Teen who was sentence 10 years in prison for consentual sex to be released

Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 06:49 pm
Earth to rugonnacry....the discussion or argument was comparing scientific testing on rams compared to that of humans...how did you get bananas? Oh, I get it...you are bananas( and probably closer than 56%). LOL
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 06:51 pm
As soon as you brought up monkeys it opened the door to any Genetic comparrison.

Thanks for the last part of your post, ANy who read it will SURELY take you seriously now LOL
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 09:39 am
you have yet to debunk my sources with anything other than an uneducated opinion

and you continually forget to read when I write (and the OSU study illustrates) that it's findings with rams match a 1991 study on humans. The fact that the same trait is found in other mammals only reinforces their findings.
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 10:25 am
Silverchild79;22280 wrote:
you have yet to debunk my sources with anything other than an uneducated opinion

and you continually forget to read when I write (and the OSU study illustrates) that it's findings with rams match a 1991 study on humans. The fact that the same trait is found in other mammals only reinforces their findings.

Did I do that? Well, perhaps I did. Whatcha gonna do about it? And who are you to call someone's opinion, "uneducated"...how do you know I'm not an authority? Fact is you don't. Someone is supposed to agree with your position simply because you found documentation supporting your position? How naive do you really think I am? Your position is nothing. Your documentation is nothing.
You are trying to be right at the expense of making me wrong...and that's the stuff of your mind and ego, which is not real.
So the hell what? What if what you have presented is, "indeed", fact? What if my homosexuality "is" a "developmental disability"? So what? Does that make you superior to me, because you don't have some "developmental disability"?
Or is that "code" for "less than"...you know you right wingers do that "Willie Horton" voodoo, so well. Are you having an 'orgasm", yet? Is your head so big, you've got to rest it on the table, for fear of falling over?
In the g..d..n Declaration of Independence, it says...."life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"....If I'm happy (and the pursuit of it is my unalienable right), despite my disability, what business is it of yours to point out that I have a disability? It could be for none other than making yourself feel better about yourself...that is a personal problem, that you might seek therapy for. In the meantime, in between time, don't trouble me with your feelings of inadequacy...because contrary to your opinion, I view my homosexuality as "gift from God"...were you "well-versed", you'd be aware that in many cultures and societies, the world over, homosexuals held and hold special status as sages, liasons and links to the spiritual realm, providing them positions of status within those societies. And since the incidents of occurance are so numerous, it would seem to be considered "a norm"..
I don't take kindly to people trying to debunk my view of the world, and how I choose to operate in the world, when I practice live and let live, myself.
What I do, in the privacy of my own domicile, and how I do it, is no one's f...... business; just like it's not my business that you have problems(untreated) with feeling adequate. Some things are better left "unsaid", if not addressed.
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 10:47 am
What's this whole deal about it being a "developmental disability" again?

I haven't learned anything about it. Can someone explain it in layman's terms?
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 11:04 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22292 wrote:
What's this whole deal about it being a "developmental disability" again?

I haven't learned anything about it. Can someone explain it in layman's terms?

Precisely! And in greater detail that some comparative study between sheep and humans? My argument was sheep are in no way, comparable to humans...I don't care who did the study, I ain't buying it...why didn't they use, say, alligators? Or kangaroos? It's a non-issue, crying for relevance.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 12:44 pm
aaronssongs;22287 wrote:
Did I do that? Well, perhaps I did. Whatcha gonna do about it?

I could do all kinds of stuff

But, radicals usually secrete the poison which they succumb to. Letting these people read what you have to say does more to validity me then anything I could post on my own...

so... umm, thanks?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 01:45 pm
idle veiled threats...
And if by "radical" you mean "revolutionary", willing to speak truth to power, especially when that power has become corrupt as "absolute power" is apt to do, then I wear that label with distinct pride.
This government has become a Fascist state...with George Bush as Dictator-in-chief. And if you see nothing wrong in that, then you are lost and cannot be helped...and that speaks volumes...thanks be to you
Republicans: So sexually repressed and oppressed, viagra is the absinthe they dare not indulge, as no whore, children, young boys, or animals would be off the table
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 02:14 pm
Aaron -

Republicans: So sexually repressed and oppressed, viagra is the absinthe they dare not indulge, as no whore, children, young boys, or animals would be off the table

You cannot possibly think this is true and correct. As a conservative, I am only trying to protect what I have worked hard to gain. No sexual repression, no interest in any of the perversions you mention - just insulted. If that was your goal, then you have succeeded.
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 02:56 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22292 wrote:
What's this whole deal about it being a "developmental disability" again?

I haven't learned anything about it. Can someone explain it in layman's terms?

certainly, I posted it so I'll explain it

about 10 years ago a group of farmers went to the government with a problem. One 1 out of 10 rams they bought for breeding were gay, if you're a breeder that's expensive. So the government gave them a grant to commission a study to figure out why this was happening. The idea was to discover a way to treat (cure) gay breeding stock, or figure out a way to spot it before they purchased them. Oregon State University, which is regarded as being on the cutting edge of agricultural studies, conducted the research.

What they found was that in these Rams the portion of the brain which governs attraction to the opposite sex was roughly half the size of what it was in straight Rams. Based on that you could view homosexuality in males as a developmental disability as their brains, by definition, have failed to develop in a manner which encourages natural reproduction.

Why this is important to human sexuality is that a 1991 study done on human brains of AIDS victims showed the same lack of development in the brains of homosexual males.

The fact that it's found in other mammals goes a long way to prove this theory. And if it is true (and we've yet to see any factual research to disprove this) we need to totally re think the way we treat homosexual culture. As we learn more about this, homosexuality may very well become this century's ADD. This is/will be very unpopular with those on the Christian right who see homosexuality as a choice which is a sin, and those on the left who think homosexualy should be respected.

I say, as with everything else, we should continue to learn and let the light of knowledge guide us.

The reason this is funny to me is that the same secular liberals who scream "Science science science" every time creationism comes up don't want you to know about this research *cough* Rosie O'Donnell *cough*
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:12 pm
aaronssongs;22356 wrote:
idle veiled threats...
And if by "radical" you mean "revolutionary", willing to speak truth to power, especially when that power has become corrupt as "absolute power" is apt to do, then I wear that label with distinct pride.
This government has become a Fascist state...with George Bush as Dictator-in-chief. And if you see nothing wrong in that, then you are lost and cannot be helped...and that speaks volumes...thanks be to you
Republicans: So sexually repressed and oppressed, viagra is the absinthe they dare not indulge, as no whore, children, young boys, or animals would be off the table

There's no need for "revolutionaries". Bush is just another average, shitty president.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm
BS...pure and simple....this from the same folk that said there was WMD in Saddam's Iraq....still haven't found it, have we? Ah, but it was the conventional (some say, scientific-based) wisdom....
socalgolfguy, I apologize if I have offended you, personally, but by the same token, people are allow to post crap (for lack of a better word), such as the above, and no one thinks it's out of the ordinary, and quite acceptable.

"Democrats: Brave enough to kill our unborn children, just not brave enough to fight our enemies..."

No one thinks that this is outrageous and offensive??? Nothing said. Quiet.
So, I posted what I posted, and I believe it with my whole heart.
Until otherwise informed, I can think of no lower life form than a Republican...they are not even human...prove me wrong.
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:16 pm
Silverchild79;22371 wrote:
about 10 years ago a group of farmers went to the government with a problem. One 1 out of 10 rams they bought for breeding were gay, if you're a breeder that's expensive. So the government gave them a grant to commission a study to figure out why this was happening.

Well, that certainly shouldn't have happened. The idiot farmers should have paid with their own money, not everyone else's.


What they found was that in these Rams the portion of the brain which governs attraction to the opposite sex was roughly half the size of what it was in straight Rams. Based on that you could view homosexuality in males as a developmental disability as their brains, by definition, have failed to develop in a manner which encourages natural reproduction.

That makes sense.

Why this is important to human sexuality is that a 1991 study done on human brains of AIDS victims showed the same lack of development in the brains of homosexual males.

I don't get how that makes it important.

The fact that it's found in other mammals goes a long way to prove this theory. And if it is true (and we've yet to see any factual research to disprove this) we need to totally re think the way we treat homosexual culture.

Why? And... how do we treat it?

As we learn more about this, homosexuality may very well become this century's ADD.

One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:18 pm
aaronssongs;22374 wrote:
BS...pure and simple....this from the same folk that said there was WMD in Saddam's Iraq....still haven't found it, have we?


Making Bush just as shitty as the Democrats we have who fell for the bullshit at the start of the war.

No one thinks that this is outrageous and offensive??? Nothing said. Quiet.
So, I posted what I posted, and I believe it with my whole heart.
Until otherwise informed, I can think of no lower life form than a Republican...

Sure you can.


That's a close one, though.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:22 pm
socalgolfguy;22361 wrote:
Aaron -

You cannot possibly think this is true and correct. As a conservative, I am only trying to protect what I have worked hard to gain. No sexual repression, no interest in any of the perversions you mention - just insulted. If that was your goal, then you have succeeded.

"As a conservative, I am only trying to protect what I have worked
hard to gain. "

At what cost???? At the cost of peoples' lives and livelihoods? Conservatives don't care about minorities...they don't care about the elderly, the infirmed and the ill...they don't care about the "inner city" (code for "black people)...they could care less whether or not they had adequate nutrition, quality education, healthcare, resources, opportunity...no, all you care about is protecting what you have "worked hard to gain"....Stuff...except when a hurricane comes and takes "all" your "stuff" away, and your insurance company says you're not covered for flood insurance, and you are faced with "life and death" as FEMA gives you the "run around"...No, not until it hits "home" do you care about any body else...which is why I say, all of you can just drop .....and it would be a better world. Cheers
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:29 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22375 wrote:
Well, that certainly shouldn't have happened. The idiot farmers should have paid with their own money, not everyone else's.

you'd be surprised what the government pays for, just be happy it went to something aimed at improving the profit margin of the American Farmer :thumbup:

One Man Clan;22375 wrote:
I don't get how that makes it important.

Many mammals show medical similarities with humans, this is just a reflection of our genetic similarity. So if you do one type of research on rams, you would expect similar results on humans. If the results are similar then you're generally closer to being right then you are wrong. This is why we test new drugs on lab rats.

One Man Clan;22375 wrote:
Why? And... how do we treat it?

Why? well if further research proves the theory then homosexuality (by definition) would be a developmental disability which we should seek to treat. That doesn't mean we dehumanize homosexuals. We still respect those who are bi-polar, yet we seek to treat their illness as well.

How? I dunno and neither does anybody else at this point. Mind you I'm not saying it is a developmental disorder, I'm saying there is evidence to suggest there is. What I am saying is that we need to do further research as it may be.
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:49 pm
Silverchild79;22378 wrote:
you'd be surprised what the government pays for, just be happy it went to something aimed at improving the profit margin of the American Farmer :thumbup:

Many mammals show medical similarities with humans, this is just a reflection of our genetic similarity. So if you do one type of research on rams, you would expect similar results on humans. If the results are similar then you're generally closer to being right then you are wrong. This is why we test new drugs on lab rats.

Why? well if further research proves the theory then homosexuality (by definition) would be a developmental disability which we should seek to treat. That doesn't mean we dehumanize homosexuals. We still respect those who are bi-polar, yet we seek to treat their illness as well.

How? I dunno and neither does anybody else at this point. Mind you I'm not saying it is a developmental disorder, I'm saying there is evidence to suggest there is. What I am saying is that we need to do further research as it may be.

Well, thank God there are no Nazis like you in a position of importance...Josef Mengele.
Let's see, we prohibit human cloning, but we can experiment on humans, (forcibly) because we think they have a malady and are not well adjusted,and need help with "their problem".
And our tax dollars, once again, going for BS research, and we, the people, don't have a say as to how it's being spent...isn't that taxation without representation, the nut and bolt of the reason for the American Revolutionary War? Hmmm, might be time for another one...

You, sir, are sick beyond belief...you views are sick...your ideology is sick...you are the one who needsthe benefits of research to correct your defects, for there are many.

And since you creationists debunk "real science"(plate techtonics, K-T boundary, carbon dating, orogeny, etc...), then throw away all your little technology (Tv's, cell phones, internet, computers, microwaves)...all the benefits of invention and science, "and medicine..(.let's not forget medicine, one of the boons of scientific endeavors) "which you debunk", and take up a more spare existence...like the Quakers or the Jehovah Witnesses...which, I'm almost sure you're not willing to do, hypocrites that you are...so, just shut the hell up, be-yoaches.
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 03:52 pm
"be-yoaches?" LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 04:08 pm
aaronssongs;22381 wrote:
Well, thank God there are no Nazis like you in a position of importance...Josef Mengele.
Let's see, we prohibit human cloning, but we can experiment on humans, (forcibly) because we think they have a malady and are not well adjusted,and need help with "their problem".
And our tax dollars, once again, going for BS research, and we, the people, don't have a say as to how it's being spent...isn't that taxation without representation, the nut and bolt of the reason for the American Revolutionary War? Hmmm, might be time for another one...

You, sir, are sick beyond belief...you views are sick...your ideology is sick...you are the one who needsthe benefits of research to correct your defects, for there are many.

And since you creationists debunk "real science"(plate techtonics, K-T boundary, carbon dating, orogeny, etc...), then throw away all your little technology (Tv's, cell phones, internet, computers, microwaves)...all the benefits of invention and science, "and medicine..(.let's not forget medicine, one of the boons of scientific endeavors) "which you debunk", and take up a more spare existence...like the Quakers or the Jehovah Witnesses...which, I'm almost sure you're not willing to do, hypocrites that you are...so, just shut the hell up, be-yoaches.

wow look at all the stereotyping

Nazi science had a jump to conclusions stance based on false pretenses

I have a "let's learn more about this and then not be afraid to challenge the way we think as we learn" mentality

you also paint me as some young earth christian (volunteer is going to have a heart attack when he reads that). I assure you I am very up to date and in agreeance with radio-carbon dating, the actual age of the earth, and the vast differences between biblical explinations and natural sciences.

I'm also Agnostic, for the record

my, the things that fear closes our minds to, eh aaron?
One Man Clan
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 04:21 pm
Silverchild79;22378 wrote:
you'd be surprised what the government pays for, just be happy it went to something aimed at improving the profit margin of the American Farmer :thumbup:

Nah, I wouldn't.

I can detect most bullshit, and that certainly includes the amount of waste spent on our government, and things enforced by the government.

Many mammals show medical similarities with humans, this is just a reflection of our genetic similarity. So if you do one type of research on rams, you would expect similar results on humans. If the results are similar then you're generally closer to being right then you are wrong. This is why we test new drugs on lab rats.

I see, they got you with the whole "developmental disability" thing.

Here's a hint, "developmental disability" doesn't mean "bad".

Why? well if further research proves the theory then homosexuality (by definition) would be a developmental disability which we should seek to treat. That doesn't mean we dehumanize homosexuals. We still respect those who are bi-polar, yet we seek to treat their illness as well.

No, treating homosexuality is harmful. You can't supress sex to that level.

Just look at Catholic priests. I'm willing to be ALL of them at least jack off.

At least.

How? I dunno and neither does anybody else at this point. Mind you I'm not saying it is a developmental disorder, I'm saying there is evidence to suggest there is. What I am saying is that we need to do further research as it may be.

And even if it IS I don't give a ****.

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