Teen who was sentence 10 years in prison for consentual sex to be released

Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 04:45 pm
aaronssongs;22377 wrote:
"As a conservative, I am only trying to protect what I have worked
hard to gain. "

At what cost???? At the cost of peoples' lives and livelihoods? Conservatives don't care about minorities...they don't care about the elderly, the infirmed and the ill...they don't care about the "inner city" (code for "black people)...they could care less whether or not they had adequate nutrition, quality education, healthcare, resources, opportunity...no, all you care about is protecting what you have "worked hard to gain"....Stuff...except when a hurricane comes and takes "all" your "stuff" away, and your insurance company says you're not covered for flood insurance, and you are faced with "life and death" as FEMA gives you the "run around"...No, not until it hits "home" do you care about any body else...which is why I say, all of you can just drop .....and it would be a better world. Cheers

Aaron - Among other things, I used to own a clothing manufacturing company. A hostile young black man came to interview for a job and was rejected for his attitude. When he shouted racism, I took into our workroom and pointed out the staff which numbered African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, one former middle eastern cabbie, a former hooker (one of the best pattern makers in SoCal) and a dwarf that was one of my seamstresses. Once he looked around and saw my commitment to diversity he apologized for insulting me. Part of my "stuff" was my staff and their families. They all earned more from me than they could have elsewhere and all shared in the profits. In return, I demanded loyalty and hard work. When I sold the company, they all got bonuses and several months to relocate. That's my story. What have you done other that shout from the rafters?
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 04:50 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22387 wrote:
Here's a hint, "developmental disability" doesn't mean "bad".

No, and I have said nothing about Homosexuals being bad, neither do I think their sexual orientation makes them bad. But, if the theory is correct then then homosexuality would be more accurately viewed on the same level as Autism, or any other developmental disability

One Man Clan;22387 wrote:
No, treating homosexuality is harmful. You can't suppress sex to that level.

Sexual repression is cruel and nothing I would advocate, again I think you're jumping to conclusions about what I'm saying. When I said treatment I referred more to a hormonal treatment during adolescence aimed at correcting any developmental deficiencies. Much as we strive to one day cure Autism before it afflicts a child. Of course such treatments must be scrutinized for safety in the same manner vaccines are. I'd rather have a healthy gay son then a straight son that develops Leukemia at age 13.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, at this point we need further research.
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 04:58 pm
Silverchild79;22390 wrote:
No, and I have said nothing about Homosexuals being bad, neither do I think their sexual orientation makes them bad. But, if the theory is correct then then homosexuality would be more accurately viewed on the same level as Autism, or any other developmental disability.

No, autism is bad.

There's no reason to "treat" homosexuality, and I believe it's an unncessary infringement on the child's body, like circumcision.

Sexual repression is cruel and nothing I would advocate, again I think you're jumping to conclusions about what I'm saying. When I said treatment I referred more to a hormonal treatment during adolescence aimed at correcting any developmental deficiencies. Much as we strive to one day cure Autism before it afflicts a child. Of course such treatments must be scrutinized for safety in the same manner vaccines are. I'd rather have a healthy gay son then a straight son that develops Leukemia at age 13.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, at this point we need further research.

Again, autism is not comparable to homosexuality.
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 05:07 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22392 wrote:
Again, autism is not comparable to homosexuality.

by today's logic you're quite right. But if you knew for a fact that it was a developmental disability of the brain wouldn't you have to change the way you thought about it?

could you disregard that knowledge for no other reason then it's inconvenient to your views? Research and education constantly changes the way we see everything, why would human sexuality be any different?
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 05:09 pm
Silverchild79;22397 wrote:
by today's logic you're quite right. But if you knew for a fact that it was a developmental disability of the brain wouldn't you have to change the way you thought about it?


It changes absolutely nothing other than I understand now what makes people homosexual.

Or, well, possibly.

But still, it changes nothing.

could you disregard that knowledge for no other reason then it's inconvenient to your views? Research and education constantly changes the way we see everything, why would human sexuality be any different?

It's not important how they become gay, unless it's via drinking a baby's blood.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 08:07 pm
Silverchild79;22386 wrote:
wow look at all the stereotyping

Nazi science had a jump to conclusions stance based on false pretenses

I have a "let's learn more about this and then not be afraid to challenge the way we think as we learn" mentality

you also paint me as some young earth christian (volunteer is going to have a heart attack when he reads that). I assure you I am very up to date and in agreeance with radio-carbon dating, the actual age of the earth, and the vast differences between biblical explinations and natural sciences.

I'm also Agnostic, for the record

my, the things that fear closes our minds to, eh aaron?

Agnostic...not surprised...meaning you're not sure. That explains "a lot".
I am not afraid, and my mind is not closed...how could it be, me being an artist? I just don't buy BS, and don't buy the outrage you feel for having missed a sale.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 08:41 pm
socalgolfguy;22388 wrote:
Aaron - Among other things, I used to own a clothing manufacturing company. A hostile young black man came to interview for a job and was rejected for his attitude. When he shouted racism, I took into our workroom and pointed out the staff which numbered African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, one former middle eastern cabbie, a former hooker (one of the best pattern makers in SoCal) and a dwarf that was one of my seamstresses. Once he looked around and saw my commitment to diversity he apologized for insulting me. Part of my "stuff" was my staff and their families. They all earned more from me than they could have elsewhere and all shared in the profits. In return, I demanded loyalty and hard work. When I sold the company, they all got bonuses and several months to relocate. That's my story. What have you done other that shout from the rafters?

OK, that's all well and nice...but each of those persons you listed, were not there because of any "charity" on your part; they were there because they could do the job you needed done, and undoubtably, because they did it well. So, don't make it out like you're some Mother Theresa, and deserving of some accolade, when profit was your bottom line.
And who said you shouldn't have standards for "hiring"?

My issue was with your statement, ""As a conservative, I am only trying to protect what I have worked
hard to gain. "

Like liberals don't seek to protect what they have worked hard to gain.
It's like you bleed, other folks bleed...there is no distinction. How does that break down into camps? Hmmm?
And "shout from the rafters"....I was just calling it like it t. i. z.
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 09:13 pm
aaronssongs;22447 wrote:
Like liberals don't seek to protect what they have worked hard to gain.

That's because they're losers.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 10:29 pm
Silverchild79;22390 wrote:
No, and I have said nothing about Homosexuals being bad, neither do I think their sexual orientation makes them bad. But, if the theory is correct then then homosexuality would be more accurately viewed on the same level as Autism, or any other developmental disability

Sexual repression is cruel and nothing I would advocate, again I think you're jumping to conclusions about what I'm saying. When I said treatment I referred more to a hormonal treatment during adolescence aimed at correcting any developmental deficiencies. Much as we strive to one day cure Autism before it afflicts a child. Of course such treatments must be scrutinized for safety in the same manner vaccines are. I'd rather have a healthy gay son then a straight son that develops Leukemia at age 13.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, at this point we need further research.

shades of josef mengele....it's hard to believe it's almost 2008, with Neanderthals like you around...looking more and more like Amerikka, every day...you probably favor concentration camps for persons with AIDS.
God save us all from the likes of you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 10:49 pm
yes yes you cornered me I'm quite obviously racist

which is really a bummer because my half Jew/ half Korean best friend is gonna disown me when he finds out.

How to become a Liberal

1. Set up a standard for morality which mirrors that which your ID wants to do

2. Fiercely defend it providing no actual logical reason for what you believe

3. Slander anyone who disagrees with baseless accusations of Racism, intolerance, or sexism.

worked in the Duke case

works here

congrats, you've officially hit just below the "Al Sharpton" mark on the "crazy liberal" board. The place we affectionately call the "Rosie Square"

if you don't agree that's fine, but read the forum rules, no personal attacks, that means you
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 11:59 pm
Silverchild79;22462 wrote:
yes yes you cornered me I'm quite obviously racist

which is really a bummer because my half Jew/ half Korean best friend is gonna disown me when he finds out.

How to become a Liberal

1. Set up a standard for morality which mirrors that which your ID wants to do

2. Fiercely defend it providing no actual logical reason for what you believe

3. Slander anyone who disagrees with baseless accusations of Racism, intolerance, or sexism.

worked in the Duke case

works here

congrats, you've officially hit just below the "Al Sharpton" mark on the "crazy liberal" board. The place we affectionately call the "Rosie Square"

if you don't agree that's fine, but read the forum rules, no personal attacks, that means you

Personal attacks? I'm gay. You alluded to the fact, by offering up obviously "skewed" data from some waste-of-tax-dollars-right-wing research project, insinuating that I, and others like me, suffered from a "developmental disorder" (code: mental illness)...so, you can spin it anyway you like, but your assertions, by proxy, was in essence, the 'throwing of the gauntlet"...
So, unless you apologize, and practice what you preach...I'll attack you 6 ways by 7...and if I get ejected from this board, so be it...it won't be the first..damn straight, it won't be the last. Bring it on, beyotch. And you can bite my Al Sharpton, if you have a notion...and kiss my Rosie, if you're able. Did you get that?
Feeling insulted? That was my intent. And you read the goddamn rules...you're obviously not following them. You don't want to try me...I've been called worse by better
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:20 am
aaronssongs;22464 wrote:
Personal attacks? I'm gay. You alluded to the fact, by offering up obviously "skewed" data from some waste-of-tax-dollars-right-wing research project, insinuating that I, and others like me, suffered from a "developmental disorder" (code: mental illness)...so, you can spin it anyway you like, but your assertions, by proxy, was in essence, the 'throwing of the gauntlet"...

I'm fairly certain it's a fair research product.

A waste of tax money, certainly, but I don't think they were lying.

What I think they're doing is tricking people. When people see "developmental disorder" their brain flashes *BAD!* *BAD!* *BAD!* *BAD!* *BAD*.

It just means you didn't develop like most people.

And here's a hint to everyone, that doesn't change a damned thing. It doesn't matter if we find it it IS a choice (I know it's not, but go with me), we should still give them the same freedoms we should all be given. They're people.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 08:28 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22466 wrote:
I'm fairly certain it's a fair research product.

What would make you think that? Just because OSU did it...look at the waste and research that goes on in the government...do you think it's credible and justified, just because the government is doing it, and with little oversight, but plenty of agendi?

A waste of tax money, certainly, but I don't think they were lying.
What is your basis for thinking that? Do you know them to be a reputable entity? Look at the law students that came out of Jerry Falwell's University law school. Unqualified, incompetant, yet wound up with influential jobs within the DOJ, and wreaked havoc.

What I think they're doing is tricking people. When people see "developmental disorder" their brain flashes *BAD!* *BAD!* *BAD!* *BAD!* *BAD*.
No, when people see "developmental disorder", they see red, and think about kicking ***, and wonder where people get off saying crap, and getting away with it

It just means you didn't develop like most people.
And you did? And what is "most people"? And what is "develop"?
If that isn't inflammatory....

And here's a hint to everyone, that doesn't change a damned thing. It doesn't matter if we find it it IS a choice (I know it's not, but go with me), we should still give them the same freedoms we should all be given. They're people.

Oh, Kumbaya....isn't that sweet....we're people! As if we need you to say that. Thank you very much.
Who I think are "not people" are ideologues who sling innuendo and propagandistic rhetoric, freely, as if fact, and not the waste products of their incalcitrant minds, and, figuratively, ride off into the sunset, "job, well-done"...that's who I think are not people...certainly not my people.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:10 am
aaronssongs;22447 wrote:
OK, that's all well and nice...but each of those persons you listed, were not there because of any "charity" on your part; they were there because they could do the job you needed done, and undoubtably, because they did it well. So, don't make it out like you're some Mother Theresa, and deserving of some accolade, when profit was your bottom line.
And who said you shouldn't have standards for "hiring"?

My issue was with your statement, ""As a conservative, I am only trying to protect what I have worked
hard to gain. "

Like liberals don't seek to protect what they have worked hard to gain.
It's like you bleed, other folks bleed...there is no distinction. How does that break down into camps? Hmmm?
And "shout from the rafters"....I was just calling it like it t. i. z.

Some of them were exactly there because of CHARITY on my part. I took people that no one else wanted and gave them a chance. Get your head out of your ass. I am not the problem, I have supplied the answer. And, anyone that does not work hard to protect what they have EARNED and loses it through government supported mismanagement that they backed, is an idiot. Go to work and make something of yourself. Hire the downtrodden, lend a hand. I have. Have you? I think not. Friggin whiners. I hate 'em.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:43 am
socalgolfguy;22513 wrote:
Go to work and make something of yourself. Hire the downtrodden, lend a hand. I have. Have you? I think not. Friggin whiners. I hate 'em.


there is no worse product of Americas success then those who have done nothing and bemoan those who's hard work has paid off.
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:47 am
aaronssongs wrote:
What would make you think that? Just because OSU did it...look at the waste and research that goes on in the government...do you think it's credible and justified, just because the government is doing it, and with little oversight, but plenty of agendi?

Wow, like I don't know that.

Nevertheless the research makes sense. If there's part of the brain that controls attraction to the opposite sex, it makes sense that that part of the brain isn't developed in people not attracted to the opposite sex.

What is your basis for thinking that? Do you know them to be a reputable entity? Look at the law students that came out of Jerry Falwell's University law school. Unqualified, incompetant, yet wound up with influential jobs within the DOJ, and wreaked havoc.

No, because it makes sense. I don't appeal to authority.

No, when people see "developmental disorder", they see red, and think about kicking ***, and wonder where people get off saying crap, and getting away with it

No, they think bad.

That's why I said that.

And you did? And what is "most people"? And what is "develop"?
If that isn't inflammatory....

Yes, I did develop that part of my brain like most people. That's why I'm not gay.

Most people is... most people. Most people are straight.


Develop in this case is that part of the brain growing and... developing.

WTF kind of stupid questions are these?

Oh, Kumbaya....isn't that sweet....we're people! As if we need you to say that. Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

What I was doing was giving a reason they deserved the same freedoms afforded to everyone. People are the pre-requisite, so I wanted to point out they fit the pre-requisite.

But you, like usual, throw a hissy fit. That's ok, I'm not here to make you feel better, I'm here to speak what I see as the truth.
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:50 am
What I think is funny:

The humping-at-the-sky-conservative-losers are going, "HAH! WE TOLD YOU SO! IT'S A DISORDER! LOL!"

While the parading-hey-look-I'm-gay-losers are going, "OMG! OMG! HOMOPHOBE! IT'S NOT A DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER!"

While we rational people are watching science get raped when it gets political. Again.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:01 am
socalgolfguy;22513 wrote:
Some of them were exactly there because of CHARITY on my part. I took people that no one else wanted and gave them a chance. Get your head out of your ass. I am not the problem, I have supplied the answer. And, anyone that does not work hard to protect what they have EARNED and loses it through government supported mismanagement that they backed, is an idiot. Go to work and make something of yourself. Hire the downtrodden, lend a hand. I have. Have you? I think not. Friggin whiners. I hate 'em.

Excuse me...I worked for 20+ years, in healthcare, and am now retired. I'm a writer, musician, and producer, presently. I have done fundraisers, particularly for the AIDS Foundation of Houston, raising in excess of $15K...I think I have lended more than "a hand".
Oh, and you would have me believe you extend "welfare"....Right! What? Were they resting on their laurels, and you were just paying them out of the goodness of your heart...NO...they were doing the job you needed to be done. Plain and simple...you dont' get brownie points for doing the right thing, which would be paying them, adequately. Get a life. 'cuse me.

"....and loses it throiugh government mismanagement"?????
You wouldn't be talking about our standing in the world, because of our foreign policy, would you?
You, obviously are "rambling", again...and it's not my duty to help you deal with your issues...you should seek professional intervention ( you, and a few others)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:04 am
Silverchild79;22520 wrote:

there is no worse product of Americas success then those who have done nothing and bemoan those who's hard work has paid off.

So when are you and One Man Clan going to do some "hard work"?
Key phrase: "paid off"....selfish, arrogant...you know the rest.
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:05 am
aaronssongs;22529 wrote:
So when are you and One Man Clan going to do some "hard work"?
Key phrase: "paid off"....selfish, arrogant...you know the rest.

I'm going to do some "hard work" whenever I feel like it.

But that's not really your business, is it?
0 Replies

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