that is what we know and it's not bad considering that the prior educated mindset was that it was a personal choice which dammed you to a lake of fire... *shutter*"

Huh? What?

"you must (I feel) research every stance you have. I have done research on the stance I have just made in the previous sentence and found that people who do research are generally better educated for debate. Very Happy"

Uh, yeah, right.

"I do not generally say I feel unless I am referring to a subject which I am not educated on."

Uh,....that would be "you"...my opinion, predicated on "what I feel", is not bounden by my ignorance...if I don't know something...I don't comment, at all. "better to be thought a fool, than to open ones' mouth and remove all doubt".

"and of course you can't interview a Fetus, but by your logic forensic science should also be thrown out. Can't interview dead people either ya know."

The twain are not related....the focus was on fetuses, which respond to certain stimuli, but whether or not are capable of sensation (i.e. pain, or conversely, pleasure), the jury remains out. But you're free to believe whatever.

"During saline abortion the baby attempts to move away from the solution, showing both fear and pain. Things that pro abortion activists don't want you to know. But do we learn that in school? No, it's been repressed information, just like evolution once was."

OMG...don't tell me you're one of those "creationists", who want to debate evolution v. creationism? You really believe dinosaurs and man "co-existed", as represented in that insane waste of good money for the Creation Museum, in Kentucky???
Then carbon dating is a figment of folks imagination, right?
And forget about the KT boundary, which illustrates, eloquently, the fossil record implying the extinction of dinosaurs, some 65 million years ago, long before present day mammals( of which man is one) even existed.

"so to sum it all up

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

No...to sum it all up......"better to be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt".

Let me give you some seeds of wisdom from my favorite book(which, by the way, "found me", instead of me finding it):

"Winning Through Enlightenment" by Ron Smothermon, M.D., he writes,

"The mind is an organ system that includes all of the physical being. The purpose of the mind is to survive and be right. To these ends it will do anything."

"if what you believe is actually true, you don't need to believe it."

About belief systems...." Slavery was not ended within a belief system. It could only be ended from outside of that belief system. Belief systems immobilize and restrict the way things are. You can never know the universe as it really is. You can only know your experience of it. Beliefs, then, shape your experience of the universe within narrow boundaries. Your world will behave in a way that will confirm your beliefs about it. I know that you think that life works, when it does, because of your beliefs. I promise you it works, when it does, when you are out of your beliefs and into your direct experience. Life works despite your beliefs.
Now, I want you to know more about where beliefs come from. In the beginning of your life you had none (Neither did you have a concept of pain or pleasure...hello, little fetus...nothing for you to compare it to!!!). Neither did you have prejudice, opinion, position, nor judgement (his words, not mine...and he's a medical doctor, ok?) Then someone you loved bribed you and threatened you and made you a deal you couldn't refuse. The deal was to sell out the joy of your direct experience of life and adapt a belief about something. Beliefs are created in an atmosphere of fear. You feared the consequences if you didn't believe it. You would get sent to your room, denied supper, kept from the movies, spanked, sent to hell, not loved, and so forth, if you didn't believe it. The Boogie Man would get you, and back then, unlike now, that was serious. You didn't have to sell out, but you did. "They" only threatened you; you sold out. By the way, "they" are still only threatening you.
I want you to know what you gave up when you sold out. You gave up your naturalness. You gave up your natural knowingness about life and became lost. You gave up your genius. Yes, you are a genius, except that your fear of going out of agreement with the world keeps you stuck in your beliefs, and that prevents you from expressing your natural genius. And you did it. No one did it for you. And you can reclaim it. No one can reclaim it for you.
To do so you start with a willingness to consider the possibility that your beliefs are just beliefs and do not reflect truth. You begin by remembering what you always knew: the truth stands alone without need for propping up by your beliefs. The truth is not what you believe but what you experience directly."
Excuse me for saying so, but that's what you call "research".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2007 04:21 pm
missdixy;21684 wrote:
So what does the F.Y.P.M. mean?

**** You Pay Me (Courtesey of a movie called "Goodfellas")
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 09:47 am
In response to AARONSONGS terrible use of Conflictingviews quote feature:

OSU is actually one of the foremost respected places of study for Agriculture in the world, that's why they were selected to do the study

you asked for proof? I posted information on the study, the proof was given. I can't provide you with information to sway your opinion if you will not consider what I provide. Neither can you reply to sources by siting that I have provided none.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 06:06 pm
Silverchild79;21754 wrote:
In response to AARONSONGS terrible use of Conflictingviews quote feature:

OSU is actually one of the foremost respected places of study for Agriculture in the world, that's why they were selected to do the study

you asked for proof? I posted information on the study, the proof was given. I can't provide you with information to sway your opinion if you will not consider what I provide. Neither can you reply to sources by siting that I have provided none.

Oh, let's find fault with the trivial, shall we?...forgive me for failing to master the technique for quoting on this site.
In response to your reply:

I take objection to allegations and assertions, being tossed, "willy-nilly", as if there were no members on this board who could possibly be "gay", and therefore, "permissible"...which all boils down to being careful what you say, as you never know who you might be offending.
Fine...you believe, obviously, that homosexuality is due to a "developmental disability" (otherwise you would not have posted it)...do not be discouraged if others don't take that as "the gospel"...and to add insult to injury, you find a link to some vague research project, involving "rams', no less.

Seems to me, the topic wasn't about the study of "rams' sexual proclivities, but that of human beings...agriculture is hardly analogous to anthropology and human psychology, wouldn't you say? Chimpanzees would have been more representative.
However, I went to the link , and from what I read, the findings were hardly conclusive. On the other hand, I am a living, breathing, intelligent representative of my position. Any questions? And my opinion is not apt to be
"swayed", by the likes of you.

If you recall, you started the affront with , "......just as the far right christians don't want you asking questions about creation and evolution(really? do they?) the far left secularists don't want you asking questions about the specifics of abortion or what we've recently learned about homosexuality being a developmental disability." (equally, "unfounded", however "clumsily" you were trying to make a point)

As I alluded to before, if ("big" if), people ("certain" people), were to acknowledge our many complexities, as human beings....our many layers, often in conflict, often in flux, and how we're so apt to "point fingers" and gawk, and criticize, either out of our own ignorance and prejudices, failing to acknowledge "our own" shortcomings, idiosyncrasies, sinful natures, and downright "dark sides", perhaps, we'd be more tolerant and less judgemental of others who are only slightly different from ourselves, in tastes and preferences.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 06:30 pm
pure speculation, you put aside rational scientific research to continue your unfounded opinions.

The study was on what makes a gay ram gay. The results matched the 1991 study which was conducted on humans. Providing evidence that the cause (at least in mammals) is across the board.

I would ask you to give me the same level of scientific research and discorvery to support your position as I have given you.

Mind you I've attacked you in no way, I'm simply showing you accredited research. And while you feel it's "flimsy" the experts in the respective fields things it's very much build on a sound foundation of logic and science.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 07:49 pm
Silverchild79;21919 wrote:
pure speculation, you put aside rational scientific research to continue your unfounded opinions.

The study was on what makes a gay ram gay. The results matched the 1991 study which was conducted on humans. Providing evidence that the cause (at least in mammals) is across the board.

I would ask you to give me the same level of scientific research and discorvery to support your position as I have given you.

Mind you I've attacked you in no way, I'm simply showing you accredited research. And while you feel it's "flimsy" the experts in the respective fields things it's very much build on a sound foundation of logic and science.

Excuse me, but I can hardly take you seriously with all your spelling errors (do you know how to do spellcheck?)

Did you get the points that I made....so wtf! Rams are not human. Geez.
Do a study on chimpanzees, which share 99 % of our genetic code, and you may have something. Just because you, OSU, and whoever else "says' that it's so...don't make it so...feed that to someone else, because I ain't the one buying it. OK. Don't get upset if I refuse to buy your logic...in my book, it ain't logical. simple. I'm no one important for you to have a hissy fit, because I think your assertions are bull. Get over it, and move on.
And I'll find someone "reasonable", and more tolerant to have a discussion with. Now where's my drink?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 11:05 am
again, do you have any research to back up your claims?

The only thing I hear you saying is that "off the top of your head" you're smart enough to know that years of study by the federal government and reputable institutions of higher learning are below your uneducated opinion.

Your points are not backed by logical research, so you have made no points. The fact that you do not want to believe does not make it so. And as I have mentioned several times in this thread there was a study done on humans in 1991 and it matched the study done on Rams.

and my failure to use spellcheck does nothing to weaken the validity of scientific study, say it with me children, "grasping at straws"

go ahead and reply with "I think blah blah blah"

everyone has an opinion, I'm interested in what research tells me
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 02:42 pm
Silverchild79;22094 wrote:
again, do you have any research to back up your claims?

The only thing I hear you saying is that "off the top of your head" you're smart enough to know that years of study by the federal government and reputable institutions of higher learning are below your uneducated opinion.

Your points are not backed by logical research, so you have made no points. The fact that you do not want to believe does not make it so. And as I have mentioned several times in this thread there was a study done on humans in 1991 and it matched the study done on Rams.

and my failure to use spellcheck does nothing to weaken the validity of scientific study, say it with me children, "grasping at straws"

go ahead and reply with "I think blah blah blah"

everyone has an opinion, I'm interested in what research tells me

My reply is not "blah, blah, blah"...it's "LOLOLOL"
The research is obviously "flawed"....Rams are not humans, matched or not. lol
I wasn't trying to make any points...I was telling you, don't assume that you can post nonsense and not have it challenged...and that goes for nonsense with research attached to it.
And folks will believe anything, especially if it supports their skewed view of the world...the truth doesn't need you to believe it, to be the truth.
Of course you're assuming that, once again, you're right and I'm wrong.
I'm not saying I'm right...I'm saying you've offered up nonsense. lol
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 06:21 pm
Um 99% of our genetic code? no its actually in the 80's but that is trivial. SOmething you may want to google to assert my claim is....

We (humans) share 56 % of the genetic code of a banana? So if we do the same research on a banana will it be 56% accurate to humans?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 06:43 pm
Divergence between samples of chimpanzee and human DNA sequences is 5%, ... that 95% of the base pairs are exactly shared between chimpanzee and human DNA. ...
Divergence between samples of chimpanzee and human DNA sequences is 5%, counting indels -- Britten 99 (21): 13633 -- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
So, accordingly, that would make you "wrong", demostratively, and me, not so much.
You want to be ridiculous, do so on your own time. I won't dignify that last question.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 06:45 pm
That of base pairs. Not complex. And further we can repoint to 56% genetic similarities with a banana
0 Replies

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